Here is my thought process...
In 2016 we see that the Studios was to build 10 new Stages on Park Lake with and additional 2 if awarded the 2024 Olympics.
Note the map shows that the area around Transformers was already "completed"(This was going to become SLoP and an Admin Building) and stages 33-44 to be removed.
In 2017 we get a new map with Universal Studios which identifies that SLoP (P168) was moved to the SS22-25 area and an admin building(3271) would occupy the SS28 plot west of Transformers...
Then there was the big pause of movement between 2017 and 2018.
P168 seems to not progress and LA is awarded the 2028 Olympics!
Only 4 Stages are built at Park Lake and Stages 33-44 are not demolished.
P168 is eliminated and SLoP is relocated to the Upper Lot with an all new project number to maintain a 2020 opening.
Nintendo is forced to relocate to SS22-25 and SS28 to maintain a 2021 opening.
My opinion says the admin building will be located north of Transformers on the old SS29 plot (currently named SS55 to differentiate that this is a theme park owned building now and not a studio building).
Now...note my signature...