I don't think it has to do with being a local or a tourist who comes every so many years. I know locals who like all parks equally, I know locals who like Disney more than Universal, and I know locals who like Universal slightly more. And when I say slightly I mean they still have annual passes for both Disney and Universal. I know one local who has Universal and not Disney annual passes, but I know a ton of locals who have Disney and not Universal. The one that has Universal just moved down here and wanted to try something new. Last time I talked to them they were not really into Universal. They made the comment a lot of people make that they have to put 3D glasses on too much. So they plan on trying Disney when their Universal passes expire. I also know locals who only have Sea World or have Sea World with other passes. So it seems to be all over the place with the people I personally know. Now there are a ton of locals on this board that only have Universal and not Disney, so obviously those type of people exist too. I really just think it depends on the type of family you are more than whether you are local or a tourist. The people who visit here that I know go to either Disney only or visit Disney and Universal. No one I know who has visited here only goes to Universal, but again there are a ton of people on this board that only go to Universal.
The age ranges and family situations of everyone I know are all over the place. But I think certain people just prefer certain things over other things. No one seems to complain about nothing new at Disney and equally as much no one talks about all the new stuff at Universal. The common thing between everyone is they just want to have a good time. And sometimes they are able to have more of a good time at Disney and other families have more of a good time at Universal. I don't think it makes either family more or less correct as it is all opinions. We all have them and we all have the right to have different ones.
One thing I noticed is when I talk up Universal I seem to be the odd one out. Many locals and tourist still look at Universal as the thrill only park that has less customer service as Disney and less theming. They feel more immersed and feel more special. Whatever that means. Even my own husband would happily go to Disney any time I say let's go to Disney where Universal I have to plan in advance and prepare him because he just doesn't like it as much. He also tends to be more grumpy there and point out the negatives more. So everyone is different. It is why I take my daughter by myself sometimes as I have a better experience without him. Of course my daughter wasn't feeling well and I felt like I was with my husband again, but I am pretty sure it was because her tummy was bothering her and all the rides made her tummy flip around.
Now I will say that Diagon Alley he really likes and he likes the food there. That was the other thing, my husband never could find yummy food at Universal. So I am hoping that with Diagon that I might talk him into going more often. We will see.