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Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon

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Parks and Rec was great, but It never got over the "Office Spin-off" category to me. I know a lot of people will say Community was great too..but I was personally never a fan.

Huge fan of Tina Fey, and pretty much everything she does.
Especially Tina's take on Sarah Palin and her striptease on one of Letterman's last shows.
Oh my, look what I've done.

The Office went too long. It should have ended when Carell left. Parks and Rec had a weak start, and suffered from constant cast changes. Community became inconsistent because of the drama between Chevy Chase and Dan Harmon.

Of the lot, 30 Rock felt the most cohesive. It slightly over stayed its welcome, though not by much.
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Oh my, look what I've done.

The Office went too long. It should have ended when Carell left. Parks and Rec had a weak start, and suffered from constant cast changes. Community became inconsistent because of the drama between Chevy Chase and Dan Harmon.

Of the lot, 30 Rock felt the most cohesive. It slightly over stayed its welcome, though not by much.
Yeah, 30 Rock stayed pretty consistent throughout it's run, something you can't say about the other three.
Community, while I enjoyed it's first few seasons, was too whacky to connect with the general public.

I love 30 Rock and Parks and Rec equally. Parks will always be higher on the totem pole than The Office for me, but I still love the show (at least before Carrell left).

Back then NBC at least had an identity for its sitcoms. Now, they all just kinda suck.
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I think they should change this ride to Race through Scranton with Dwight Schrute.

I definitely like the version we are getting better. While that would be cool, it would've been a "tiki room under new management" kind of deal where nobody who didn't know about theme park history would get it and the fans of the original show wouldn't be too happy with it
Can someone paraphase what was said on the podcast?

But You know what kills me, is that there was an orginal pitch for this attraction that was supposed to happen for the 25th anniversary. That was hilarious. The original pitch for this thing was that one morning people would walk into Universal Studios Florida and instead of the Twister marque, there would be a bed sheet hanging off of the Twister marquee in fine frat boy tradition that had been painted on it 'The Jimmy Fallon Attraction'. You begin to go through the queue of Twister but it's still the queue for Twister. You're meant to get the sense that Jimmy had broken in, so for example there are 2 TV sets for Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton, there was now going to be a third television added. Jimmy was very much in the style of Twister attraction and then the monitors would come on and Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt were like: 'What the hell?, wait a minute this is our attraction.' There would be this moment in the queue where they're trying to set up people for Twister and Jimmy keeps interrupting and then you enter the main hall of the attraction which is basically Jimmy taking all the props and effects for Twister and hammering them together for this new attraction but where this would have got truly genuinely weird is that the whole concept of the attraction is that every night when Jimmy is taping the Tonight Show they would go live to the Twister attraction. Jimmy suddenly comes on a monitor and is taking to audience members there and 'who's in my attraction and are you enjoying it?' 'Say yes, don't make me throw a cow at you'. It was one of these things that sounded like such a wonderful idea but in the end there were so many nights when the Tonight Show would tape at 5/6 o'clock in the afternoon in New York and there would be a lot of nights when the park would be closed at that time for Halloween Horror nights and nights when the park would be closed at 7 so they wouldn't get enough bang for the buck. It was a really funny gag, I loved the bed sheet over the marquee but it doesn't look all that professional and in the end they devolved back to this, lets go professional, let's do this right. It's going to be much in the style of the games, Jimmy now does with his guests as a regular part of the show, only now you're an audience member and you're playing a game with Jimmy Fallon like they do on the Tonight Show.

I typed this quick so there may be some mistakes.
Wow. That original concept sounds absolutely terrible. So the idea was to completely bastardize the Twister attraction by throwing Jimmy Fallon in there. No, thank you. At least Twister leaves with its dignity.
I like the idea of Jimmy actually interacting with people live on the ride. I think it could add a lot of life to the ride for people hoping to be involved in that segment coming back again and again.

I think it's almost a certaintiy for the first few weeks of the ride, it will happen.
Based on Jim Hill's description of this being like a game that Jimmy plays with a guest on the show... I'm going to assume that Jimmy challenges someone (Justin Timberlake, maybe) to a race across NY. We end up with Jimmy, and Justin/Guest loads up with a few other celebrity friends.

Close calls, interactions with the other "vehicle", and NY sights. Seems like a good possibility.