Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 95 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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haha good it really comes down to the land and attractions themselves..look at Mysterious Island at TDS..great e ticket and great themed land basically with no IP...considered some of wdi's best work

That's exactly how I see it. If the sequel does great and is as highly regarded as the original, and the attraction is great and not another omnimover than we have real potential.
I just think Disney went overkill with this, one attraction would have been fine even an e-ticket and some themeing around but a whole land is it a bit much. Hopefully it will be themed amazingly and will stand out. On film topic I think the second will be a box-office hit but being a poor showing. And it will decline from there, I just don't see where they can go from here.
Avatar merits a land. Avatar in itself is a universe just like potter and just like Star Wars. With something this deep you have SO many possibilities of what you could do. Success/Failure will depend on what they do with the ride, how they theme the planet, and how immersive they are with the universe. Hogsmeade immerses you in the land just as Jurassic Park does. Why? Because up until you hit the Castle you cant see ANYTHING outside of Hogsmeade besides what you're supposed to see (unless you go to the waterfront). If avatar can succesfully immerse the guest all the while bringing EXCITING yet family adventures, I think Disney will easily add itself back on to the map of substantial additions. Quite honestly Universal is my all time favorite, Cedar Point behind it but I so want Disney to give me a reason to visit. PLEASE.
I think the issue with Avatar is that we are analyzing the lasting power of this franchise while it's developing. There are so many franchises that have lasting power, but that doesn't mean they are going to bring people into a theme park.
We won't truly know the lasting power of this franchise until the sequels release.
Avatar merits a land. Avatar in itself is a universe just like potter and just like Star Wars. With something this deep you have SO many possibilities of what you could do. Success/Failure will depend on what they do with the ride, how they theme the planet, and how immersive they are with the universe. Hogsmeade immerses you in the land just as Jurassic Park does. Why? Because up until you hit the Castle you cant see ANYTHING outside of Hogsmeade besides what you're supposed to see (unless you go to the waterfront). If avatar can succesfully immerse the guest all the while bringing EXCITING yet family adventures, I think Disney will easily add itself back on to the map of substantial additions. Quite honestly Universal is my all time favorite, Cedar Point behind it but I so want Disney to give me a reason to visit. PLEASE.

Hey me too! lol Universal Orlando and Cedar Point are my favorite parks for sure. But I don't compare Avatar to Harry Potter or Star Wars at all. The possibilities for attractions and or themed ideas are almost endless for Potter and Wars. Even if I enjoyed the movie I just don't see all the potential. I mean you got Avatars, the forest and some of the creatures. That's about it. It doesn't make me excited at all. I think I agree with what some people have said that it should have a top E-Ticket attraction and some themed land.
Hey me too! lol Universal Orlando and Cedar Point are my favorite parks for sure. But I don't compare Avatar to Harry Potter or Star Wars at all. The possibilities for attractions and or themed ideas are almost endless for Potter and Wars. Even if I enjoyed the movie I just don't see all the potential. I mean you got Avatars, the forest and some of the creatures. That's about it. It doesn't make me excited at all. I think I agree with what some people have said that it should have a top E-Ticket attraction and some themed land.

Don't forget the unobtanium :pound:
We won't truly know the lasting power of this franchise until the sequels release.

Avatar has one movie. Come 2015 we can talk about the true lasting power of the franchise as a whole. Until it's a game of unknowns.

Totally agree guys.

In an awards ceremony for The Matrix, Joel Silver said "if you liked this one, just wait until you see what we bring you for the next two!". Now, that was a good 13 years ago so I'm slightly paraphrasing, but I can't help worrying history may repeat itself here. You'd like to think Cameron wouldn't **** it up but......

Still not sure there's enough material here for a whole "land"
Totally agree guys.

In an awards ceremony for The Matrix, Joel Silver said "if you liked this one, just wait until you see what we bring you for the next two!". Now, that was a good 13 years ago so I'm slightly paraphrasing, but I can't help worrying history may repeat itself here. You'd like to think Cameron wouldn't **** it up but......

Still not sure there's enough material here for a whole "land"

I UNDERSTAND what you are saying but i dont think the matrix is even near the level avatar is in terms of popularity.... the matrix trilogy made about half what avatar made for world wide gross
I UNDERSTAND what you are saying but i dont think the matrix is even near the level avatar is in terms of popularity.... the matrix trilogy made about half what avatar made for world wide gross

Dude, you don't need to run the figures. I run a movie theatre - have done for 20 years. My point wasn't really relating to "gross" but the ability to continue being innovative and creative in a way that keeps us entertained. The Wachowskis simply failed in that respect. I doubt Cameron would, but what if....?
Accio, think with your imagination! lol. There is the scene where the two avatars...have "sex"? Im not saying that should be an attraction ( :lol: ) but you could have trails that go back through there with animatronic animals etc... (seeing as to how this is animal kingdom) and you could atleast have two rides in there. One being the main adventure (dark ride featuring spidey like tech) and a small kiddie coaster that resembles those dragon things! (Shows how much I know about avatar haha) but you could have restaraunts and shops themed to the headquarters of the military. TONS of possibilities. I LIKED the movie, nothing more than liked it but there is a lot they could do here. Heck they could even make an interactive game that turns you into the Avatar and you have to go on some mission or something. Heck I dont know let your imagination run wild!
i get the since that the majority of this land will be indoors with a large area to walk around and be engulfed in pandora with the rides off of this show room...similar to The Land at Epcot but bigger

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Dude, you don't need to run the figures. I run a movie theatre - have done for 20 years. My point wasn't really relating to "gross" but the ability to continue being innovative and creative in a way that keeps us entertained. The Wachowskis simply failed in that respect. I doubt Cameron would, but what if....?

Since you ve worked in the biz for so long i ve always wondered when i pay my 10.00 for a movie what % goes to the theatre and what goes to Movie Co?
I don't think everyone realizes how barren Animal Kingdom truly is for your typical tourist. If you don't feel like taking the time to explore the exhibits and smaller shows, it's extremely lacking. This thing will be a hit simply because of how desperate people are for something new.
It's looking more and more like the TEA attendance estimates are a fabrication and attendance at DHS and DAK are in freefall. They realize they need to stop the bleeding. This is probably why EC, DHS, and DAK are now priced lower than MK (EC makes it up in booze sales.)
AECOM just pulling numbers out of thin air does nothing for them. Economic research is a big part of their business.

And honestly, using the argument that they don't have conventions or what not is ludicrous in the first place. The great majority of IP's don't hold conventions. I don't hear of many conventions for Song of the South or Twilight Zone, but they make two of the best rides in WDW. I don't know how many times it needs to be said that the IP isn't everything. As long as there are quality attractions - preferably at least one mega E on the level of FJ, TF or Spidey (which Disney has still yet to do) - and true to the movie theming, I don't see why it can't be a great, immersive environment.

Everyone is just getting so stuck on the IP, most saying they should do something Star Wars instead. Guess what? They likely are doing both! Besides, SW would fit worse in DAK than Avatar does.
The difference is that Avatar was not chosen for its story qualities, but its potential as a franchise. Merchandise and conventions (where lots of merchandise can be moved) not being present are relevant because they are now more important to Disney than the actual substance of the land.
Accio, think with your imagination! lol. There is the scene where the two avatars...have "sex"? Im not saying that should be an attraction ( :lol: ) but you could have trails that go back through there with animatronic animals etc... (seeing as to how this is animal kingdom) and you could atleast have two rides in there. One being the main adventure (dark ride featuring spidey like tech) and a small kiddie coaster that resembles those dragon things! (Shows how much I know about avatar haha) but you could have restaraunts and shops themed to the headquarters of the military. TONS of possibilities. I LIKED the movie, nothing more than liked it but there is a lot they could do here. Heck they could even make an interactive game that turns you into the Avatar and you have to go on some mission or something. Heck I dont know let your imagination run wild!

I was saying with Potter and Wars the possibilities are endless. But with Avatar you basically have to force ideas into attractions. I could see a coaster and a main dark ride for Avatar. Anything else for me would be pushing it. Just seems silly to me compared to other IP's, I'm sorry lol
I don't think everyone realizes how barren Animal Kingdom truly is for your typical tourist. If you don't feel like taking the time to explore the exhibits and smaller shows, it's extremely lacking. This thing will be a hit simply because of how desperate people are for something new.

This. I last visited AK back in summer 2006 (shortly after EE opened). I've since been back to Orlando twice in the 6-7 years since then and neither time did we visit AK. There's nothing there!
I was saying with Potter and Wars the possibilities are endless. But with Avatar you basically have to force ideas into attractions. I could see a coaster and a main dark ride for Avatar. Anything else for me would be pushing it. Just seems silly to me compared to other IP's, I'm sorry lol

I think you could have a dark ride (like Pirates), flight simulator (like Vekomas Pandoras box), or a coaster...I think this land could be very similar in themeing to Mysterious Island at TDS...Greta E ticket with great themeing equals success...i dont compare it to those other IPs because because it doesnt need to be compared..if its well done it will do what its supposed to do, which is keep people at DAK longer
AECOM just pulling numbers out of thin air does nothing for them. Economic research is a big part of their business.

The difference is that Avatar was not chosen for its story qualities, but its potential as a franchise. Merchandise and conventions (where lots of merchandise can be moved) not being present are relevant because they are now more important to Disney than the actual substance of the land.

not being snarky and im over debating the merits of avatar but there are avatar conventions out fact one in July in DC
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