Universal Orlando Increases Ticket Prices | Page 3 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal Orlando Increases Ticket Prices

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I was honestly expecting Universal to make the first ticket price jump after Potter opened but yet again Disney beat them to the punch. I thought WWoHP might have given them a bigger backbone.

That's what I expect to happen in the future. Universal's tickets will never go down in price. As the resort's offerings and popularity grow, so will the ticket price. It's how Orlando works.
Not to mention once the waterpark opens and future expansions, you know pricing will continue to go up, its just a matter of how much is too much. Just a few years ago a Power Pass was only $99, now a one day ticket is $85.

But again, I'm not personally complaining cause the AP pricing didn't change, but for others it sucks.
Universal's online discount negates any price increase pretty much.

I did notice this. This weekend my friend and I figured out we are for sure going to IOA a second day. I already purchased two day one park a day tickets. Now I have to upgrade to a 3rd day, no issues. My friend hasn't purchased his tickets yet. I was going over the prices with him. When I looked today, i noticed the ticket prices really didn't see too different. A little more not much. Of course, that is because of the new $20.00 discount.
Why does Universal's seem like less of a price increase and more of a way to ween people off buying tickets at the gate and to buy them online?
Why does Universal's seem like less of a price increase and more of a way to ween people off buying tickets at the gate and to buy them online?

It's an increase AND an incentive to buy online. Know what it sounds like to me? Sounds like Universal is looking to find way to eliminate ticket window employees.

Automation. Everyone wants it, but at the cost of YOUR JOB.
Universal and Disney still do a good Window Business but there idea is also to push multi day tickets. Also look at HHN as an example they charge 49.99 and up to 65.00 for the chance to go. Go on a busy night see 3-4 houses well you say get an express pass so lets add another 45-65 dollars to that there are some nights you can pay 130.00 dollars and and do a couple rides(non at ioa) and last year not even HRRR. It is all about how much money that can make it is Business and Business has not slowed down. I agree with Vyrus people can be on the verge of broke but they are going on vacation.
This move just seems a bit odd to me. They kept more prices the same than they raised. And the online one day/ one park ticket is still $73. They didn't raise APs. They didn't raise the FL Resident prices either.
I am wondering if they did the few increases that they did just because of perception reasons now that Disney raised theirs.
It's an increase AND an incentive to buy online. Know what it sounds like to me? Sounds like Universal is looking to find way to eliminate ticket window employees.

Automation. Everyone wants it, but at the cost of YOUR JOB.

Well for Universal, driving traffic to the website has a few pluses. It causes guests to (God forbid) research their trip before coming, gets rid of the horrendous line at the front gate to the park which is the guests first impression of the park, and I know it sounds stupid but cuts down on tickets that need to be printed by Universal instead they are printed using the guests ink and paper. Trust me 10s of millions of printed glossy tickets cost a lot...on a down side, they save money on not having to hire as many ticket window opporators. I'm sure Universal will find somewhere else for them though they seem to have respect for their employees..
I know that the closer I am to broke, the more I need a vacation.

Yeap tell me about it, I just got back from a 16 day European vacation, I'm going to Vegas over Labor Day, I have a cruise over Halloween, and I have APs to both Disney and UO, I need my vacations :lol:
Well for Universal, driving traffic to the website has a few pluses. It causes guests to (God forbid) research their trip before coming, gets rid of the horrendous line at the front gate to the park which is the guests first impression of the park, and I know it sounds stupid but cuts down on tickets that need to be printed by Universal instead they are printed using the guests ink and paper. Trust me 10s of millions of printed glossy tickets cost a lot...on a down side, they save money on not having to hire as many ticket window opporators. I'm sure Universal will find somewhere else for them though they seem to have respect for their employees..

Hey, I agree it is a great idea. I bought my tickets online. But then again, I bought my Disney tickets online too. And I do use the internet and the respective websites to research my trip. More people need to as well, and yea, I can see where Universal is giving people an incentive to actually look at the website and research on their own.

Actually, a discount online makes Universal look less greedy and more customer service oriented, whereas Disney looks greedy and looking for the money grab.
I really dont undersatnd the complaints. 3 bucks is not that bad of an increase for all the stuff you can do at the park. Stop moaning about it and move on. :bonk:
To be fair, Universal's ticket windows are so slow. Even if there's only a line of 10 people, that can take upwards of 30-45 minutes in line. It might not be their fault and people just walk up to the windows unprepared but when I have my AP and I'm going with someone who needs to do something at the window, I want to DIE.
To be fair, Universal's ticket windows are so slow. Even if there's only a line of 10 people, that can take upwards of 30-45 minutes in line. It might not be their fault and people just walk up to the windows unprepared but when I have my AP and I'm going with someone who needs to do something at the window, I want to DIE.

You ain't telling me. When Universal offered me free tickets for a really bad experience, I had to go to Guest Services to pick up the tickets. Took about an hour and a half just to go through the line. Two windows open and the line just got longer and longer.
To be fair, Universal's ticket windows are so slow. Even if there's only a line of 10 people, that can take upwards of 30-45 minutes in line. It might not be their fault and people just walk up to the windows unprepared but when I have my AP and I'm going with someone who needs to do something at the window, I want to DIE.

I don't get it. Why go if you're not prepared or know what you're doing. Universal could rip those people off of so much money if they want to. This has definitely been worse for me at Universal, but it's equally frustrating at Disney.