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Did Ford kind of say that Bernard was a host when talking to Theresa, he said don't break him (or along those lines) and I am sure he also said many others have tried.
Did Ford kind of say that Bernard was a host when talking to Theresa, he said don't break him (or along those lines) and I am sure he also said many others have tried.

He didn't actually say host, but he did say the other stuff. If Bernard was a host, then why isn't he going screwy? Why would he be more stable than everyone else that is going all yumpie?
Perhaps his interactions with the other Hosts is what is causing the problems in the first place, maybe it is all part of Ford's plan ? Also what the hell is he building, that is some serious machinery that is chewing up the scenery.
If Bernard was a host, then why isn't he going screwy? Why would he be more stable than everyone else that is going all yumpie?

In the first episode- only 10% of the hosts had the update anyway- so they can clearly program each host independently.
In the first episode- only 10% of the hosts had the update anyway- so they can clearly program each host independently.

Good point. So, if Bernard is a biobot, then there is a good chance that he doesn't know it. Does Theresa probably know it? Is he questioning Delores because he senses something about himself? hmmm
Or is Ford using Bernard to awaken certain hosts to what they really are. He knows everything that is going on, more than anyone else in the park it seems and he certainly has an agenda with this new storyline he is creating.
Plus if Bernard is a host and Ford knows it I bet he is running a custom firmware that has him thinking he is sentient. His personal pet project. Plus ford just said don't hurt him and I took that as emotinally since he has baggage with the dead kid and estranged wife.
Plus if Bernard is a host and Ford knows it I bet he is running a custom firmware that has him thinking he is sentient. His personal pet project. Plus ford just said don't hurt him and I took that as emotinally since he has baggage with the dead kid and estranged wife.

I am embarrassed that I had to look up the word sentient. I knew of it, but I never knew precisely what it meant. Now I do. ;)
I forgot the word they use in the show.

There was also a really cool game that came out about a year ago called SOMA that deals with consciousness. I'd say look that up if you wanna have some kind of existential crisis.
Just caught up on this week. I'm not convinced on the Bernard-as-host notion, but there's nothing to say it couldn't be the case... Tattoo girl however is fascinating. Was trying to figure out if she could just about be 37 years old...

Also, thought the opening and closing scenes were excellent.
I finally got a chance to watch episode 4 a second time and I liked it a lot better the second time around.

The MiB scenes were fun - the guy has charisma. He and Lawrence make a great pair. The Hector and MIB scenes were also great - I loved the MiBs summary of Hector's character. And finally, the Maeve/Hector scene was so, so good.

I hope MiB keeps dragging Lawrence along with him.

There's been a lot of praise for Evan Rachel Wood, especially for the scene this week where she is told to turn off her emotional response. The first few weeks, I thought she was good, but looking closer, the editing is doing her a lot of favors.

Watch that 'emotions' scene again. She goes from heavy emotions, we see Bernard, then see her 'transition' to no emotions. It's really the editing that makes the transition, not necessarily ERW. Those two pieces could have been shot weeks apart for all we know.

That said, she's been good, but Ed Harris and Thandi Newton have stood out to me.

Speaking of the Bernard/Dolores scene:
I'm wondering if the scenes where we see Bernard working with Dolores are actually in person or are they in Dolores' mind?

Some items to support that theory:
  • Dolores is clothed - we've seen that, not only is it rare for hosts to be clothed when in the facility, but Ford is clearly angry when he sees it happen
  • Where would these interviews take place with no one around? I suppose there are vacant areas of the facility, we've seen some, but it seems very risky if Bernard were doing these in person
  • And to those two points, Ford sees EVERYTHING. If they are happening, Ford knows about them. Maybe he's watching to see where they go... or they aren't happening like we see them.
  • This episode, we saw Dolores wake from the meeting and she was out in the middle of nowhere with William. Was she taken in the middle of the night for that meeting without William noticing? Or did she just 'dream' the meeting?
Could the meetings be happening in Dolores' "bicameral mind"?

One last theory - I think it's pretty clear that the MiB didn't rape Dolores in Episode 1 - and I've felt that way since I saw the scene. I always figured he was doing something towards his end game, and rape would be wasting his time.

Now I have a theory - I think he was teaching Dolores what happens frequently in her loop. "Your parents get killed, Teddy dies, then you get dragged in here and raped... next time, grab the guys gun..."
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The actress is only 37? I thought she was younger. She has a very Charlize Theron look to her.

She said she was seven when Wyatt's masked men came... Adding the Man In Black's 30 years would make her 37 and put Wyatt / masked men in William's timeline, if he is the Man in Black.

There's been a lot of praise for Evan Rachel Wood, especially for the scene this week where she is told to turn off her emotional response. The first few weeks, I thought she was good, but looking closer, the editing is doing her a lot of favors.

Watch that 'emotions' scene again. She goes from heavy emotions, we see Bernard, then see her 'transition' to no emotions. It's really the editing that makes the transition, not necessarily ERW. Those two pieces could have been shot weeks apart for all we know.

I think that's a slightly unfair judgement -- there was certainly one scene where the 'drop' was in the same shot and I think she carries it well. I also like her transitions in the moments when memories start to break back through into her present -- you can really see the hesitant confusion.
She said she was seven when Wyatt's masked men came... Adding the Man In Black's 30 years would make her 37 and put Wyatt / masked men in William's timeline, if he is the Man in Black.

I think that's a slightly unfair judgement -- there was certainly one scene where the 'drop' was in the same shot and I think she carries it well. I also like her transitions in the moments when memories start to break back through into her present -- you can really see the hesitant confusion.

I'd have to go back and rewatch the earlier episodes - like I said, early on, I also felt she was really good. I didn't liker her performance as much in the latest episode. I can't put my finger on why, though.

The actress that plays Armistice was born on 3/2/80 - so at least one 'timeline' works so far ;)