The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 681 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Just to help any of you soon to be not be put down by what appears to be long lines..the place is crowded looking but everything is really easy to access, and the GP is so dumb that a 60 minute wait for FJ is more like 45 if you walk passed the gates and directly into the caves because a lot of people line up outside in the locker line and don't realize it. And the back entrance to the Hogs Head is the shortest line to get butterbeer and is airconditioned. The lines to get in the shops are a bit rediculous but once you're in you don't have to leave. And for some reason just before real dinner times the three broomsticks is in rare-no line form. We walked right in and got our food and were seated with no wait. meanwhile the shops and carts had really long lines..and if you're in Honeydukes and the line is long..the line on the Zonkos side is pretty short because people don't realize they can check out at Zonkos with Honeydukes stuff. And there is a cart with Pumpkin Juice that is right next to the main entrance that people seem to miss because they're so overwhelmed(it's to your left)

Im sure these things are subject to different crowd issues and maybe even luck but the few days I was there these things were consistant. I hope this is helpful!!
I just got back a few days ago from Orlando, and wow, I don't know what to say. Walking under the arch was completely awe-inspiring and getting on FJ was the most amazing feeling! After watching it come together for so long, to stand in the middle of it was just stunning! :faint:
I came back on Wednesday and I loved the Wizarding World! Highlight of the holiday for me. Everything was just perfect. Rode FJ twice, was planning on third time but it broke! First time I qued it broke so had a 2 and a half hour wait but eventually it got working and it was worth the wait. Favorite ride ever! Even my family who aren't HP fans said they loved it and it was their favorite ride too. Took loads of pictures there and bought loads of merchandise including two wands! I had trouble fitting it all in my suitcase coming home.

Dragon Challenge was very intense but glad I rode it. Felt sick after it but great experience and better than the much milder Flight of the Hippogriff. Can't wait to visit again. Only thing I'm sad about is not being able to go in Ollivander's because was on a stretch for time and whenever I visited the que to get in was huge so I just bought the wands from Dervish and Banges. I admit I got a bit teary eyed when I walked through the archway into Hogsmeade and saw the castle for the first time because I had always dreamed of going there and it was like walking into the films. Loved it soooo much!!!
Does anyone know anything about the ingredients for the every flavour beans? I can't find it on the box, and I was wondering about it.
Forgot to mention a lot from my trip back in late June but my brother was "inspecting" the flavored beans a little too much. He turned the little wheel and took a bunch of beans in his hand thinking it was free lol. I had to escort him outside where he could get rid of them.

Thank God he didn't get caught. Or are you allowed to take flavored beans(like a couple) for free?
Forgot to mention a lot from my trip back in late June but my brother was "inspecting" the flavored beans a little too much. He turned the little wheel and took a bunch of beans in his hand thinking it was free lol. I had to escort him outside where he could get rid of them.

Thank God he didn't get caught. Or are you allowed to take flavored beans(like a couple) for free?

ROTFL no, I believe what your meant to do is put them in one of those grocery bags they give you at candy stores and weigh them and then pay for them lol... But I may be wrong...
Dang, FJ was dead last night. Guess the rain flushed everyone out. We hit the single line at 7:45 p.m. and managed 12 rides by closing. Would have been 13 but alas it broke down twice. Got running fairly quickly, but still delayed us enough to miss one last right by a couple of minutes.
How are the lines during early entry and just after opening? I'm getting there an hour early and racing there. I'll probably hang out until it gets too busy, do the rest of the park, then go back at night.
ROTFL no, I believe what your meant to do is put them in one of those grocery bags they give you at candy stores and weigh them and then pay for them lol... But I may be wrong...

Nope, you are right. When I was there there was a sign above them saying the price.

--- Update ---

Kind of OT a bit...(although this DOES mention HP in it), but has anyone seen/taken the Blue Skies survey from Universal? I did, and I must say I'm intrigued. There were many new ideas thrown that caught my eye in particular was Lord of the Rings. LOTR is one of my many obsessions, and I think I'd die and go to heaven if they incorporated it somehow. I have many ideas for them if they'd like ;)
Anyways, here's the survey:
For those who don't want to look at it, some things that were throw around were a third park, Dora the Explorer, Barney, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, South Park, Family Guy, E.T., Santa, and a few others (including Twilight. Which completely does not belong in a theme park). Main questions about LOTR were places we'd like to see, characters we'd like to see represented, merchandise, and what kinds of attractions would be fitting.
Take it with a grain of salt, of course. But I thought it was exciting. I'm sure some of you have seen this already, just thought I'd post it here.

--- Update ---

By the way, in order to see the Blue Skies survey, you must fill out the information beforehand. Then scroll to the bottom of the page after clicking exit, and select the appropriate survey :)

--- Update ---

My bad. That was already posted in the Universal Misc. section of the forums...but I did want to post it here as go check out the "third park rumor" thread for more info. It looks like the surveys were somewhat randomized, because I never got questions about Grand Theft Auto, while others have.
I just got back a few days ago from Orlando, and wow, I don't know what to say. Walking under the arch was completely awe-inspiring and getting on FJ was the most amazing feeling! After watching it come together for so long, to stand in the middle of it was just stunning! :faint:

Exactly how I felt, it was a real moment I will probably always remember. Glad you had a great time!
Put this pano together after today's quick trip

We've been back home for a few days after a wonderful Universal vacation. And I concur with all those who describe walking through the gates of Hogsmeade for the first time. To see my kids get their wands, experience butterbeer (oh I already miss that drink so much!), and just LOOK at everything. It has been wonderful. I think without the early entry we wouldn't have been able to enjoy it nearly as much. My only real disappointment was not being able to get a Hedwig mug, but being able to get our Pygmy Puffs more than made up for it!! A great big THANK YOU to everyone here who has shared their own experiences, tips, and photos - it helped so much!
Anybody else notice the new wand kiosk over near Hogwarts? They had a cart there originally but took it over with other merchandise when the wands were all sold out. Instead of reconverting it to wands, they left it and added another kiosk. I have a couple of pics of it here at the bottom of my Brendan Fraser blurb: (sorry they're dark but we only had the cell phone camera). Uni is added more and more places to spend your $$ at WWoHP!
Anybody else notice the new wand kiosk over near Hogwarts? They had a cart there originally but took it over with other merchandise when the wands were all sold out. Instead of reconverting it to wands, they left it and added another kiosk. I have a couple of pics of it here at the bottom of my Brendan Fraser blurb: (sorry they're dark but we only had the cell phone camera). Uni is added more and more places to spend your $$ at WWoHP!

Yes I noticed that. They ran out of many of the different types of wand though. Including my birthday wand. :'( They also set up another, really small, unmarked cark near the LC side gate selling drinks.
Okay so I'm heading to Orlando tomorrow and will be at the wizarding world for sure on thursday the 12th and friday the(dare I say it?) 13th. On thursday I'll be in a light blue shirt that has a picture of the Wild things from Where the wild things are. Feel free to say hey!

I dont usually plan outfits but It would be fun to meet people who are as "passionate" about this as I am
Passionate = nerdy but proud
Went to Wizarding World lst night at about 8:10. The line for Forbidden Journey said 75 and it was about an hour mainly because it broke down for about 10-15 minutes while at the portrait of the Fat Lady. To try and make it seem like the Fat Lady was not just a recording a Team Member came around and told us that she had too many drinks so she may start repeating things. As for the ride both me and a friend I was with agreed that the ride seemed to be going a lot faster than previous times. We seemed to fly through the sceens and the ride seemed much shorter. Olivanders still had a massive line when we got into the land. After 9:00 Hippogriff and Dragon Challenge are dead.