Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 73 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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That's Mr. Admin/Owner/All-Seer. :lol:

Friendly reminder to all that any pictures of leaked blueprints will be deleted. Has to be legitimately obtained/released.

That's Mr. Admin/Owner/All-Seer. :lol:

Friendly reminder to all that any pictures of leaked blueprints will be deleted. Has to be legitimately obtained/released.


Ha! Funny!

Gotcha, makes sense. I appreciate the information, your OrlandoUnited-ness :)

I will now slink back into the shadows, where I belong.
The best part of all of this and mind you I want Avatar to be a success. Is to go back and read all of the negative remarks people made about the FJ on certain Disney boards. I mean really go back and read the very first reviews when everyone was AMAZED here and then read the reviews from the same time frame on a Disney fan board and see all the bashing of using video screens and sections of motion simulation. If Disney would of built this they would of used AA's and never used all these screens. AA's tell the story so much better than screens do. Thats all Universal does is use screens. Just wait until 2011 when Disney announces the Potter destroyer that will make the FJ look even more pathetic then it is.

FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY when plans of a Soarin style motion simulator using screens for Avatar were leaked.
The same people kid you not. Screens are great to use, you know sometimes their are things that need to be portrayed in an attraction that AA's can't do. Its going to be the best screen based or media based attraction ever created.

Then I got into a thread about how Star Tours was better than the FJ. I pissed myself I laughed so hard.
The best part of all of this and mind you I want Avatar to be a success. Is to go back and read all of the negative remarks people made about the FJ on certain Disney boards. I mean really go back and read the very first reviews when everyone was AMAZED here and then read the reviews from the same time frame on a Disney fan board and see all the bashing of using video screens and sections of motion simulation. If Disney would of built this they would of used AA's and never used all these screens. AA's tell the story so much better than screens do. Thats all Universal does is use screens. Just wait until 2011 when Disney announces the Potter destroyer that will make the FJ look even more pathetic then it is.

FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY when plans of a Soarin style motion simulator using screens for Avatar were leaked.
The same people kid you not. Screens are great to use, you know sometimes their are things that need to be portrayed in an attraction that AA's can't do. Its going to be the best screen based or media based attraction ever created.

Then I got into a thread about how Star Tours was better than the FJ. I pissed myself I laughed so hard.

Links? PM of course :lol:
The best part of all of this and mind you I want Avatar to be a success. Is to go back and read all of the negative remarks people made about the FJ on certain Disney boards. I mean really go back and read the very first reviews when everyone was AMAZED here and then read the reviews from the same time frame on a Disney fan board and see all the bashing of using video screens and sections of motion simulation. If Disney would of built this they would of used AA's and never used all these screens. AA's tell the story so much better than screens do. Thats all Universal does is use screens. Just wait until 2011 when Disney announces the Potter destroyer that will make the FJ look even more pathetic then it is.

FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY when plans of a Soarin style motion simulator using screens for Avatar were leaked.
The same people kid you not. Screens are great to use, you know sometimes their are things that need to be portrayed in an attraction that AA's can't do. Its going to be the best screen based or media based attraction ever created.

Then I got into a thread about how Star Tours was better than the FJ. I pissed myself I laughed so hard.

I approve this message.
The best part of all of this and mind you I want Avatar to be a success. Is to go back and read all of the negative remarks people made about the FJ on certain Disney boards. I mean really go back and read the very first reviews when everyone was AMAZED here and then read the reviews from the same time frame on a Disney fan board and see all the bashing of using video screens and sections of motion simulation. If Disney would of built this they would of used AA's and never used all these screens. AA's tell the story so much better than screens do. Thats all Universal does is use screens. Just wait until 2011 when Disney announces the Potter destroyer that will make the FJ look even more pathetic then it is.

FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY when plans of a Soarin style motion simulator using screens for Avatar were leaked.
The same people kid you not. Screens are great to use, you know sometimes their are things that need to be portrayed in an attraction that AA's can't do. Its going to be the best screen based or media based attraction ever created.

Then I got into a thread about how Star Tours was better than the FJ. I pissed myself I laughed so hard.

We might be talking about two different sites here but, on another Disney fansite, one of the knuckle heads over there said that the leaked plans have already trumped Universal's November 1 announcement about Transformers, win for Disney. I mean, um, really? The reaction to the leaked plans were kind of MEH at best.

Fanboys are their own worst enemy.
We might be talking about two different sites here but, on another Disney fansite, one of the knuckle heads over there said that the leaked plans have already trumped Universal's November 1 announcement about Transformers, win for Disney. I mean, um, really? The reaction to the leaked plans were kind of MEH at best.

Fanboys are their own worst enemy.

Two points quick.

I hate the term fanboy. It belittles another side's opinion and world view. I don't agree with the idea, but in their own world it is more important. Just a small rant, nothing against ya. ;)

I don't think that any rational person can see that leaked blueprints for a possible expansion are better than an actual announcement with actual construction. Depending on what Universal announces, it's possible that an Avatar announcement during the December New Fantasyland press event could over shadow some Universal announcements. But even if it does for a few months, people get bored of dirt being pushed around when an attraction actual opens, with all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it.
you know, Someone was talking about different ways for the theaters to be done... I remember the Robocoaster booth had something interesting for past 2 years at IAAPA...

That's even worse than the Vekoma one.

How the heck are they supposed to fit these kind of vehicles into the story? With Soarin at least it makes sense. But Avatar? They just have hang gliders laying around?
That's even worse than the Vekoma one.

How the heck are they supposed to fit these kind of vehicles into the story? With Soarin at least it makes sense. But Avatar? They just have hang gliders laying around?

What is so bad about these simulator designs? It's a simulator, the design of the cars won't have too huge of an impact. You're going to sit in front of a screen and move around. So what exactly about these simulator types bothers you so much?
I think the attraction looks fine. By the time it's out, it'll be better than any of the other new attractions added in AK in the last 8 years or so. Oh wait..
Ya know what'd be totally BA is if they just weld 6 of them there motorbikes, oops Flyin' Dragon Thingys, to one of them Flight Simulator beams. Stadling something like that being jostled around in front of a 3D HD Screen sounds like a whiz bang attraction to me.

Just Sayin'.
What is so bad about these simulator designs? It's a simulator, the design of the cars won't have too huge of an impact. You're going to sit in front of a screen and move around. So what exactly about these simulator types bothers you so much?

Just feel like it takes away from the story, which is what Disney prides themselves comes first when designing their attractions.

Like Star Tours. The ride vehicle makes sense. Tower of Terror. The ride vehicle makes sense. The ride vehicle is one of the main parts of the story.

When I think of a next gen simulator based on Avatar, the first thing that comes to mind are the choppers. They could hold a decent amount of passengers and it would fit with the story. A bunch of suspended benches does not...
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