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SeaWorld Orlando's Future Plans

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You're absolutely right - huge mistake on that one...I think they're in a position of not wanting to tick off their passholders and wanting to move forward from the Blackfish fiasco...I know some people were devastated at the announcement of no more Orca breeding...Blue World would have been great for them, I think they saw it as a huge expendature that wouldn't have fully pleased those still sour from Blackfish...The only way to completely stop the bad PR is to end captivity...They can't release the Orcas into the wild due to them being domesticated, and here we are...
They really need to figure out a way to redefine what SeaWorld is pretty quick or they're going to be in the same position as Ringlin Bros. You can't have a circus without elephants and you can't have SeaWorld without the orcas. The only solution is to significantly change what SeaWorld is or just wait until they go out of business.
They really need to figure out a way to redefine what SeaWorld is pretty quick or they're going to be in the same position as Ringlin Bros. You can't have a circus without elephants and you can't have SeaWorld without the orcas. The only solution is to significantly change what SeaWorld is or just wait until they go out of business.
I think the answer is some unique new attractions...Stop trying to compete with Uni and Disney...Give me some out new Mack, or Intamin concepts themed to the Sea

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I think the answer is some unique new attractions...Stop trying to compete with Uni and Disney...Give me some out new Mack, or Intamin concepts themed to the Sea

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I would like to see them drop the whole animal thing and just go a route kind of like Disney Sea.
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I think the answer is some unique new attractions...Stop trying to compete with Uni and Disney...Give me some out new Mack, or Intamin concepts themed to the Sea

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Yeah, there's an opening in the Orlando market for that type of park. It could work. The only downside is that it might cannibalize a portion of Tampa's attendance. But, bottom line they probably need to go in that direction, but still keep some of the animal shows to continue their family base demo. They always need to keep in mind that 33% of their attendance (Sea World's own stats) are foreign tourists who spend big money. My guess is the foreign tourists come for the animal shows, so they can't entirely get rid of the shows.
Personally, I will never agree with the breeding ban. I go to SeaWorld for the animals, and specifically, the orcas.

On that note, construction walls are finally up around the Dolphin Nursery and also Voyagers.

I agree 110% with you. SeaWorld is an animal park to me. Always has and always will be. I go every week and never step foot on a ride. Its seeing the shows and animal encounters that keeps me going. When One Ocean ends I will be done and my 15 years of being a platinum pass member will come to an end as well.
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I think the answer is some unique new attractions...Stop trying to compete with Uni and Disney...Give me some out new Mack, or Intamin concepts themed to the Sea

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If they actually put money into Atlantis (including simple maintenance costs) then they would already have a better version of this ride.

I would like to see them drop the whole animal thing and just go a route kind of like Disney Sea.
I'm not sure about the WHOLE thing, but I agree. I believe continuing the back of house animal stuff and some of the exhibits works. It's what makes them different.

The shows could continue, but there is no reason to have fireworks as a part of them. The big end of day shows should be on the center lake. A WoC, RoL, Illuminations, CineSpec like show would work best for them. That's what I'm hoping the big show for Electric Ocean is like.
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I'd personally like SeaWorld to begin removing shows as that seems to be the big issue for most, but then intergrate sea life into great attractions much like they have done with Manta and Mako. Having experiences that double up as a major attraction and an aquarium seem to work very well and it keeps what SeaWorld is about at heart. Then as mentioned above I could see them having a big show on the lake.
If they actually put money into Atlantis (including simple maintenance costs) then they would already have a better version of this ride.

I'm not sure about the WHOLE thing, but I agree. I believe continuing the back of house animal stuff and some of the exhibits works. It's what makes them different.

The shows could continue, but there is no reason to have fireworks as a part of them. The big end of day shows should be on the center lake. A WoC, RoL, Illuminations, CineSpec like show would work best for them. That's what I'm hoping the big show for Electric Ocean is like.
Yes, Atlantis upkeep is extremely poor...I thought of this as more of a compliment than a supliment
Sea World is better for young families with the shows that Univrsal is. You always see way more strolers everywhere there. I think they need to keep a certain number of shows and not lose sight of that market.
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I think the answer is some unique new attractions...Stop trying to compete with Uni and Disney...Give me some out new Mack, or Intamin concepts themed to the Sea

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If they go this route I will never step foot into SeaWorld again. They have enough coasters they need to add things for people who don't do coasters. That's the same reason I don't step foot in HersheyPark. The only type of rides they ever seem to add are rollercoasters. I still think they should turn the orca tanks into an attraction similar to Shark Encounter. I think that would be a good replacement for the Shamu show.
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I agree 110% with you. SeaWorld is an animal park to me. Always has and always will be. I go every week and never step foot on a ride. Its seeing the shows and animal encounters that keeps me going. When One Ocean ends I will be done and my 15 years of being a platinum pass member will come to an end as well.

Even when One Ocean is gone, I plan to still go for the whales. But when they are gone, I won't be going back. The only reason I haven't stopped going is because the whales are still there.
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The idea that SeaWorld is top of the line in animal care is at odds with how the public feels they've treated orcas.

Acting like it's still good and everyone will come around eventually will kill the company.

They have to make overt improvements to the quality of life for the animals or they're never going to win in the court of public opinion.

Take that video of the dog tossed in the water for that new movie. People are outraged. You think it's the first time or even remotely outside of standard operating proceedure? Not at all. Sorry if you believe it is. The appearance of care and the idea that animals are treated well is what matters to the public. The reality never matches, but if you're in a public battle you have to make concessions.

As I hear constantly at work, "perception is reality."
For the record, if you actually see the video then you would know the dog was never shown being tossed into the water. The title of multiple news sources made the assumption from the video, but it was never seen. That cut in the film could have been over seconds, minutes, hours, or even days. The dog may have later decided to pursue the jump without being tossed. The video may be showing a dog who was initially afraid, but gained enough courage to try the jump.

The perception is an assumption made to turn a call to action into money, which may or may not have distorted reality.
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If they go this route I will never step foot into SeaWorld again. They have enough coasters they need to add things for people who don't do coasters. That's the same reason I don't step foot in HersheyPark. The only type of rides they ever seem to add are rollercoasters. I still think they should turn the orca tanks into an attraction similar to Shark Encounter. I think that would be a good replacement for the Shamu show.
Hersheypark is easily the most successful park I have ever been to with no absolute standout rides apart from maybe lightning racer. Kenoebels, Kennywood, King's dominion BGW, even Great Adventure have more standouts that Hershey. I wish they would at least add a B&M hyper.
Hersheypark is easily the most successful park I have ever been to with no absolute standout rides apart from maybe lightning racer. Knoebels, Kennywood, King's dominion BGW, even Great Adventure have more standouts that Hershey. I wish they would at least add a B&M hyper.

As someone with a fear of heights there is not enough for me to do justify spending the money for the admission ticket. The last time I went there I spent more time eating than I did going on any rides. We do go to Knoebels at least once a year though. At least there you only have to pay for the rides that you actually go on. I think I have been to the Orlando parks more then I have Hersheypark despite living a 1/2 from Hershey. I think the direction that SeaWorld should go is to be like the Baltimore Aquarium but with rides. They should provide world class animal exhibits with an equal amount of coasters and family rides. I don't know if they have the land in Orlando for another park but I think building a Sesame Place there would also be good for them. I have no idea why SeaWorld hasn't taken advantage of the Sesame Street ip in Orlando.
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As someone with a fear of heights there is not enough for me to do justify spending the money for the admission ticket. The last time I went there I spent more time eating than I did going on any rides.
Haha, the food was the only way I was able to justify finally getting a pass. The dining plan made it worth it for me. I'm not a big fan of their coasters and don't like animals. My favorite ride there is the Skytower.
Sea World without animals would be a ghost town. It's the reason people go there. Bringing back a ski show would do a lot of good to increase attendance. No other park besides Lego Land has one anymore.

Anyone know how long the Dolphin nursery will be closed. I'm guessing it won't be open next week. (ha that would be the fastest refurb ever!) I'm glad they are redoing the enclosure. The dolphins that were in there were over 2 years old so the timing was right for them to get moved out and work to begin.
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The problem is there isn't much of an audience for a water ski show (which is why they got rid of it). Many theme parks used to do them and they all got rid of them (except Legoland/Cypress Gardens)