The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 677 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Teebin, that is a white ibis, as I'm sure you probably know because you live here. Yeah I get the analogy to your past riddles.

I was also there yesterday, and can confirm that the FJ line was purely rediculous, not redikulus, because that's my idea of a boggart. Also, in PoE, there were TMs holding signs that read "Wizarding World of Harry Potter Entrance" trying to form a line in front of them. However we had no problem entering from the JP side once we got there shortly after. Weird.
Teebin, that is a white ibis, as I'm sure you probably know because you live here. Yeah I get the analogy to your past riddles.

No, it was not a riddle at all. And that is not an ibis which I jokingly refer to as jewish chickens because of their long beaks yet similar size. Not to turn this into "bird talk" but it is not a crane (which I just tossed off the cuff) but a white heron.


One of the greatest things about living in Florida is the birds. Some of these birds that migrate north in the summer you cannot get close to up there yet hang around everywhere down here. I have fed sand hill cranes out of my hand. Not THE sand hill crane that I have spoken of previously... that would have been kinky at best. But raptors and exotic birds hang out or dine out on my property every day. It is quite something.

So, question to Hatetofly.... is the rest of IOA dead or perked up because of this HP addition? Recently posted wait times suggest that after HP, they are enjoying the island as a whole.
So, question to Hatetofly.... is the rest of IOA dead or perked up because of this HP addition? Recently posted wait times suggest that after HP, they are enjoying the island as a whole.

Since the HP opening the entire resort has picked up. IOA obviously is the real winner between the two but its really nice to see attractions that IMO have waits and are getting noticed by the public. I consider myself a real good people person so while in line I tend to talk to families and find out there story like where there from and if they have ever been to Universal in exchange for info that would greatly benefit the average general public.

The answers I get are awesome for Universal, most of the people I talk to have either never been or have not been in many years to Universal. Its also awesome to hear people talk about the other attractions at the resort. There are a lot of people that I talk to that are blown away by IOA, and had no idea about rides like Spiderman, JPRA, Dudley, Hulk, and Popeye.

All the rides and attractions are getting waits and even PF is filling up shows. Here are some of the waits I saw today while walking around the resort. Most of these I had pictures of to remember the wait times.

FJ-90 minutes once inside castle
DC-30 min
FoTH-25 min
Ollivanders-60-75 min
All shops had queues
JPRA-30 min
Dudley-45 min
Popeye-30 min
Spiderman-75 min
Hulk-75 min
Doom-60 min
HRRR-60 min
RoTM-45 min
Disaster-40 min
Jaws-30 min
Simpsons-30 min
when i went to universal and ioa about a week ago the lines were like this

FJ- 175 mins
DC- 90 mins
FoTH- 50 mins
Olivanders atleat-80 mins who would wait that long for a 5 min show
JPRA- 110 mins
RipSaw- 135 mins
Popeyes- 85 mins
Spiderman- 120 mins
Doom- 100 mins
Hulk- 120 mins
RoTM- 90 mins
HRRR- 115 mins
Disaster- 80 mins
Jaws- 90 mins
MIB- 95 mins
Simpsons- 100 mins
E.T- 80 mins
Jimmy Neuatron- 75 mins
Shrek- 75 mins

Crazy wait times this was about 12:45
^ They must of used the last of the replacement style this morning and afternoon because I did not see the steins in use while I was there. Glad to see there back though, I never bought one so now I will have to next time I get back.

--- Update ---

when i went to universal and ioa about a week ago the lines were like this

FJ- 175 mins
DC- 90 mins
FoTH- 50 mins
Olivanders atleat-80 mins who would wait that long for a 5 min show
JPRA- 110 mins
RipSaw- 135 mins
Popeyes- 85 mins
Spiderman- 120 mins
Doom- 100 mins
Hulk- 120 mins
RoTM- 90 mins
HRRR- 115 mins
Disaster- 80 mins
Jaws- 90 mins
MIB- 95 mins
Simpsons- 100 mins
E.T- 80 mins
Jimmy Neuatron- 75 mins
Shrek- 75 mins

Crazy wait times this was about 12:45

Yeah thats a crazy busy day, the ones I posted were no later than 11:30 am. I am sure that once I left the crowds picked up, they always do after 12:00 PM through 6 or 7 in the evening.
No, it was not a riddle at all. And that is not an ibis which I jokingly refer to as jewish chickens because of their long beaks yet similar size. Not to turn this into "bird talk" but it is not a crane (which I just tossed off the cuff) but a white heron.


One of the greatest things about living in Florida is the birds. Some of these birds that migrate north in the summer you cannot get close to up there yet hang around everywhere down here. I have fed sand hill cranes out of my hand. Not THE sand hill crane that I have spoken of previously... that would have been kinky at best. But raptors and exotic birds hang out or dine out on my property every day. It is quite something.

So, question to Hatetofly.... is the rest of IOA dead or perked up because of this HP addition? Recently posted wait times suggest that after HP, they are enjoying the island as a whole.

Unfortunately, you're wrong. There really is no such thing as a white heron, as that bird is a variation of the great blue heron. They're sometimes confused with egrets, too. Herons are also much larger than that bird, and it's not a baby because babies are brownish. I also love the birds in Florida, and personally, I'd say there's much more diversion and prettier birds along the coast where I live than in the center of the state, but that's my opinion. However I enjoy them at a distance as it is never advisable to feed or touch wild animals, especially sand hill cranes which are known to be violent when provoked. Be safe and respectful towards the wild. This actually being on topic, "Do not feed the birds or other winged creatures." That's the last I have to say about birds.

I'm not hatetofly, but I was there the same day, (dang it, I never get to meet any of you guys!) and all the rest of the lines were terrible. Spidey was crazy at 90 at one point.
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Some good news for the older wizards here: I was chosen at ollivander's this morning and i'm 24, not to mention they pulled the 10 children to the front of the crowd before they started, so I was sure one of them would be chosen. Needless to say, I felt pretty lucky!
Unfortunately, you're wrong. There really is no such thing as a white heron, as that bird is a variation of the great blue heron. They're sometimes confused with egrets, too. Herons are also much larger than that bird, and it's not a baby because babies are brownish.

You are correct... although it was for a long time referred to a great white heron.

I always though of the egrets as more like the cattle egret (great name btw) as they are always in cattle and horse pastures here.

To pull this conversation together, JKR was originally going to call her 5th book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Great Egret"
I have a funny question but it really bothers me. I LOVE Harry Potter and I'll visit the park only once in my life, since I live in middle Europe. My trip is scheduled to next month, that's when I will visit the USA and the WWOHP park! But I have a quite fresh navel piercing, it isn't healed, so I can't put it out. Can anyone tell me, is it dangerous to ride the FJ with a navel piercing? Or the dragon challenge? I haven't been to any ride since I got pierced. Are the rides so intense that it could tear it out or something? This really bothers me, other than that, I can't wait! :)
I have a funny question but it really bothers me. I LOVE Harry Potter and I'll visit the park only once in my life, since I live in middle Europe. My trip is scheduled to next month, that's when I will visit the USA and the WWOHP park! But I have a quite fresh navel piercing, it isn't healed, so I can't put it out. Can anyone tell me, is it dangerous to ride the FJ with a navel piercing? Or the dragon challenge? I haven't been to any ride since I got pierced. Are the rides so intense that it could tear it out or something? This really bothers me, other than that, I can't wait! :)

They both are over the shoulder restraints but honestly I think you should be fine.
Got some friends coming into town to check out WWOHP the weekend of August 28th. I am trying to convince them to pay a little extra money and get a 2-day 1-park ticket rather than 1-day 1-park. Even though school will have started, I don't expect there to be enough time in one day (park closes at 8, not 10) to fully enjoy WWOHP and the rest of the park without feeling rushed. This is a group that will enjoy exploring WWOHP's finer details, getting a few drinks and relaxing come happy hour time, etc. Does anyone disagree that 2 days is necessary to do it all without being rushed?
Got some friends coming into town to check out WWOHP the weekend of August 28th. I am trying to convince them to pay a little extra money and get a 2-day 1-park ticket rather than 1-day 1-park. Even though school will have started, I don't expect there to be enough time in one day (park closes at 8, not 10) to fully enjoy WWOHP and the rest of the park without feeling rushed. This is a group that will enjoy exploring WWOHP's finer details, getting a few drinks and relaxing come happy hour time, etc. Does anyone disagree that 2 days is necessary to do it all without being rushed?

Well... I think an insane theme park fanatic's opinion would be considerable different that your average park guest. Obviously, I say yes, but that's just me...
Got some friends coming into town to check out WWOHP the weekend of August 28th. I am trying to convince them to pay a little extra money and get a 2-day 1-park ticket rather than 1-day 1-park. Even though school will have started, I don't expect there to be enough time in one day (park closes at 8, not 10) to fully enjoy WWOHP and the rest of the park without feeling rushed. This is a group that will enjoy exploring WWOHP's finer details, getting a few drinks and relaxing come happy hour time, etc. Does anyone disagree that 2 days is necessary to do it all without being rushed?

I would definetely not disagree. However, I would rather live in IoA than in my house, so...

@ Teebin - Niceee. Egrets are pretty similar in size swans, which, according to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, is the same size as a pheonix. I love little Potter inside jokes. But I can totally see where you got that from cattle egrets. Kind of a misnomer, isn't it.

Today was pretty weird at IoA. The park in general was extremely crowded, lines were killer. However, HP was at the lowest its been in the past couple weeks. FJ was at 60 but we got on with singles in 20. The rest of the lines were normal, but overall the streets weren't as bad. Note for visitors: If there's a line for lockers, enter through Filch's. We saved about 35 minutes by doing that.
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I would definetely not disagree. However, I would rather live in IoA than in my house, so...

Note for visitors: If there's a line for lockers, enter through Filch's. We saved about 35 minutes by doing that.

Agreed, if they start selling condo's built into Port of Entry or Hogsmeade I am all in. And yesterday I entered through Filch's and rode twice within 10-15 minutes thanks to single riders. The posted wait was 90 minutes and the wait outside was an additional 30-45 minutes.