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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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ABC Commissary is a really weird choice. Is it a people eater or something?

It’s the lowest-tier of restaurants in Hollywood Studios and I didn’t think it was popular
DHS is the hardest to get into park at WDW right now and Commissary is sort of outside of SWGE, so maybe that’s the thinking? I’m assuming it’ll only be open for lunch.
DHS struggles for dining capacity during the lunch rush at the moment.
I think everything has hit capacity now.

No doubt there will be a flood Of photos of poor social distancing and no mask wearing.
You can already find some on Twitter if you know where to look :lol: Disney seems well managed today from the tweets I've found, however.

It's fascinating. When visiting Disney on Monday, my TM friends were baffled at how well Disney's guests cooperated compared to Universal's. There's a drastically different feel safety-wise between the two parks according to them. We had zero issues with mask usage or ignoring of social distancing markers all day. Meanwhile, while working at Uni, it's apparently an issue almost nonstop from what they've told me even though they essentially have the same systems in place. The only conclusion we could come to is that the idiots are less likely to jump through the hoops of the reservation system, but who truly knows.
Aside from the mask/distancing issues that’ll inevitably arise today, it’s great to see that the parks are getting “capacity” level attendance.

Does anyone know what the capacity limits are at the moment for the various parks?
See, I hate to source this site's content, but this is the kinda thing I never saw at Disney. I counted 8 masks either not on or misworn in the first picture alone and that spacing is atrocious. This is just ugly and a terrible look from Universal.

Like, what the hell even is this?

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Because my whole family is back for the weekend, I actually said yesterday, "Wanna go to Universal?"... So glad we chose not to because that's not it, chief.

This is on the Governor too though because didn't he expand the allowed capacity for theme parks recently?
See, I hate to source this site's content, but this is the kinda thing I never saw at Disney. I counted 8 masks either not on or misworn in the first picture alone and that spacing is atrocious. This is just ugly and a terrible look from Universal.

Like, what the hell even is this?

Ugh...yeah, it pains me to say this, and I get that it’s better during the week and this is a holiday weekend, but until Universal gets their act together in more ways than one I’m gonna hold off on visiting for a bit.
Ugh...yeah, it pains me to say this, and I get that it’s better during the week and this is a holiday weekend, but until Universal gets their act together in more ways than one I’m gonna hold off on visiting for a bit.
That's the thing too. I really want to go back and visit. I'm dying to check out the Tribute Store, I miss riding Hagrids a ton, I'd love to visit some old friends in the parks, etc. But Universal keeps showing how half-heartedly they're taking this whole pandemic and I just can't do it. The pictures are brutal and I'm not about to ignore TM friends telling me that most venues are skipping out on certain COVID cleaning procedures in order to push capacity. It's just not it.

EDIT: I'm legitimately so heated. Got a tweet from Universal saying "this has since been addressed, to the teams in the area" as if the TMs are the issue. The TMs can literally only do so much with the capacity disaster they've set up. It's infuriating that they would even pretend 1) it's the TMs faults and 2) that the problem is now "fixed". This is literally 10 minutes ago:

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I was at Uni just yesterday and it was dead as usual. I guess that's the difference of Labor Day weekend. Absolutely irresponsible on UO's part regardless.
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That's the thing too. I really want to go back and visit. I'm dying to check out the Tribute Store, I miss riding Hagrids a ton, I'd love to visit some old friends in the parks, etc. But Universal keeps showing how half-heartedly they're taking this whole pandemic and I just can't do it. The pictures are brutal and I'm not about to ignore TM friends telling me that most venues are skipping out on certain COVID cleaning procedures in order to push capacity. It's just not it.

EDIT: I'm legitimately so heated. Got a tweet from Universal saying "this has since been addressed, to the teams in the area" as if the TMs are the issue. The TMs can literally only do so much with the capacity disaster they've set up. It's infuriating that they would even pretend 1) it's the TMs faults and 2) that the problem is now "fixed". This is literally 10 minutes ago:

Yeah. I'm heated too because from my experience, TM areas are doing a terrible job of distancing (or the TMs straight up don't care to put on a mask backstage). I know they have to stay afloat, but man, this is so irresponsible the way they're going about it on all sides.

Remember when their concert acts cancelled on the final days of Mardi Gras bc of Covid and Universal STILL got replacements despite knowing about the virus? Yeah, it feels like they haven't learned from then.
That's the thing too. I really want to go back and visit. I'm dying to check out the Tribute Store, I miss riding Hagrids a ton, I'd love to visit some old friends in the parks, etc. But Universal keeps showing how half-heartedly they're taking this whole pandemic and I just can't do it. The pictures are brutal and I'm not about to ignore TM friends telling me that most venues are skipping out on certain COVID cleaning procedures in order to push capacity. It's just not it.

EDIT: I'm legitimately so heated. Got a tweet from Universal saying "this has since been addressed, to the teams in the area" as if the TMs are the issue. The TMs can literally only do so much with the capacity disaster they've set up. It's infuriating that they would even pretend 1) it's the TMs faults and 2) that the problem is now "fixed". This is literally 10 minutes ago:

Same, I’d love to see The Tribute Store and I was genuinely looking forward to finally going back to the parks this month but with how ignorant Universal has been with Covid, etc., I’ve just completely soured on the idea of visiting any time soon.

I’m still keeping my fingers crossed they can get it together across the board, but, right now I’m ngl I’m disappointed.
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Any reports from Disney today? How do those parks look?

Busy, but far better distancing. I was reading reservations are completely full for the weekend, but not sure if that's 100% true. The longest wait time on the app rn is 75 min for Frozen Ever After. Only 4 rides are 60+ min right now.

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