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Volcano Bay Construction & Preview Discussion

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Well, would that be the longest drop water slide? Just like at one time Magnum XL200 was the tallest coaster but Steel phantom had longest drop on a coaster. I guess the stairs aren't that bad if it were a line but a continuous climb . . . i'd likely die 3 times.
Good memory on the Magnum/Steel Phantom controversy. I rode both back then (I live apx. 10-15 minutes from Kennywood) and thought the Phantom drop was way better since it dropped into a natural ravine, which made it much more thrilling....My favorite part of Magnum was not the drop, but all the bunny hops at the end that gave you great airtime.
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Think we will be seeing something like this? It seems to take up a good amount of space

This is very, well kinda, compact and it is a lot of fun!

But I would kill for something like this!
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Pieces for it are in the storage lot, so it's a fact :)
What has me confused is the size of the pieces look smaller like a standard hydromagnetic watercoaster...not the hydromagnetic mammoth...

Though I definitely wouldn't complain if we got both! Holiday World in Indiana has both and it immensely helps capacity. Who knows? Maybe we'll get the saucer style coaster, AND a mammoth!
Not the whole thing, but if you can build a 200ft volcano, surely you can cover up a bowl or funnel element. Personally though, I like seeing the slides etc.

Thanks for the pics, where is this, I would love a slide like this.
Since we're losing two awesome rides in Disco H2O and Brain Wash from Wet N Wild, part of me wishes they'd either relocate these slides or build a combo slide that features those elements.
What has me confused is the size of the pieces look smaller like a standard hydromagnetic watercoaster...not the hydromagnetic mammoth...

Though I definitely wouldn't complain if we got both! Holiday World in Indiana has both and it immensely helps capacity. Who knows? Maybe we'll get the saucer style coaster, AND a mammoth!
I once had a dream.of a hydro magnetic mat slide, it was awesome, fully enclosed black tubes with fancy lights, went upside down as well, lol, so probably will never happen.
I love the idea of the mechanism, I don't love the way those folks are all squeezed in there like that. Don't want to be rubbing skin with gross strangers, haha

I think there is a bit of room to move about but you're kind of right. Especially when people are wet and slimy with sun cream.
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