Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading | Page 29 | Inside Universal Forums

Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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Orlando Theme Park News posted these great pics of the new "webbing" paintjob being applied to the Daily Bugle.



from UOR facebook page

Want to be one of the FIRST fans to put on the all-new 3-D “Spider-Vision” glasses and experience the completely re-animated The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man in amazing 4K Digital High-Def? Then get ready because tomorrow we’re giving YOU the chance to win – right here on our Facebook page!

edit:tomorrow we should find out if they will soft open depending on when they show winners to show up
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Hello board, it's been a while since I posted. But I posted back in Feb when the ride was first being shut down concerned how long it was going to be shut down. This was back on page 27 of this thread. Wow has it been expanded on it the past month. But anyways the reason why I posted is I am going to Universal for the very first time in March 10th. It has been my plans since late January. And I really want to experience all the iconic rides out of universal and from what I have heard, Spiderman is definately up there and is a very unique and amazing experience. So I was very sad to hear they shut it down indefinately until sometime in March. I just knew they weren't going to open it until late March so I was going to miss this iconic bit of Universal theme parks. So thats where my post on page 27 comes into play where I asked you guys the board of when you thought it might open based on info. THe answers I got was a 50/50 chance that it would be open by then and to hope for the best. Well I am just posting to let the ppl who remember me know, that 50/ 50 coin toss was in my favor! Just found out about the March 8th reopening date. Wow I am so stoked. Talk about cutting it close. Only 2 days from when I am going to be there lol.

This is great news for me. Not only will I be able to experience this ride for the first time instead of it being shut down while I am there but I will also be one of the first people to experience it in its HD re imagining. To finally see what this ride was meant to be like all along if it was not for 1999's limited visual technology. So thank you to the board members that rooted for this to happen. I will be sure to tell you guys about my experience with the ride when I get back.

--- Update ---

But P.S. Does anyone know if any attractions are scheduled to be shut down at either park (Universal or Islands of Adventure) during March 10th through March 11th 2012? Especially the big rides like the Hulk, Harry potter, and Dragon Challenge? If anyone has some information on this, I would appreciate it. I am hoping that everything will be open while I am there lol.

This is all you need and enjoy Spiderman its gonna be unbelievable.
I'm very excited to ride the ride again. :) It was already one of my favorites and this HD projection is just going to make it even better. I'll definitely be there on the 8th.
New Sneak Peak video from the new ride footage unlocked. This one I was looking forward to the second most after the Doc Oc brick wall breaking one, which is the sneak peak video after this Electro one. These really seem show show the faces of characters up close and in detail. http://www.theamazingadventuresofspider-manatuniversalorlando.com/

The faces of the characters look very detailed. The facial expressions are well done. We will be able to see more of their faces in the Doc Ock clip. Everyone like that page if you haven't already!
Theory as to why: Carnage is considered to be far too violent (google some of his comics, we're talking HHN style gore here.) Venom, while far more iconic, probably wouldn't have appeared very well in 3D - he's mostly black, appearing in a city-at-night setting. Scream isn't nearly as violent as Carnage and has lots of bright colors (not to mention the hair) to cement her appearance. It doesn't hurt that she's considered a female (and therefore the only female in the roster.)

actually in the comics scream was completely insane and loved to just torture victims out of all the separation anxiety symbioites she was the most twisted

i always found the whole fiasco with carnage laughable, he was used in islands of fear and then marvel pulled the plug, due to not liking the way they're character was portrayed

he's a bloody serial killer with an alien parasite
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Is there a reason you keep posting questions about URLs?

Just so you know, these forums shorten any long web address typed in their regular form and include a "..." in the middle. It is a legitimate URL, just click on it....

Sorry about the post, mostly being silly. The URL to the the site seems crazy complex and a pain to try and tell people. That what I was trying to go for.

And now I feel like a total n00b.
63 characters is the limit. As seen here in the world's longest domain:


Totally random question and I don't think I have seen it brought up once in this entire concept of updating for as long as I have been following this thread...

Is Japan's version of the ride going to get these upgrades as well? If they are very good and well received I imagine they will. Japan is on top of the theme park quality stuff and if the ride footage is already created anyway than the only thing that needs to change is whatever physical set upgrades they want to incorporate.

That being said I wonder if they are waiting and seeing if the one in FL is well received after reopening before jumping on board with the changes.
I'm sure it will be received well enough. What I think is needed is a correct translation for new voice actors for the Japan version, as well as a similar standby period, and they're off.

ALSO I entered the contest on Universal's Facebook page and I won! Agh! Haha! So my mother, sister, and I are all going after school Thursday. It was a nice little surprise. Just thought I'd mention it. :smiley:
I'm sure it will be received well enough. What I think is needed is a correct translation for new voice actors for the Japan version, as well as a similar standby period, and they're off.

ALSO I entered the contest on Universal's Facebook page and I won! Agh! Haha! So my mother, sister, and I are all going after school Thursday. It was a nice little surprise. Just thought I'd mention it. :smiley:

Congratulations! Hope you have fun! I am planning on being there on Thursday day to cover the reopening.

The ride is using the same audio for the new animation so forgive me but I am confused on what you mean by new voice actors.