Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show | Page 59 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show

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Wait, I just noticed! The water screens are folded down! Storm flat line winds perhaps... and Disney leaves a utility light up in an attraction... go figure.
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Wait, I just noticed! The water screens are folded down! Storm flat line winds perhaps... and Disney leaves a utility light up in an attraction... go figure.

I actually took that picture for you since you asked about it before.
US has added props and signage to the projector housing since hatetofly's update.

From Saturday . . .








Lagoon really does look better with trusses down

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I think the theming for this is wonderful and works great with the area. Then again, I never really had any qualms about it in the first place. :shrug:
Are all the water screens raised and lowered locally or remotely. I can't imagine people go floating around in a boat at 7PM raising the things, however, I don't recall motors for lifting the towers, only motors for raising the screens.
Are all the water screens raised and lowered locally or remotely. I can't imagine people go floating around in a boat at 7PM raising the things, however, I don't recall motors for lifting the towers, only motors for raising the screens.

I do not remember lift motors for the towers either. Give me a bit and I'll look over the old pictures.

This is the best I can come up with after reviewing all my pictures:

I can not find a way to raise and lower the towers without human intervention

They can be raised and lowered with a small reconfiguration of the existing lift motors and/or lift chains.

  1. Install outriggers to the base of the towers near the pivot point. I have found at least some of the attachment points for the outriggers and can clearly see the outriggers laying on the deck. This would allow the leverage needed to raise and lower the towers. It would also prevent the chains from rubbing on the pivot points.
  2. Reconfigure the attachment points of the lift motor or dead end of the lift chain. I have not figured out which one has to be moved, maybe both.
  3. Lower or raise towers with existing lift motors as needed.
  4. Reverse procedure to raise or lower the horizontal truss.

I can provide pictures if need be. I would have to do a lot of highlighting and don't have time right now.

This is the best I can come up with after reviewing all my pictures:

Nah, I don't need pictures. To dead lift those towers would require more than a dead pull from the base of the platforms. Are there 4-6' lift braces (pivot points) on both ends from which to yank the towers? I don't see anything there.

I haven't actually seen it for myself, but whenever I'm there, I usually see tech out in the lagoon just before the trusses magically lift themselves, so.... 2+2 must equal fish.

I can also confirm this. Yesterday afternoon there was a tech in a boat driving around to all the barges as well as testing the water fountains.
Saw the show last night. Really liked it. I loved that they used the effects around the lagoon before and after the show. Its not perfect, but the videos do it no justice. You really need to be there to take everything in. Huge improvement over 360, and hopefully just a step towards something truly great.
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