Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 498 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Mercy, gotta love these low to the ground outside ride photos. Look at all the extra marks on the pavement! Click pic for highres. Those weren't there 3 months ago. Are those intended as whistles to to the rfid readers to pay attention? :saywhat:


The level of detail in this attraction is amazing and truly a testament to Universal Orlando's success. I was at the park again today but my experience on Friday was literally perfect (from what I read in reviews with parts missing) so I wanted to let others enjoy it today. And honestly I just didnt want to chance it again with the most of the negative experiences coming from missing effects, bypasses etc. I am going to save my re-rides for once its officially open.
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I noticed that they start loading Rows 6 and 12 first depending on what side you chose (I chose the right).


If you manage to get into technical rehearsals for this ride and want to have the best experience possible: Right before the boarding area the line splits into 2 lines. Left will board the front rows of the vehicle and the right line will board the back rows starting from row 6. I want you all to enjoy the ride and they say row 6 is best but 6,7,8 are great and the right side of the vehicle is the best vantage point for maximum guts and slobber, with an excellent view of the Kong AA. Generally if you are polite to the TM loading they will take requests for seating.

There are 12 rows and it is possible that the left line will board row 6 but according to the TM on the right during my load he was instructed to board starting at row 6. But I would not chance it by taking a left at the split.

This is common knowledge to most of you: (in this example you are a party of 2)
But just to add to this If you are being instructed to go into a row where there are (for example) 3 people already in the boarding area for that row and then they instruct you to go to said row with 3 people in it, then you are now on the left side of the vehicle. Politely ask the TM if you may be seated in the next (empty) row so that you are on the right side of the vehicle. They will most likely want to make you happy and be helpful to you. If all rows are empty on approach just ask the TM kindly, may we please be in row 7. (most of the general public wont be asking since they are not UNITED!)
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Man... just watched the full ride through on Youtube... what a massive disappointment... Words allude me....

Do you often watch bootleg Cam videos of 3d Imax movies and enjoy them?

Can we start deleting reviews from people that are basing opinions on crappy POV's of a ride. I guarantee you have never experienced a ride vehicle as advanced as this one. The motion and the 4d aspects of this ride make it amazing and it is a 360 degree experience.
Mercy, gotta love these low to the ground outside ride photos. Look at all the extra marks on the pavement! Click pic for highres. Those weren't there 3 months ago. Are those intended as whistles to to the rfid readers to pay attention? :saywhat:


Forgot to mention that they have 3 - 4 wires duct taped to the ground on the left side of the doors running from inside to outside. Seems to be poorly spliced as well and of a temporary nature. Didn't look like structured cable just the grey speaker/low voltage with red and yellow 16 ga. inside the grey sheath. Duct tapes was peeling up and wires were not laid up smooth. Thought you might find that interesting.
Well considering 70% of the attraction is quite literally a movie being projected on a wall I would say yes, yes you can review it based on a Youtube video. "4D effects" oh you mean little squirts of water being shot at me, or air compressors blowing on me? Super exciting, never been done before effects right there. ;)

Is it really so hard for Comcast / Universal to just build an actual attraction anymore. I was so excited for this, I was so looking forward to this attraction being a breath of fresh banana scented air - but nooope just another simulator ride so Comcast can line it's pockets with more easy quick cash.
So spending 150 million dollars building the ride is so they can line their pockets? Bad opinions are bad.
Well considering 70% of the attraction is quite literally a movie being projected on a wall I would say yes, yes you can review it based on a Youtube video. "4D effects" oh you mean little squirts of water being shot at me, or air compressors blowing on me? Super exciting, never been done before effects right there. ;)

Is it really so hard for Comcast / Universal to just build an actual attraction anymore. I was so excited for this, I was so looking forward to this attraction being a breath of fresh banana scented air - but nooope just another simulator ride so Comcast can line it's pockets with more easy quick cash.
I'm guessing Frozen Ever After will be the best thing ever, amiright? :rolleyes:
The other day we were discussing on here how the overflow queue won't be used again after this summer. Having been in it now, I strongly disagree with that. When this hits 60-70+ I can definitely see the overflow being used when 3 vehicles are running since Express and Singles will slow standby.

If you manage to get into technical rehearsals for this ride and want to have the best experience possible: Right before the boarding area the line splits into 2 lines. Left will board the front rows of the vehicle and the right line will board the back rows starting from row 6. I want you all to enjoy the ride and they say row 6 is best but 6,7,8 are great and the right side of the vehicle is the best vantage point for maximum guts and slobber, with an excellent view of the Kong AA. Generally if you are polite to the TM loading they will take requests for seating.

There are 12 rows and it is possible that the left line will board row 6 but according to the TM on the right during my load he was instructed to board starting at row 6. But I would not chance it by taking a left at the split.

This is common knowledge to most of you: (in this example you are a party of 2)
But just to add to this If you are being instructed to go into a row where there are (for example) 3 people already in the boarding area for that row and then they instruct you to go to said row with 3 people in it, then you are now on the left side of the vehicle. Politely ask the TM if you may be seated in the next (empty) row so that you are on the right side of the vehicle. They will most likely want to make you happy and be helpful to you. If all rows are empty on approach just ask the TM kindly, may we please be in row 7. (most of the general public wont be asking since they are not UNITED!)
Thank you for the helpful advice!!! I'm so using it tomorrow because the front rows look horrible lol. Also don't feed trolls plz

If you manage to get into technical rehearsals for this ride and want to have the best experience possible: Right before the boarding area the line splits into 2 lines. Left will board the front rows of the vehicle and the right line will board the back rows starting from row 6. I want you all to enjoy the ride and they say row 6 is best but 6,7,8 are great and the right side of the vehicle is the best vantage point for maximum guts and slobber, with an excellent view of the Kong AA. Generally if you are polite to the TM loading they will take requests for seating.

There are 12 rows and it is possible that the left line will board row 6 but according to the TM on the right during my load he was instructed to board starting at row 6. But I would not chance it by taking a left at the split.

This is common knowledge to most of you: (in this example you are a party of 2)
But just to add to this If you are being instructed to go into a row where there are (for example) 3 people already in the boarding area for that row and then they instruct you to go to said row with 3 people in it, then you are now on the left side of the vehicle. Politely ask the TM if you may be seated in the next (empty) row so that you are on the right side of the vehicle. They will most likely want to make you happy and be helpful to you. If all rows are empty on approach just ask the TM kindly, may we please be in row 7. (most of the general public wont be asking since they are not UNITED!)

Thank you for the helpful advice!!! I'm so using it tomorrow because the front rows look horrible lol. Also don't feed trolls plz

You are so welcome Cole!!! I really hope you love this ride as much as I did!!! The front rows will be cool when we have all rode it 5 or 6 times and we just want to see what the AA driver looks like. Hopefully our driver doesnt skip their AA meetings.. ;)

You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to be calm and collected as he trashed this ride last night. I just had to log off. (not speaking about Cole, *cough* peter pan *cough*)

I also want to add that after being there Friday and Saturday I noticed something that we assumed would be what it was in photos. The fog. There really isnt much fog at all being pumped out in the queue any more if any at all. I always thought it would be this crazy misty fogged land. But its not. What Im thinking is that when the overflow queue is not being used they will fog it up to obscure it and also give the area the foggy vibe.
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If you manage to get into technical rehearsals for this ride and want to have the best experience possible: Right before the boarding area the line splits into 2 lines. Left will board the front rows of the vehicle and the right line will board the back rows starting from row 6. I want you all to enjoy the ride and they say row 6 is best but 6,7,8 are great and the right side of the vehicle is the best vantage point for maximum guts and slobber, with an excellent view of the Kong AA. Generally if you are polite to the TM loading they will take requests for seating.

There are 12 rows and it is possible that the left line will board row 6 but according to the TM on the right during my load he was instructed to board starting at row 6. But I would not chance it by taking a left at the split.

This is common knowledge to most of you: (in this example you are a party of 2)
But just to add to this If you are being instructed to go into a row where there are (for example) 3 people already in the boarding area for that row and then they instruct you to go to said row with 3 people in it, then you are now on the left side of the vehicle. Politely ask the TM if you may be seated in the next (empty) row so that you are on the right side of the vehicle. They will most likely want to make you happy and be helpful to you. If all rows are empty on approach just ask the TM kindly, may we please be in row 7. (most of the general public wont be asking since they are not UNITED!)

Sorry for the re-post but I wanted to make sure any members going that are following and may only read the last page of this thread see this before they get to experience the ride.
Sorry for the re-post but I wanted to make sure any members going that are following and may only read the last page of this thread see this before they get to experience the ride.

Just wanted to verify this advice! I rode twice on Friday, and was bummed to be on the far left during my first ride. During my second, my friend and I went to the right fork and asked if we could be on the right side of the ride vehicle. The TM was very nice and accommodated us. So yeah, ask nicely and hopefully your request will be granted!
No Kong for me today. Looks like I'll be waiting 2 more weeks until my real trip. I wanted to catch the soft opening but no dice. Everything should work much better then so I guess it's not a big deal.
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