Yeah, all the inside doors are bolted shut. They have a small area dedicated to the characters. If you know anything about asbestos, its a VERY expensive thing to deal with and when this building is for public entertainment, it would be scrutinized so much to make sure of its safety that its my guess that it would be cheaper to just tear the building down. They would still have to clean up enough to keep the air clean around the building while its demo'd, but still cheaper than a complete overhaul. Also, If you look at the size of the lot the building sits on, its rather large. If they were to lets say build another sound stage, they could build it taller like Shrek is. Then they might be able to fit a decent sized attraction like a ride perhaps. Hard to say, but this thing is an eyesore, just like Cafe La Bamba being closed for health hazards and Garden of Allah for being nothing but something to look at.