Universal's Epic Universe Wish List & Speculation | Page 484 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal's Epic Universe Wish List & Speculation

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Nothing has really come out about this yet, but I think Express will be available for most attractions from day 1.

I think the best move would be to give Grand Helios guests access to express. Not sure if that should come at the expense of Royal Pacific or in addition to the current resorts. With the expanded capacity across the resort, it could go either way.

I think they add Helios without removing Royal Pacific.
Something worth talking about IMO is the possible timeframe for the expansion pads. You have the one between Nintendo and Monsters (currently rumored to be Waterworld per Alicia in a podcast), and of course the 20-acre one on the right probably for LotR.

  • 2025 - EU opens.
  • 2026 - ???
  • 2027 - Zelda at IoA?
  • 2028 - ??? (Simpsons may be closing this year)

I could see 2026 for Waterworld (they've built it 3 times, can't imagine it would take too long for them to build a 4th), then 2028 for LotR, will help suck away some of the big IoA crowds (Zelda) and lessen USF's crowds (just lost an entire area with a good capacity attraction). Then again, maybe two years in a row of a big fantasy IP land is too much. :lol:
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I think it will depend on the reception of EU-- if people like it and feel like it's a complete park already, the expansion pads may sit vacant a little longer. If GSAs show the park is lacking something then one or two additions move to the front burner to try and fill holes in the lineup. That may depend mostly on the two shows being seen as successes or failures, just like IoA. The Toon Lagoon show was a dud from the start and they realized they needed more "in between" rides so they quickly added Unicorn and Storm Force to the lineup. Similar things could happen at EU if the Potter show ends up being a dud (I think the HTTYD show is pretty safe since it already exists). If both shows are good and people like them, I don't see them rushing to add Waterworld or any other show immediately.

If IoA and USF take a big attendance hit when EU opens the concentration and priority may be to beef them up first before adding more to EU.
Something worth talking about IMO is the possible timeframe for the expansion pads. You have the one between Nintendo and Monsters (currently rumored to be Waterworld per Alicia in a podcast), and of course the 20-acre one on the right probably for LotR.

  • 2025 - EU opens.
  • 2026 - ???
  • 2027 - Zelda at IoA?
  • 2028 - ??? (Simpsons may be closing this year)

I could see 2026 for Waterworld (they've built it 3 times, can't imagine it would take too long for them to build a 4th), then 2028 for LotR, will help suck away some of the big IoA crowds (Zelda) and lessen USF's crowds (just lost an entire area with a good capacity attraction). Then again, maybe two years in a row of a big fantasy IP land is too much. :lol:
I hope 2026 sees the rumored Creature from the Black Lagoon boat ride at EU and a new dark ride at USF, and I hope 2027 sees whatever is going to be happening in Lost Continent.

Save the first full land expansion at EU until after IOA and (especially) USF have gotten a bit more attention first.
Or, hear me out, don’t built it anywhere and do a new show. Crazy!
Serious question: what IP out there right now allows for the same kind of large-scale, effects-heavy stunt show? That could also plausibly show up in a Universal park, obviously.
Realistically I don't see anything being added to Epic Universe until 2028 at the absolute earliest, if even that. Epic Universe on its own will be a big draw for a few years, and the other parks could benefit from some additions in that time. From my understanding EU has two expansion plots that could be used for additional lands, and I think they're gonna wait a while and use them for something substantial, not a decades old show. I believe we're most likely to see new attractions for Monsters land or Wizarding Paris first.
Man would I love to hear the whole story on how that Monsters theater show went through so many iterations and concepts just to eventually be canceled altogether. I have seen or heard about no less than FOUR versions of that attraction. And you just know there has to be more.
Definitely seems like Monsters land as a whole went through concept and development hell for a bit. The end product looks like it will be pretty great though, probably my most anticipated land.
Man would I love to hear the whole story on how that Monsters theater show went through so many iterations and concepts just to eventually be canceled altogether. I have seen or heard about no less than FOUR versions of that attraction. And you just know there has to be more.
If that's the case I imagine the show was at least having some degree of development troubles. Given the amount of vacant theatres currently in Universal Orlando, I understand they may only want to move forward with shows they really believe will be a big hit for years to come.
Man would I love to hear the whole story on how that Monsters theater show went through so many iterations and concepts just to eventually be canceled altogether. I have seen or heard about no less than FOUR versions of that attraction. And you just know there has to be more.
That's what concerns me about the Werewolf coaster. People keep saying, look at Hagrid's and Velocicoaster, trust UC. But those coasters were years in the planning process. This coaster seems to popped up very late in the planning process.

Fingers crossed.

And concerning expansion/additions after EU, the year following the opening of major lands like Hogsmeade and Diagon have historically been off years. So I wouldn't expect anything big in 2026.
That's what concerns me about the Werewolf coaster. People keep saying, look at Hagrid's and Velocicoaster, trust UC. But those coasters were years in the planning process. This coaster seems to popped up very late in the planning process.

Fingers crossed.

This makes no sense with how rides are actually designed. The antithesis to this is “longer development leads to better coasters” which isn’t true either.
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no idea, people get paid good money to make up new ideas. I wouldn’t have said Bourne to replace Terminator but it turned out amazing. Just make something new!
I mean, I'd be thrilled with a non-IP adventure stunt spectacular. At the same time, the last time Universal tried a major stunt show not tied to a big studio release... we got Sindbad.

So I guess my point would be this: sure, something bespoke for a new park would be nice. But Waterworld seems to have stood the test of time, has transcended its movie origins, and is a real crowd-pleaser. I'd certainly take it anywhere at Universal Orlando.
Man would I love to hear the whole story on how that Monsters theater show went through so many iterations and concepts just to eventually be canceled altogether. I have seen or heard about no less than FOUR versions of that attraction. And you just know there has to be more.
Tell us more!

Actually, maybe don't. Anything you could say would likely make me only more nonplussed by the replacement!
I can guess one reason why the Monsters live show would be cancelled. Live shows are actor intensive. Not only do you have the main cast of characters to fill but also backups in case something happens to anyone in the first group. Plus I assume there would be heavy makeup involvement. With HP and HTTYD having live shows, keeping Monsters was probably a "You can have two shows, but three is too much" scenario. Plus they probably figured the land could use another ride. Not saying shows are bad, just that they aren't the draw that rides are. People will ride a roller coaster multiple times in a day, but probably only see a show once (if they haven't already seen it before) per visit.
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