Westworld | Page 13 | Inside Universal Forums


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So, this is a big breakout for Evan Rachel Wood huh? It appears she was working constantly in Hollywood, but only in smaller parts in this and that show. Is her part the new John Snow?
It is just hitting me how much this is like a video game, where getting to the end was some grand reward and special effects. An end to the maze.

Also, when MIB and Hector escape the cell, the guard that confronts them face is blown off. Why did it blow off?
Well well... Ep. 5 does indeed rock the series by kind of answering a few questions and revealing a box full more. Some of the theories stated here appear to be falling into place. The whole show is mesmerizing but the final 5 minutes are a total "what?".
It is just hitting me how much this is like a video game, where getting to the end was some grand reward and special effects. An end to the maze.

Also, when MIB and Hector escape the cell, the guard that confronts them face is blown off. Why did it blow off?

If you look the guard has one of the cigars in his mouth that MIB used to blow the lock off the cell door, hence the blown off face. Just prior to that in the control room they say a guest is asking for 2 small explosions, the first is the lock the second is the guard.
If you look the guard has one of the cigars in his mouth that MIB used to blow the lock off the cell door, hence the blown off face. Just prior to that in the control room they say a guest is asking for 2 small explosions, the first is the lock the second is the guard.

Well that is pushing the premise to the friggin wall ain't it? How would the MiB know how long he could puff on his before it exploded.

While you are probably 100% right... the show's premise is flimsy at best. Would MiB, a guest, get his face blown off if he didn't back up in time? Sorry to be so logical.

BTW, I think that some of this show features the Euro soundstage at Uni Hollywood. Whatever it was, it didn't look great... kinda flimsy and better left a blurry background shot.
I would guess the cigars are remote triggered so wouldn't go off if a guest kept one in their mouths, and I am sure MiB has used them before so knows exactly how to use them.
Going to have to avoid this thread today- didn't get a chance to watch it last night due to the Cowboys game (I think I'm the only Romosexual left). Can't wait to watch it though
haha Romosexual, i should stay out of the thread as we don't get it till Tues.....buuuuut I want to know whats going on so can't keep away
Going to have to avoid this thread today- didn't get a chance to watch it last night Can't wait to watch it though

Well hurry up! I cannot wait to see opinions in spoiler tags.

I would guess the cigars are remote triggered so wouldn't go off if a guest kept one in their mouths, and I am sure MiB has used them before so knows exactly how to use them.

Yeah, I guess you are correct... but how did headquarters know there was a request for them? It's one thing to know where a young girl sat at a restaurant table but...
It's hard to believe we're halfway through the season already.

I fear we will be left with few answers.

Here is the maze... on examination, it appears unsolvable.

So did we possibly see how Bernard keeps taking Dolores away for his chats with her? I assume that was the purpose of the duo Dolores' when Ford wanted to have his talk, which in itself was.......wow.
Without saying much, I must say the casting reveals itself to be really brilliant in Ep. 5. Anthony Hopkins scares me in this episode. Power and staunch anger are not a good match and it is well displayed here. Teddy needs a hug. :look:

Oh, and without revealing anything, necrophilia comes up in a scene. Totally off the rails numerous times in 5!
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Oh, and without revealing anything, necrophilia comes up in a scene. Totally off the rails numerous times in 5!
It isn't even necrophilia- its more like having sex with a blow up doll. They aren't real, so it can't be necrophilia. Again, blurring the line of what makes "real, alive and dead".

Ok- so my LONG take including a way out there new theory.
It's clearly two time lines at this point. It's improbable, if not impossible to debate at this point. As if the two logos wasn't enough evidence- old one with William getting on train as well as lab coats in flash back scene and new one with old ford.
El Lazo/Lawrence should be the final proof we need, right? Not to mention MIB stating they had met before- duh, as El Lazo.

Some interesting things regarding that theory- we now know William and Logan are interested in purchasing Westworld and that it is "hemoraging cash". We know the MiB talks about Teddy being more real as being more "cost effective". The "reveal" it is two timelines will likely be William "opening up" a host and it having thousands of parts like MIB mentioned. On a side note: Cost cutting? What theme park would do that? :D

We know Delores has heard Arnold's voice before, and that's likely who we hear now. Although, in the day of the dead scene, ford is the voice she heard to tell her to sleep, and she fell back. Now, this took place in the "past", then we get an interview with "present" Ford. I, once again, don't believe these "interviews" are of a linear timeline.
In that conversation, we know Arnold wanted to have her destroy Westworld (or, by "this place", the control room/HQ). Then we hear her talk to herself or Arnold again saying "I didn't tell him anything". She's completely aware and sentient at this point as is Maive. Maive is wonderful, isn't she?

Side ramblings:

Delores says she hasn't seen Arnold in 34 years (when he died)- which means we have 6 years between Arnold's death and the major incident.
William and Logan also speak of Arnold's death as if its somewhat recent in the past few years (but not 34). Their timeline will assuredly be the "incident".

Blood transfusions work. Cool

Are most technicians at control hosts? When someone like Felix tries to "go outside of the box" with his bird tinkering, he is immediately redirected by another employee to stay in his current role, much like Westworld. Or, is this just symbolism that humans and hosts aren't too far apart in their desires of wanting more while others keep them down. Hmm...

And now for my insane theory of the week.

Bernard is not only a host. Bernard is Arnold. And not just the consciousness of Arnold like some may have guessed, but an exact physical clone of Arnold.
Bernard has no knowledge of Arnold but even an outsider like Logan does from 30 years ago?
We see a photo of Arnold in episode 3 I believe- it clearly isn't Bernard. But the precedent is already set that hosts see what they are programmed to see. Delores saw the picture of the lady in Times Square and said she saw nothing weird about it. Almost like her dad was crazy. So when Bernard sees the pic, is it because he IS Arnold? We already saw the Delos terms and services which allows cloning of your likeness even using your DNA. Why would they put that in there if it doesn't come up in the show.
In episode one when Abernathy (Delores' dad) says he wants to meet his maker, Ford looks at Bernard and says "you're in luck". Was ford talking about himself. Or about Bernard? Or... both? Then ford asks what he'd say to his maker and Abernathy responds about taking his mechanical dirty hand and getting revenge. Yikes.
The best part about this theory is- if he's an exact clone of Arnold- but would look 34ish during any of these interactions. So these interviews with Delores or Maive could be 34 years ago. Was his Skype with his wife in the present or the past? And knowing that Logan/Williams timeline is AFTER Arnold's death, if those interviews and phone call were the past, that would actually mean we could be in THREE timelines. Mind F, right?
Delores is clothes with Arnold/Bernard, naked with Ford. Ford freaked out about someone covering up a host before- is it because Arnold used to do the same as we're currently seeing?
The maze is Arnold's idea, we learned that tonight. Yet Bernard is the one who brings it up to Delores. Wouldn't it make more sense that Arnold planted that seed?
So why does Ford clone Arnold? He said he wasn't "nostalgic" while he was about to tear down the hotel with that giant machine. Yet he still likes to recount stories with old bill and maybe, just maybe he missed his friend and their friendly debates.

I don't necessarily believe this, but I'm going to be looking out for it as it's plausible.
Hey- the two timeline thing was too easy so now I'm reaching and saying three :)
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Another quick thought-
MIB tells ford "Arnold almost took this place with him. Almost, but not quite, thanks to me".
Again, Arnold dies 34 years ago. 6 years later the park is hemoraging money and William/Logan arrive and the incident will happen here soon. William makes his turn in both Westworld and real life and takes control of the company (does Logan die- might William kill him if he's not dead already), and "bails out" Westworld.
Now we know MIB saves Westworld. We know he can do whatever the heck he wants in it. So was it financial? Something more? Or both.
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