But that is the thing. Disney doesn't always go over budget because things go wrong, they are just really mismanaged from top to bottom. they waste money on stupid crap all the time. Their employees have no regards for what things cost because that is the culture they have lived in. It is waste, waste, waste. I remember talking to a guy who worked night shift maintenance at MK. He told me a story where he told his co-workers to bring in the tools when they were done. Well they didn't listen, because they didn't care. It rained and some of the tools got messed up as they were not outdoor type stuff. So they had to buy new stuff. The employees didn't care and the management just paid for it and didn't yell at the guys for what they had done. Things like that is why Disney's budgets are large to begin with and they always go over budget. They are not running an efficient company at all. Where Uni is running more efficient and their culture is WAY different.
Culture makes a big difference. I remember hearing stories of the money that was blown at my company in the heyday of print. They said it was like no one cared what things cost. They would have limos wrapped around the building just waiting for an exec or editor that might need it. Everything always had to be the most expensive because that was the best, right? Obviously print is no longer what it used to be and now they cut every corner they can possibly cut. Disney is odd, because they make cuts while still not cleaning up their over spending. I feel like everything is coming to a head for Disney though and some of the management changes I think are showing that.