A little off topic, and obviously due to the size of the building it wouldn't work, but I always thought (and I feel that the ride would've worked better if) there were two "cave scenes", during which the second we would've saved Kate (this would be in place of the bug scene), thereby giving a reason for Kong to protect us during the 360 scene, as I always thought the abyss that Kong landed us at the end of the 360 in was the bug pit, during which Kate would've shot the bugs and then Kong would've roared and scare them all away (an extra screen), and then we'd finally see the beast in person. I tried to avoid the POV as much as possible, and I was kind of shocked when the second scene was the bug scene, and from there I understood why people had problems with the story.
What I find the most interesting however was that, on my first ride, after the 360 scene concluded, I heard people clapping and saying "that was a fun ride", having no idea that the Kong AA was coming, so Universal definitely did a good job with the suspense, even though as enthusiasts we knew that scene was coming for many months.