The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 678 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Hello - I am new to this forum and am going to be visiting WWOHP Sept 1-3 (well the other rides/park too). Looking at maps I don't see Filch's, where exactly is that? Anyone have an opinion on how busy it will be then? I have the package where you can get in early - I heard somewhere they have changed that from 8am to 7am - is that still the case? Think they will continue to when I will be there? I have breakfast reservations at the 3 broomsticks for 9:30 - think I can get on FJ at least once without being late for my reservation? Anyone know how strict they are with the rservation times? Any info you have to share would be appreciated. Work stinks and looking forward to this trip has gotten me through the summer....
Hello - I am new to this forum and am going to be visiting WWOHP Sept 1-3 (well the other rides/park too). Looking at maps I don't see Filch's, where exactly is that? Anyone have an opinion on how busy it will be then? I have the package where you can get in early - I heard somewhere they have changed that from 8am to 7am - is that still the case? Think they will continue to when I will be there? I have breakfast reservations at the 3 broomsticks for 9:30 - think I can get on FJ at least once without being late for my reservation? Anyone know how strict they are with the rservation times? Any info you have to share would be appreciated. Work stinks and looking forward to this trip has gotten me through the summer....

Welcome to the site! Filch's Emporium is the gift shop at the exit of the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride. It is a little bit past the entrance of the ride and to the left of Flight of the Hippogriff.

The crowds should be much better in September due to Summer being over and school being back in session. I haven't had the opportunity to purchase a package for WWoHP but I believe you should easily be able to ride FJ once before your reservation.

Good luck and enjoy your trip!
WWoHP was amazingly uncrowded late last night. We went to Uni to replace my lost Premier Pass, then caught a ride on Rockit (took a while because they shut it down and hauled someone off on a stetcher...not sure what was up, but obviously not injured by the ride since they started it up again). Then on to see Harry, and the Ollivanders line was SHORT!!! Shortest I've ever seen it since softs. We went to FJ, which was marked at 60 but was shut down. We were gonna do Ollivanders but they suddenly opened FJ so of course we hopped in the singles line. Park was closed by the time we got off (we wasted 45 mins. in the stinkin' Guest Services line to get my pass so it was quite late). I hope it stays that way. I'm guessing the oppressive heat chases people off.
Welcome to the site! Filch's Emporium is the gift shop at the exit of the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride. It is a little bit past the entrance of the ride and to the left of Flight of the Hippogriff.

The crowds should be much better in September due to Summer being over and school being back in session. I haven't had the opportunity to purchase a package for WWoHP but I believe you should easily be able to ride FJ once before your reservation.

Good luck and enjoy your trip!

Is there any kind of map of the castle itself? Like a blueprint of the building, so you can see exactly where the entrances are, where the queue goes through it, and where the actual ride is? I'm just curious where everything is, and how big everything is (like the different sections of the line. And the loading area......we need an employee to draw us up a map :) I haven't been there yet.
I am going to WWoHP for the first time on Monday, and I have a few questions:

1) Can you bring your purse with you on the rides? Or are there free lockers to stash your stuff? Are there lines for the lockers as well? Basically, what do you recommend I bring with me to the park?
2)Someone told me it was a good idea to come to Islands of Adventure and do all the non-HP stuff first (like the Hulk coaster). Then the HP lines are shorter when you get to them. Good advice?
3) There aren't any inversions on FJ, right? My sister isn't a fan of anything resembling a rollercoaster.

I welcome any tips on how to make the most of our one-day trip. Strategery from experts welcome :)

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the boards
1. Depends how big your purse is. There are small containers behind the seats about the size of a fanny pack. There are lockers but they do get lines and fill up. Bring water because it gets hot and whatever else you need.
2. I would head straight to HP. The line gets worse as the day goes on until around 3:00 I belive. Get there early. Before 9:00AM if you can.
3. There are no inversions.
I am going to WWoHP for the first time on Monday, and I have a few questions:

1) Can you bring your purse with you on the rides? Or are there free lockers to stash your stuff? Are there lines for the lockers as well? Basically, what do you recommend I bring with me to the park?
2)Someone told me it was a good idea to come to Islands of Adventure and do all the non-HP stuff first (like the Hulk coaster). Then the HP lines are shorter when you get to them. Good advice?
3) There aren't any inversions on FJ, right? My sister isn't a fan of anything resembling a rollercoaster.

I welcome any tips on how to make the most of our one-day trip. Strategery from experts welcome :)

Thanks in advance.

First of all, welcome! :wave: I've been to the WWoHP probably 15 times now so here's my advice.

1. Your purse will be fine on Hippogriff, but it should be stored in a locker on DC and Forbidden Journey. Sometimes there is a line for lockers for FJ, but you can skip it by entering through Filch's Emporium (the ride exit gift shop). If you need to bring your purse, do it, but if you can stash your stuff in your pockets, thats a better choice. Just remember, you'll still need lockers for your more valuable pocket items for DC, but you can fit thing like phones and cameras in the seatback pouch on FJ.

2. Yes, during the evening, the island is less crowded, but the lines for FJ and Ollivander's never die. It is also a smart idea to do Marvel things first, then continue around clockwise. If you get to HP fairly early, do Lost Continent and Suess, then double back. However, crowds are unpredictable and anything could happen. Mondays are usually the least busy, but maybe all the Brazilian tour groups decide to go that day. I hope not.

3. FJ has zero true inversions but you are flipped on your back and periodically past vertical sometimes. Meaning your head is slightly below your feet at one point. The ride can also make you dizzy, so if anyone in your group gets motion sickness, you're warned.

I hope you have a great and enjoyable trip! :thumbs:
Thanks! I have a few more questions.

1) Can you wear your glasses on the rollercoasters that have inversions? (It's been awhile since I've been on a coaster).
2) Is there only one entrance to WWoHP, or did they open up a second?
3) Are there any sort of fast passes? Are they helpful?
4) The single rider option on FJ--does that mean you skip the long castle tour and go straight to the ride?

HEE i am sooo excited
Thanks! I have a few more questions.

1) Can you wear your glasses on the rollercoasters that have inversions? (It's been awhile since I've been on a coaster).
2) Is there only one entrance to WWoHP, or did they open up a second?
3) Are there any sort of fast passes? Are they helpful?
4) The single rider option on FJ--does that mean you skip the long castle tour and go straight to the ride?

1) I wouldn't recommend it. I always take mine off to avoid having them fall off.

2) There are two entrances to TWWoHP. There is one in Jurassic Park and one in Lost Continent. They only use the LC entrance during the mornings when there is a line to get into the island. When the line clears out, both entrances open up.

3) Forbidden Journey does not currently accept fast passes. I can't quite remember if DC or FotH do.

4) The single rider line only shows one portrait pre-show and the Sorting Hat. You never go through the Greenhouse in the single riders line. The regular line has several other rooms including Dumbledore's Office, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Room, another portrait room, the greenhouse and more.
to answer question 1.
i wear my glasses on The Incredible Hulk Coaster and i am fine. but for Dragons Challenge i need to take them off, i already lost a pair of glasses on it.
Dragon Challenge and Flight of the Hippogriff DO have Universal Express, but honestly aren't that necessary. The lines for Forbidden Journey and the shops are the real culprit.
4) The single rider line only shows one portrait pre-show and the Sorting Hat. You never go through the Greenhouse in the single riders line. The regular line has several other rooms including Dumbledore's Office, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Room, another portrait room, the greenhouse and more.

To elaborate, Singles goes up a staircase, through a blank stone hall, then parellels the regular queue from the Gryffindor Common Room to the loading platform.
Hey Guys
I"m Going For The First Time Tomorrow.
I Was Wondering What Is The Best Time To Go ?
In The Early Morning Or Evening ?
And Also Has The Line For FJ Calmed Down Yet ?
Thanks :)
Hey Guys
I"m Going For The First Time Tomorrow.
I Was Wondering What Is The Best Time To Go ?
In The Early Morning Or Evening ?
And Also Has The Line For FJ Calmed Down Yet ?
Thanks :)

Never been in the early morning, but I'd say to stay clear of the place during the middle of the day at all costs. Plus the place looks magical at night.

About FJ - No.
Just get a cheap glasses band and you won't have to worry. I did that after losing a pair on the Magnum coaster over at Cedar Point. Night lines were really reasonable at WWoHP the other night, even with some late downtime for FJ.
Dragon Challenge also has single rider, but there's no separate entrance for it. It really wasn't too helpful when I last went, but you might want to let the TM know if you're interested.