The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 679 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Lol it's pretty pathetic but when I went the TM was yelling out for single riders. The line was kind of cramped though so it looks pretty inconvenient. They really need a separate line. Being the only one in my family who goes on those rides, I'm a total advocate for single rider for all attractions.
Lol it's pretty pathetic but when I went the TM was yelling out for single riders. The line was kind of cramped though so it looks pretty inconvenient. They really need a separate line. Being the only one in my family who goes on those rides, I'm a total advocate for single rider for all attractions.

But where dose the line start? :drool5:
No, you still have to go through the normal line. If you go through the general line, the TM that directs you to your row at loading will call out for single riders. Sorry if I explained that weirdly lol.
May I just say, as a newbie to Universal, that I do not understand the argument that Universal is not as detailed as Disney? Not only HP, everything is wonderfully themed! We are loving it here, and I'm heading over to IoA in about 20 minutes - they let the hotel guests in around 7:30 on Sunday, and I'm hoping they do that again today. Oh, and I totally get the love of frozen butterbeer, omigosh it's AMAZING. Gives you a killer brain freeze too ;) I am blown away by WWoHP.
May I just say, as a newbie to Universal, that I do not understand the argument that Universal is not as detailed as Disney? Not only HP, everything is wonderfully themed! We are loving it here, and I'm heading over to IoA in about 20 minutes - they let the hotel guests in around 7:30 on Sunday, and I'm hoping they do that again today. Oh, and I totally get the love of frozen butterbeer, omigosh it's AMAZING. Gives you a killer brain freeze too ;) I am blown away by WWoHP.

That's what I like to hear and I'm glad you're having a great time. I had been wondering what a lot of first timers to Universal had thought about the rest of IOA/Universal Orlando and not just Harry Potter.
Glad you like it! Everything is so beautifully themed. My relative from out of town a couple weeks ago even said so, and it was his first time at IOA as well.
And totally agree about frozen Butterbeer. I've been craving it XD
Here is an article I found on about a guy who was too heavy to ride FJ and decided to lose weight so he could ride it later.

I just hate how they call FJ a roller coaster. It is the farthest thing from a roller coaster! It is a dark ride that uses kuka arms, film, and animatronics! If they can't describe it, they should just say "the new Harry Potter dark ride" or simply "the new Harry Potter ride"!

I'm sorry. As a theme park fanatic, things like that get me angry because it shows how ignorant people can be about parks. Anyway, that was my rant of the day. I'll rant later about parents who get angry that their kid wasn't picked in Ollivanders and idiots who call 911 when a ride breaks down. :bang:

PotteryGal, I'm glad you are having fun at UO and at the Wizarding World! Enjoy!
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Wow, I thought they wouldn't be back until September, I'm glad they got them in sooner! :smiley:
Two days ago, I visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was a great experience! They were redirected guests over the bridge to Jurassic Park (from the Lost Continent), and there was a HUGE line... started all the way to Jurassic Park's entrance from Toon Lagoon. As soon as the Discovery Center was in sight, the line started to move fast, as the island opened. I first rode Forbidden Journey... which also had a big line. It took up the bridge from JP to TWWOHP (all the way to where the lockers for Dueling Dragons were when the entrance was at JP). I then finally rode FJ, and I loved it! :happy: It passed Spider-Man as my favorite ride at IOA. Then we went to Hippogriff, and then to Ollivander's (meh...). We then went to Dragon Challenge (first we did Hungarian Horntail, then Chinese Fireball). At the end of the day, I rode FJ again. Overall, awesome experience! :happy:
Went on the 20th and the 21st of july...going back 12-14 of aug..and i have to say WWoHP is the best section of any park I have ever experienced. The food is great the Drinks are REALLY great and the shops are so amazing. I can't wait to go back and spend $$$ on all the stuff...that said when are they going to get in new wands? I really want Voldemort..but they were out in july. I did get a cool wand that I didnt ask what month it belonged because it was too cool to pass.