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Super Nintendo World - Hollywood (General Discussion)

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I don't think it's possible based on my experience yesterday but maybe if you pushed the right buttons you could? We got into SNW right @ 8am and I was surprised to see that Toadstools was even open since a phone call with Universal told me it would only open with the park. There was no line so I wasn't 100% sure they were open or not, walked up to the greeter TMs and asked for/if I needed a reservation to head inside and they responded with "Nope! Head right on in!".

Leads me to believe they truly only go to that system once it gets too busy. Which was immediately at 9am. We were seated and dined during the early entry hour and stepped back out into the land just after opening and by then the queue wrapped all the way down the exit hallway (where the Thwomp Challenge exits) and back out past the entrance of Mario Kart. -and again, this was on a rainy Monday.

Maybe if you ask the right person or really pressed for it they could hand you a return time? I'm not sure but in case not, I would cozy up to the idea of short rib and pasta for breakfast like we had. Even with hardly anyone seated it took quite a while for our food to come out. I can't imagine what the inside of that restaurant must've felt like later in the day.

Games had long lines all day too, even in the rain. Use your early hour to play games and head into Toadstool Cafe'. If the Mario Kart line gets bad you can always single rider it (we never waited more than a few minutes each time). I can't stress it enough.
Man, it sounds a bit tough if you want to bring a friend for the first time, because I'm sure my friends would love to do everything in the land. Could it work if you tried to breeze through the games, character photos, Mario Kart, and then finish at Toadstool's before they start letting everyone else in? I think for that matter, checking in with Toadstool's at your first stop seems ideal to see how they're handling operations during the early hour.
Man, it sounds a bit tough if you want to bring a friend for the first time, because I'm sure my friends would love to do everything in the land. Could it work if you tried to breeze through the games, character photos, Mario Kart, and then finish at Toadstool's before they start letting everyone else in? I think for that matter, checking in with Toadstool's at your first stop seems ideal to see how they're handling operations during the early hour.

My brother was supposed to join us yesterday (would have been his first time) but couldn't make it. Looking back on our morning, I would say it's actually pretty doable if you do it in the right order.

First to note is that we were allowed into the park and down the Starway before the 8am early entry began, so get there early. When we walked in, Mario Kart was posted at a 30 minute wait, Toadstool had no line and neither did the games. We went for Mario Kart's standby queue first (which only ended up being like a 15 or 20 minute wait). Then went to Toadstools. Then the park opened and the lines for the cafe' and games got crazy (except for Thwomps for some reason.. maybe folks don't know it's hidden in there, not helped by the Toadstool line hiding it).

So if you go in right at the start of early entry and hop from game, to game, to game, to game and head to Toadstools, I think you could make it work. Characters weren't out because of the rain so I can't speak to how long their lines would have been. But Mario Kart's queue is sort of obnoxious because of the videos you are forced to watch in the video rooms so I don't think I would risk trying to work that into your early entry.. unless you want to use Single Rider.

The absolute greatest part of the Single Rider queue is skipping all the videos you're forced to watch so if you utilized it and your group doesn't mind hustling, I think you'd be safe.

So maybe: enter -> games -> single rider Mario Kart -> Toadstool Cafe'?

Whatever you do, do the cafe' last in your hour. The time it takes to order, be seated and wait for your food will otherwise totally drain your extra hour. I wish I could speak to the character interactions but they weren't offered yesterday, sorry.
I don't usually upload stuff to YouTube but just for this discussion, I will share a video I took yesterday of Mario Kart's single rider queue. I know pretty much everyone here is a proper park-goer and knows about it already but for anyone reading who wonders why I recommend it so much, this is why.

The video is only 2 minutes long but I think that makes it all the more impressive of an option if you're willing to separate your party to save time. If you want to sneak Mario Kart into your early entry hour AND do the other things before crowds get nuts, I think this is the play.

(-and yes, I know it's shot vertically. It was originally just meant to be shared with some friends and family, so sorry!)
SR for mario kart has been blown up so much online to the point that it rarely actually saves much time anymore when SNW is not empty. There's even articles about it now. Whenever there is some sort of "hack" or whatever, people shouldn't share en mass if you want it to stay actually useful. SR isn't some big secret but for some reason the tik toks really ruined it for this ride.
SR for mario kart has been blown up so much online to the point that it rarely actually saves much time anymore when SNW is not empty. There's even articles about it now. Whenever there is some sort of "hack" or whatever, people shouldn't share en mass if you want it to stay actually useful. SR isn't some big secret but for some reason the tik toks really ruined it for this ride.
I hate Tik Tok. Influencers ruin everything.
SR for mario kart has been blown up so much online to the point that it rarely actually saves much time anymore when SNW is not empty. There's even articles about it now. Whenever there is some sort of "hack" or whatever, people shouldn't share en mass if you want it to stay actually useful. SR isn't some big secret but for some reason the tik toks really ruined it for this ride.

Wasn't aware of this, sorry. Then again, I don't have a tiktok and this is my first unlisted video I've shared in eight years. :lol:

That said, I think the advice to utilize it in an effort to save time still applies to early entry, as is the case here. I can't say with certainty but it stands to reason they only sell a certain amount of early entry tickets for each morning and I have to assume that number must be pretty similar regardless of it being a rainy Monday or a busy summer Saturday because in both cases the land has the same capacity.

As of the night before/morning we went, early entry was sold out. Which I take to mean that the early entry crowd we experienced is as bad as it's going to possibly get for people who pay for the extra hour. -and using the Single Rider line in this instance, allows you to do more with your extra hour because you are spending less time watching the instructional videos or making small talk with TMs in the room before about which Nintendo console generation is best (something they were doing on the morning we visited).

But you're probably right about it being a waste if you were to use it during normal business hours on a busy summer weekend. I'm just saying it's a solid choice to save time during early entry if you're hellbent on doing everything before the park opens to day Guests.
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Whether the single rider line is packed depends almost entirely on whether it's a tourist-heavy day or a locals-heavy day. Tourists don't like to separate, locals don't care. I've seen the ride with a two hour wait without hardly anyone in the single rider queue... and then a forty minute standby wait with at least a thirty minute single rider queue.
Wasn't aware of this, sorry. Then again, I don't have a tiktok and this is my first unlisted video I've shared in eight years. :lol:

Oh no the cat is already out of the bag hahah you're good

Whether the single rider line is packed depends almost entirely on whether it's a tourist-heavy day or a locals-heavy day. Tourists don't like to separate, locals don't care. I've seen the ride with a two hour wait without hardly anyone in the single rider queue... and then a forty minute standby wait with at least a thirty minute single rider queue.

Ever since opening I've just seen it slammed to the outside area near the bowser head lol I haven't been able to ride without giving it around an hour for 3 visits in a row

I had more success during softs and early in my preview.
My brother was supposed to join us yesterday (would have been his first time) but couldn't make it. Looking back on our morning, I would say it's actually pretty doable if you do it in the right order.

First to note is that we were allowed into the park and down the Starway before the 8am early entry began, so get there early. When we walked in, Mario Kart was posted at a 30 minute wait, Toadstool had no line and neither did the games. We went for Mario Kart's standby queue first (which only ended up being like a 15 or 20 minute wait). Then went to Toadstools. Then the park opened and the lines for the cafe' and games got crazy (except for Thwomps for some reason.. maybe folks don't know it's hidden in there, not helped by the Toadstool line hiding it).

So if you go in right at the start of early entry and hop from game, to game, to game, to game and head to Toadstools, I think you could make it work. Characters weren't out because of the rain so I can't speak to how long their lines would have been. But Mario Kart's queue is sort of obnoxious because of the videos you are forced to watch in the video rooms so I don't think I would risk trying to work that into your early entry.. unless you want to use Single Rider.

The absolute greatest part of the Single Rider queue is skipping all the videos you're forced to watch so if you utilized it and your group doesn't mind hustling, I think you'd be safe.

So maybe: enter -> games -> single rider Mario Kart -> Toadstool Cafe'?

Whatever you do, do the cafe' last in your hour. The time it takes to order, be seated and wait for your food will otherwise totally drain your extra hour. I wish I could speak to the character interactions but they weren't offered yesterday, sorry.
I see. So could this possibly work on a day where they do have the characters out? Part of me wonders if it could be pushing it if you don't do single rider MK, but hopefully we can get data on that and characters soon:

Enter -> games (-> characters?) -> Mario Kart -> Toad's

Thanks for the insight nonetheless.
Here is the thing about single rider, I'm fine with groups using it but don't bring young kids

I've seen tons of families doing it and its kinda BS. Like if your kid is under 10 don't make them sit along because you can't wait in line. Just my thoughts but thank god the other single riders aren't as known or else I might not go any
I heard this tidbit from the five fires speculation Sunday show yesterday, saying that the Mouse Vibes youtube channel is claiming that the Toad costume is ready and will debut to the public once a person is hired to wear it (at 4:15 mark):

Wouldn’t they just use the minions character actors, same requirements I’m assuming.
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I believe all SNW actors were hired specifically for the land, I assume it’ll be the same for the Toad costume. They did put out auditions for all SNW roles so it doesn’t surprise me that the costume was ready