The Future of Lost Continent (Poseidon Fury closing May 9) | Page 16 | Inside Universal Forums

The Future of Lost Continent (Poseidon Fury closing May 9)

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Thanks for the recap of the original version Kuribo! I too enjoyed the original version a lot more than the current one. I was all excited a few years ago to take my girlfriend to it and was all pumped to be seeing it again after so long. I was pretty disappointed to see how much it had changed.
The original PF was amazing, the current version is mediocre at best IMO. I almost never do it anymore and would just prefer they replace it with something new. Losing the facade would suck, but I'm more interested in good attractions than sights. You need both, but the whole LC is kind of depressing to me and I just think of what it once was.
I kind of enjoy Poseiden at IOA. Not a great show, but fairly entertaining in a beautiful setting. And the vortex is excellent. The quality of the show seems best when the host does a straight Indy type character, but not too campy. We had a girl host once do a way over the hill corny campy character and it really ruined the whole show. We go to Universal in the off season, and Poseiden has always had a long wait, even with our hotel express passes, so I guess attendance is OK. That said, the first show, from what I see in the videos, seems better than the present. Does anyone know why they changed the show? Did it have attendance problems?
I kind of enjoy Poseiden at IOA. Not a great show, but fairly entertaining in a beautiful setting. And the vortex is excellent. The quality of the show seems best when the host does a straight Indy type character, but not too campy. We had a girl host once do a way over the hill corny campy character and it really ruined the whole show. We go to Universal in the off season, and Poseiden has always had a long wait, even with our hotel express passes, so I guess attendance is OK. That said, the first show, from what I see in the videos, seems better than the present. Does anyone know why they changed the show? Did it have attendance problems?

It's a very very old story... but apparently they did surveys. I am sure they were looking for a way to lower costs after 9/11 as the original show screamed MONEY. The number of flames and explosions have been hacked from the original incarnation. The original actually "felt" kinda dangerous. I am sure I murmured "geeezus" a few times on first view.
It's a very very old story... but apparently they did surveys. I am sure they were looking for a way to lower costs after 9/11 as the original show screamed MONEY. The number of flames and explosions have been hacked from the original incarnation. The original actually "felt" kinda dangerous. I am sure I murmured "geeezus" a few times on first view.
.Thanks much for the info!
I really quite like PF, but then I never saw the original so I have nothing to compare it to. Waiting in that indoor queue area is actually one of my favourite theme park queues - in fact the general placemaking around the attraction is great; the queue is very atmospheric and I also like the area you empty out into from the exit. LC really is a gem in aesthetic terms.
First time I saw the revamped show and Lord Darkenon popped up I was like, is this a reject from Star Wars?
I distinctly remember seeing PF for the first time back in 2001 or so. I recall it being much darker and getting a lot wetter and oh boy that ending BLEW MY MIND! The original show was better, however there are certainly parts of the new one I enjoy. I wish we could get a mash-up of the two but I doubt that's even remotely on Uni's radar.
I understand that they don't make as much cash because they don't have merchandise flying off the shelves, but it's kind of refreshing to have a land and attractions based around an original ip that isn't a franchise.
I'd be quite happy if they were to change the second room back to the way it was originally, with the more intriguing shapes on the door and the less-cheesy face back above it; for that matter, they should redo all of the on-screen characters to be entirely CGI, just not as poorly done as it originally was (you have to admit the original CGI was nowhere near believable, but now look at how far they've come with Transformers), and the show would no longer look like something that was written and filmed as a middle school film project.
I don't know about poorly done. CG and projectors were a lot less impressive back then and projecting on water screens was still fairly new.
There was an interesting thread years ago on another forum where THE Garry Goddard defended his choices in designing PF's 2nd version. I'm not a big fan of the current incarnation, but let's not view the original through rose-colored glasses...
I think theme wise this is the most beautiful and stunning theme park land I've ever seen.
Sure Harry Potter is impressive but I think it's more impressive for Americans the for us Europeans who have crooked medieval buildings coming out of their butt (figuratively speaking). But the fantasy, mythological world presented here is amazing.
Poseidon's Fury is at moments brilliant. I love the claustrophobic line and the second room is great. I love how the door opens with all it's effects and after that the vortex that is forming. Every time I've been there I have seen people hesitant to enter the vortex. The main show's animation is very dated but all the effects are great. Unfortunately the end (being transported back to the former room) is disappointing to miss. With some tender love and care this unique attraction could be amazing again but if it was transformed in a stunning darkride where you ride trough the vortex! I would be happy to. If the land gets a small kids ride it would be complete and could be there for many years to come. But if Middle Earth would ever become a reality I'm afraid the similarity in theming could be conflicting.
I always wanted them to put a roller-coaster (a tight layout Geraustler Euro Fighter maybe) in the show building if they ever replaced it. I don't think another roller-coaster is what IoA needs though. It would probably have to be a launched coaster though so they'd probably go with Premier again.

Even a ride like haunted mansion in PF, where the cars take a slow journey through would be killer.

THIS would be exactly what the resort needs. That is the one ride that is missing. Redesigning Poseidon's fury as an omnimover would be perfect. Can make it move slow so the show elements of pf do not necassarily get lost in the transition. This would be the best way to allow the "show" to stay in tact while adding tremendous value to the section.