Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 97 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Of course anything can look cool. But 1. They will have to pull that off. Possible but from the art we have scene it does not seem like they are doing that. 2. Does not automatically make it a great attraction if it only has just great visuals.
We can only go off of what could be at the moment.
would you at least recognize that the bioluminesent flora and fauna along the with the floating mountains and pandoran nights could look incredible with a theme of conservation and living in harmony in nature...its hard to compare it to independance day in terms of theme park lands

That would look very cool, but Avatar as a property does not have a lock on any of those things. It could have been done without a massive capital investment for the rights.
Of course anything can look cool. But 1. They will have to pull that off. Possible but from the art we have scene it does not seem like they are doing that. 2. Does not automatically make it a great attraction if it only has just great visuals.
We can only go off of what could be at the moment.

where is the art that you ve seen? the guy who created most of mysterious island (Zholt Hormay) is the guy in charge of this project and that is considered one of WDI's great accomplishments

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That would look very cool, but Avatar as a property does not have a lock on any of those things. It could have been done without a massive capital investment for the rights.

but there is a large audience of fans for fact there is an avatar convention coming up in july next month...
so make a great land tie it in to a solid IP that is just beginning with two more films coming out knock it out with a great E ticket
Its not a weak argument. Its a legitimate business concern for the suits. They jumped on Avatar in 2010 when Iger wanted it. The movie had just left theaters with its records.

Quality of an actual attraction will out for sure. But clearly that is not what they are going for if they paid all the money to Fox to use the rights. Otherwise they would just build Beastly Kingdom. That would bring Haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain to a more valid argument. But they are not. They have a lot of investment on this being just Avatar and having the rights to it. Same reason Pirates does not just stand on its own when they had the chance to cram synergy from movies to sell more merchandise. Same way they tried to make films have that success for other rides but have failed so far at others.

Also, as a funny side note you are wrong about Twlight Zone. Twilight Zone has merchandise at ToysRUs. I know because I was there the other day when I had this thought of Avatar not being represented in any appeal at placees in comparison to virtually anything else in pop culture. Although I am sure only the novelty collectors by them. There is a market for it. Its a pop culture staple. Same goes for Uncle Remus' stories of Brer Fox stories(especially to the adult generation of Baby Boomers when it opened and before the movie was banned. You do realize besides being a big hit for the company and a popular title it had a big theatrical re-release in 1980 right? But I agree quality will out. Just pointing out the facts.

Avatar is liike Independence Day. Everyone loved it when it came out. Now it is good for watching on TNT or TBS.
It is a very weak argument. Just because Toys R Us does not have any toys, that means merchandise will not sell in WDW? Slap the Disney tag on a Na'vi plush, and the thing will sell. Duffy sells pretty well. Find one at your local Toys R Us lately?

My local Toys R Us does not sell any Twilight Zone toys. So, you can walk into yours and buy a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror model hotel, or action figure? Well gee, golly that must prove Avatar sucks.

Oh and you know, you can also watch the beloved Pirates of the Caribbean on USA Network from time to time, and SPIKE is known to have Star Wars Marathons. I don't think Avatar being shown on FX or TNT or TBS is a knock on it at all. But keep up your weak arguments and hate.
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It is a very weak argument. Just because Toys R Us does not have any toys, that means merchandise will not sell in WDW? Slap the Disney tag on a Na'vi plush, and the thing will sell. Duffy sells pretty well. Find one at your local Toys R Us lately?

My local Toys R Us does not sell any Twilight Zone toys. So, you can walk into yours and buy a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror model hotel, or action figure? Well gee, golly that must prove Avatar sucks.

Oh and you know, you can also watch the beloved Pirates of the Caribbean on USA Network from time to time, and SPIKE is known to have Star Wars Marathons. I don't think Avatar being shown on FX or TNT or TBS is a knock on it at all. But keep up your weak arguments and hate.

I think you take things way too personally sir. There is no need to be condescending. Toys R Us was just an example on how to judge popular culture based merchandise. Not basing anything full proof on it. I would not compare the fanbase selling of Duffy. (although no doubt it makes money) to the worldwide pop culture status of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings Etc...

As far as the artwork I have seen. The only artwork I have seen is the same artwork anyone in general public has seen unless there is something new out. The art I am referring to is the picture of the model released in December.
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Avatar is liike Independence Day. Everyone loved it when it came out. Now it is good for watching on TNT or TBS.
Avatar still hasn't gotten it's chance to prove if it's a viable long term franchise though. Once the sequel comes out, we'll have a much better understanding of that. Right now and up until then, i'm not sure if anyone can quite equate how successful this can be in the long run. With that said however, if the expansion is great and immersive, why should I care? As long as the offerings are good, I don't care how the franchise does long term.
i wish HTF would chime in on what he has heard about this project

I cant unfortunately. What I've heard is so far fetched me just hinting at it would create chaos and I would prefer not to at the moment :look:
I think you take things way too personally sir. There is no need to be condescending. Toys R Us was just an example on how to judge popular culture based merchandise. Not basing anything full proof on it. I would not compare the fanbase selling of Duffy. (although no doubt it makes money) to the worldwide pop culture status of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings Etc...

As far as the artwork I have seen. The only artwork I have seen is the same artwork anyone in general public has seen unless there is something new out. The art I am referring to is the picture of the model released in December.

Not being condescending. Not taking things personally. Just pointing out the weak and silly argument that Avatar is not popular nor do people like it because:
1) Toys R Us does not sell any Avatar toys
2) Kids don't dress like Na'vi on Halloween
3) Avatar can we viewed on TNT, TBS, FX or whatever when there are hundreds of other "pop culture" friendly movies played on the same networks

Oh and Duffy was an example of throwing a Disney label on something and it sells.
But just like that, does not make it lasting. Duffy has not really been around forever and his popularity has already weened.

"So, you can walk into yours and buy a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror model hotel, or action figure? Well gee, golly that must prove Avatar sucks. "

It just reads a tad condescending. Never said it was not popular. Obviously it is wildly popular. But popularity is relative. When compared to Star Wars or Potter. The loyalty and fanbase is rather small. Maybe that will change over time but signs of business has already showed it dwindled a lot from the hype it initially had.
I still don't see why the popularity of this franchise matters so much to people. It has a fanbase and will grow more with upcoming movies. Comparing something to Star Wars or Potter is unfair to say the least. The only other IP's that could possibly compete at the same level right now are Star Trek or LOTR. To me, as long as they do their best to create a great area, that's all that matters and all people will truly care about as time goes on. Hopefully the new movies will grow the fanbase even more and it will become a much bigger thing than it is now. Going back and forth on this is pointless at this point, imo.
Its not a weak argument. Its a legitimate business concern for the suits. They jumped on Avatar in 2010 when Iger wanted it. The movie had just left theaters with its records.

Quality of an actual attraction will out for sure. But clearly that is not what they are going for if they paid all the money to Fox to use the rights. Otherwise they would just build Beastly Kingdom. That would bring Haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain to a more valid argument. But they are not. They have a lot of investment on this being just Avatar and having the rights to it. Same reason Pirates does not just stand on its own when they had the chance to cram synergy from movies to sell more merchandise. Same way they tried to make films have that success for other rides but have failed so far at others.

Also, as a funny side note you are wrong about Twlight Zone. Twilight Zone has merchandise at ToysRUs. I know because I was there the other day when I had this thought of Avatar not being represented in any appeal at placees in comparison to virtually anything else in pop culture. Although I am sure only the novelty collectors by them. There is a market for it. Its a pop culture staple. Same goes for Uncle Remus' stories of Brer Fox stories(especially to the adult generation of Baby Boomers when it opened and before the movie was banned. You do realize besides being a big hit for the company and a popular title it had a big theatrical re-release in 1980 right? But I agree quality will out. Just pointing out the facts.

Avatar is liike Independence Day. Everyone loved it when it came out. Now it is good for watching on TNT or TBS.

I've never been a fan of Avatar. I was dragged to go see it when it first came out. And I fell asleep during the movie lol But I do think it could make for a good E-Ticket.
I still don't see why the popularity of this franchise matters so much to people. It has a fanbase and will grow more with upcoming movies. Comparing something to Star Wars or Potter is unfair to say the least. The only other IP's that could possibly compete at the same level right now are Star Trek or LOTR. To me, as long as they do their best to create a great area, that's all that matters and all people will truly care about as time goes on. Hopefully the new movies will grow the fanbase even more and it will become a much bigger thing than it is now. Going back and forth on this is pointless at this point, imo.

It matters because the haters need a reason to hate the decision. Since they cannot come up with any good arguments, they need to toss out popularity. And the argument fails every time. They claim Avatar hasn't been entrenched in pop culture. I disagree. Robot Chicken has spoofed Avatar, just like they spoofed Star Wars and several other popular "pop culture" favs. Mad TV, when that terrible show was aired, spoofed Avatar. I am sure if we dig deep enough, Saturday Night Live spoofed it. Avatar has been mentioned in numerous TV shows, Disney Channel shows aimed at kids are some of the shows Avatar has been discussed.

The blu-ray has been (or at least was) the record holder for most units sold the first day/week being available to the public. The movie did not lose viewers or money after week one in the theater (like 99.9% of the movies do). Instead, it GAINED in box office draw for 6-8 weeks in a row. And let's not say that is only because of the visuals. Good word of mouth sent this movie to the record books. The audience is there. Haters just want to deny the obvious because their opinion is the only opinion that matters. They cannot fathom a movie they hated having a huge fan base or being adored by many in the population.

Barbie is insanely popular. Been a pop culture icon for how many decades now? Can be purchased on Amazon and found in every Toys R Us. Heck, my local Toys R Us has entire section of the store dedicated to Barbie. I guess, based on the fact Toys R Us sells tons of Barbie toys, that Disney should put in Barbie-land. I mean, this is how we are basing popularity and theme park additions now, right? What toys are on the shelves of Toys R Us?
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