Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 99 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Either way i'd think FotLK is definitely moving. There's nothing left in CMM and when they do expand there, the show needs to move.

Could this possibly have anything to do with spreading out costs with the upcoming DHS expansion?
Has there been any discussion on where precisely they would move FLK to in Africa? The only location that I can fathom is the large forest behind Dawa Bar... with entry to the immediate left after crossing the bridge.
Has there been any discussion on where precisely they would move FLK to in Africa? The only location that I can fathom is the large forest behind Dawa Bar... with entry to the immediate left after crossing the bridge.

That's the location that they've been working on for the new FLK location. Construction walls have been up behind Dawa for a few months now.
From Screamscape
I want to see an Avatar coaster like Manta. 1. Because I don't care to see a themed Avatar ride 2. Because I want another coaster in Ak and 3. Because I think the concept would be neat with the flying parts in the movie.
I want to see an Avatar coaster like Manta. 1. Because I don't care to see a themed Avatar ride 2. Because I want another coaster in Ak and 3. Because I think the concept would be neat with the flying parts in the movie.

I've always wanted a ride like that at Animal Kingdom! Or even a Wing Coaster (since Manta is right down the street at SWO).

Another? You call that dinoland thing a coaster? I think of it more as a multilevel pinball machine.

What about Expedition Everest? :lol:
Yeah I was going to say lol And also I actually enjoy the dino spin coaster lol I know its nothing special but I think it's fun.

About as much fun as sawing your own foot off, it looks awful too. That whole area is a sham shoehorned in with some tinpot back story. On the whole I like AK but this area sucks, Chester & Hester my sawn off foot!
That whole area is a sham shoehorned in with some tinpot back story.

I love that word! I first heard it used in the Broadway musical Evita a gazillion years ago.

Im another who thinks Primeval Whirl is just a fun coaster, although I do feel it doesn't belong in AK and that whole area is horrid.

The only thing I have ever seen that was decent in that area was Lucky the Dinosaur. That lasted about a month.
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