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SeaWorld Orlando's Future Plans

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I don't get it. Why redo the dolphin nursery?

If it was expanded or something I'd understand but they're literally just slapping on some fake coral and making some of the walls into glass for viewing.

Nothing about the animal habitat is being enhanced. It's like the sad addition of trees and totem poles around Shamu Stadium's tank.
It is one of the oldest habitats in the park and needed work. This is a safety improvement for guests as much as anything. Currently children cannot see into the tank without climbing up onto the fence around it. This will allow all guests to see the animals safely from the ground.

This is money well spent.
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I understand what you are saying but I don't think the critics would be satisfied with better conditions, they want them out of the animal business.

Animal Kingdom was in trouble at first, they had deaths and the critics went after them. It took a lot of money to get the critics to move on. They did - to sea world. I would not want to be in management at SW, it has no future.
The problem is without the GIANT corporation behind them with fingers in dozens of different pies like Disney has and AB had, they are much more vulnerable to these activists.
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They can't dump the critters.

They -can- change the enclosures to have everyone think they live in the nicest enclosure possible. See: Animal Kingdom.

Cats in a small apartment with lots of toys versus whale in a bathtub.
Sea World is known for being top notch in animal care...The Orcas are the problem....The only issue - the Orcas are the Nike swish of Sea World..It's a sticky and careful situation...I really see Sea World sticking around if they take the next couple of years with careful and calculated measures...People still love to see animals, but not in the same way as the 80's and 90's...This is very reminiscent of Universal in 2008...

I wish AB was still managing the parks...I feel this issue would already be solved
Sea World is known for being top notch in animal care...The Orcas are the problem....The only issue - the Orcas are the Nike swish of Sea World..It's a sticky and careful situation...I really see Sea World sticking around if they take the next couple of years with careful and calculated measures...People still love to see animals, but not in the same way as the 80's and 90's...This is very reminiscent of Universal in 2008...

I wish AB was still managing the parks...I feel this issue would already be solved
Yes, I agree with your astute evaluation. AB would've adapted & fixed any issues that popped up. They were a really good operating corporation. I just loved BGW when they ran it. It was my favorite park. The problem here, though, is that the overseers (Blackstone) that ran Universal into the ground are the same people that control Sea World. And there's no Harry Potter miracle on the horizon.
Yes, I agree with your astute evaluation. AB would've adapted & fixed any issues that popped up. They were a really good operating corporation. I just loved BGW when they ran it. It was my favorite park. The problem here, though, is that the overseers (Blackstone) that ran Universal into the ground are the same people that control Sea World. And there's no Harry Potter miracle on the horizon.
I agree, Blackstone is the issue here - not Sea World..I think a Harry Potter will come in the way of a coaster for SW or Busch to be perfectly honest...I remember when ShieKra was built for instance, It was new, different and boosted attendance at Busch to new highs
I agree, Blackstone is the issue here - not Sea World..I think a Harry Potter will come in the way of a coaster for SW or Busch to be perfectly honest...I remember when ShieKra was built for instance, It was new, different and boosted attendance at Busch to new highs
But they just built arguably the most reliable, comfortable, and mass appealing of that size coaster in the industry and attendance didn't get a huge boost. Part of the reason AB wouldn't have problems if they kept the parks is that they are (especially post merger), a worldwide company that could market the parks anywhere they wanted to. They could have bought rights to a serious IP after seeing the Potter success.
But they just built arguably the most reliable, comfortable, and mass appealing of that size coaster in the industry and attendance didn't get a huge boost. Part of the reason AB wouldn't have problems if they kept the parks is that they are (especially post merger), a worldwide company that could market the parks anywhere they wanted to. They could have bought rights to a serious IP after seeing the Potter success.
Plus AB would put the profits back into the parks. The parks under them were always in A1 shape. Blackstone sucks the profits out....If GE & Blackstone hadn't done the sale to Comcast, I bet they would have taken all the Hogsmeade profits out, and you would never have seen that money reinvested into the resort with new attractions/hotels/restaurants like Comcast did.The Hulk would be sitting there rusting away.
Plus AB would put the profits back into the parks. The parks under them were always in A1 shape. Blackstone sucks the profits out....If GE & Blackstone hadn't done the sale to Comcast, I bet they would have taken all the Hogsmeade profits out, and you would never have seen that money reinvested into the resort with new attractions/hotels/restaurants like Comcast did.The Hulk would be sitting there rusting away.
I imagine Universal would have had its closing ceremony already had Blackstone not sold..They are a terrible company
I imagine Universal would have had its closing ceremony already had Blackstone not sold..They are a terrible company
Yep. The Darth Vader of the corporate world. Unfortunately, most Investment Companies, are like that. They take a business, suck out the profits, use pension funds as their own cash , lay off employees, shut down factories, and then sell off what's left.
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Like any private equity company, they are just about making money for their investors, they don't care about the product just what they can get out of it. It's interesting that Blackstone was behind Six Flags when Premier Parks bought them from Time Warner, Universal when Seagrams got out of the business, then SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment when InBev sold them off. If I were Disney or Cedar Fair I'd be worried... :D
The idea that SeaWorld is top of the line in animal care is at odds with how the public feels they've treated orcas.

Acting like it's still good and everyone will come around eventually will kill the company.

They have to make overt improvements to the quality of life for the animals or they're never going to win in the court of public opinion.

Take that video of the dog tossed in the water for that new movie. People are outraged. You think it's the first time or even remotely outside of standard operating proceedure? Not at all. Sorry if you believe it is. The appearance of care and the idea that animals are treated well is what matters to the public. The reality never matches, but if you're in a public battle you have to make concessions.

As I hear constantly at work, "perception is reality."
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The idea that SeaWorld is top of the line in animal care is at odds with how the public feels they've treated orcas.

Acting like it's still good and everyone will come around eventually will kill the company.

They have to make overt improvements to the quality of life for the animals or they're never going to win in the court of public opinion.

Take that video of the dog tossed in the water for that new movie. People are outraged. You think it's the first time or even remotely outside of standard operating proceedure? Not at all. Sorry if you believe it is. The appearance of care and the idea that animals are treated well is what matters to the public. The reality never matches, but if you're in a public battle you have to make concessions.

As I hear constantly at work, "perception is reality."
I really don't think anyone here is arguing for Sea World to continue what it's doing...The activists have the mic right now..Sea World must bend to their will for a little while, but they can't lose their identity in the process..
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I really don't think anyone here is arguing for Sea World to continue what it's doing...The activists have the mic right now..Sea World must bend to their will for a little while, but they can't lose their identity in the process..

That's the issue - they refuse to bend. Blue World going forward would have been a big gold star for them. Canceling it is a big black eye.
They have bent to the criticism by ending breeding programs and eventually phasing out orcas all together. They are getting hell from their fans for bowing to AR group pressure and they getting hell from the AR groups for not releasing the orcas. There is no winning except to try and continue evolving into more traditional regional thrill based theme parks while gradually phasing out the sea life they were known for. That is what Manby is doing, and it is a challenge but it seems to be working with attendance making an upward turn on new attractions, events and offerings. The parks are still profitable and they are actually making more money on the lower attendance numbers.

Why spend hundreds of millions of dollars on new larger habitats for animals that are eventually being phased out? That is an admission to the AR groups that there is something wrong with what they are doing now and still won't silence the critics. Instead they are doing more with upgrades to the facilities they've got (water treadmills and other enhancements to improve the whales living conditions).
That's the issue - they refuse to bend. Blue World going forward would have been a big gold star for them. Canceling it is a big black eye.
You're absolutely right - huge mistake on that one...I think they're in a position of not wanting to tick off their passholders and wanting to move forward from the Blackfish fiasco...I know some people were devastated at the announcement of no more Orca breeding...Blue World would have been great for them, I think they saw it as a huge expendature that wouldn't have fully pleased those still sour from Blackfish...The only way to completely stop the bad PR is to end captivity...They can't release the Orcas into the wild due to them being domesticated, and here we are...
Personally, I will never agree with the breeding ban. I go to SeaWorld for the animals, and specifically, the orcas.

On that note, construction walls are finally up around the Dolphin Nursery and also Voyagers.
At least something is finally happening. I'm betting Midway Mayhem will be there soon enough with an overview of the construction progress.