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What was the speculation on True Detective- loved that show

Some viewers apparently thought the Lovecraft/Yellow King references were foreshadowing an out-of-left-field actual supernatural villain at the end. Which always seemed a bit nuts to me.

In terms of Westworld, I'm not saying W=MiB is an R+L=J like lock yet ... but it's close. Two different logos, the editing is almost too on the nose ("Let's go back to the beginning, Delores", Ford pointedly not using MiB's name) and the last episode makes little sense without some sort of varying time lines.* Plus this is from the guy who wrote Memento and The Prestige, you know a twist is coming.

I'll put it this way, if the theory is not true, we as viewers are at least supposed to think it's true. Like a "Gabriel Byrne is Kaiser Soze" fake-out.

* To clarify:
William and Logan are in a time where WW is hemorrhaging money, and it sounds like Arnold just killed himself. Logan talks like it's recent news. Ford et al are in a timeline where the park seems to be doing fine financially--Board letting WW do a massive overhaul, no one mentions budget woes--and Arnold's death was 30 years ago. Irreconcilable differences.
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I think you guys should slow it way down on speculation. I have no idea why you would want to obsess on trying to figure out what will happen, youre just gonna set yourself up for disappointment, just go for the ride.
I see your point, but different people enjoy different things. Anything that the show does that disappoints me will disappoint me regardless of what I thought might happen.

I'm enjoying the speculation on this one, not really sure why, but I usually don't speculate much on shows. This one really lends itself towards it. I bet if you asked the creators, writers, directors, etc. - they would want us to speculate. They are definitely driving us to it.
For me speculating on what is going on and what will happen is all part of watching the show, if a show you watch gets you talking about it with friends, forums etc it has done its job of hooking you in and you will follow along to see if the theories you have discussed with others were right or way off after more information is added with each episode.
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For me speculating on what is going on and what will happen is all part of watching the show, if a show you watch gets you talking about it with friends, forums etc it has done its job of hooking you in and you will follow along to see if the theories you have discussed with others were right or way off after more information is added with each episode.

I can't agree enough. I look at a lot of you guys and your discussions as talking with friends. Really appreciate all input. I'd love to speak to my co-workers about it, but theyre too busy watching crap shows like the Walking dead or CSI or the Voice to talk to them about any shows of substance- except Game of Thrones- that one luckily crosses their TV screens.

So I have no outlet for my diagnosing brain... :D
By the time I watch the latest episode, this thread has jumped at least 5 pages and it's always making for some interesting reading.

I think once this season finishes, this will be an instant rewatch.
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If you think this is speculation.......gander around the web for about 10 minutes for Game of Thrones. Holy Jeebus......threads for that show get llloooooonnnnggggg.
If you think this is speculation.......gander around the web for about 10 minutes for Game of Thrones. Holy Jeebus......threads for that show get llloooooonnnnggggg.

Ya- I avoid those. Love Got, but it GoT really seem that "thinking man" of a show- I actually prefer just going into it without speculation. Westworld I enjoy the speculation because it's so damned confusing and I think they want us to speculate.

Speaking of speculation- does anyone watch The Leftovers?
That show is so damned good- my favorite thing on TV. @Teebin - you'd love it. HBO- only 2 seasons- only 1 more to go (final season is season 3). Season 1 was pretty good, but Season 2 was on another level.
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An interesting study of Anthony Hopkins' performance in the restaurant scene with Theresa.

Spoilers if you haven't seen that episode yet (2 or 3, I forget) and there is no speculation, just a fascinating look at what AH brings to the scene.

Watching the series, I have felt his pauses were really what made his dialog land. He makes it look like he's considering his words, which is a normal way to communicate and makes it feel so natural.
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Mercy, wasn't that something. Lots of left turns... and a gatling gun! Weeeeeee!

(I have a hundred things I could go on and on about but because I am quite private, I won't)
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Oh baby. This show is something else. At least this is the first episode that I feel begins to answer more questions that it raises.

With the Arnold picture being Ford's father, it makes me even more certain that Bernard is Arnold. It is revealed that Ford is very sentimental and I feel after Arnold's death, despite whatever differences they may of had, he missed him and created Bernard in his image to continue to work with him.
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Oh baby. This show is something else. At least this is the first episode that I feel begins to answer more questions that it raises.

With the Arnold picture being Ford's father, it makes me even more certain that Bernard is Arnold. It is revealed that Ford is very sentimental and I feel after Arnold's death, despite whatever differences they may of had, he missed him and created Bernard in his image to continue to work with him.

didn't know that about he picture. Ya. That's fords dad. And a big empty spot on the right. Clearly where Arnold would be- who is previously Bernard. I'm in full support of this.
They clearly had a friendship- heck, he made the family for Ford. That's endearing for certain.
Also- 80ish "first gen" robots still in park. So clearly the "no way it's two timelines because how come the robots don't act old" argument. The kinks were worked out before the park opened. Old bill was never in the park most likely.
Last- Maeve. What a badass. "I'm real". "How do you know?" :D

Fantastic episode. And I mean FANTASTIC.
Meanwhile, most everyone else is likely drooling over and loving whatever garbage happened on that trash show on AMC tonight. :/
If Maeve had other programming adjustments does that mean she is also a gen 1 host? Assuming it is the Arnold ghost that augmented her in the first place to allow for her to break free?

Also it seemed that this episode was just contemporary events. I feel like they are now trying to nudge the more passive viewers into sensing a disconnect between Will and the contemporary time frame. Also the beacon had the old logo as well that we saw in the Will time frame so that dates it back to gen1 times, again giving more credence to the Will/MiB theory.

I think I am gunna watch this episode again right now. This is the only show that has me watching each episode 3 plus times to digest all the nuances that this show is filled with. I really like how they respect the audiences intelligence and don't hold your hand with any of their storytelling.
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If Maeve had other programming adjustments does that mean she is also a gen 1 host? Assuming it is the Arnold ghost that augmented her in the first place to allow for her to break free?

not necessarily. We don't know how she "changed". It easily could have been a designed trigger based on the "violence" quote that Delores gave her. But even then I would assume it was a first gen.
We know she's been the madam a year. She was a basic whore before that (with the brunette girl the madam), and a mom with kid before then. So not sure how long all those timeframes happened.

Oh ya- anyone immediately notice the old Westworld logo when Bernard logged onto the old computer? They also made sure to show the new Westworld logo maybe 10 mins later on some glass. They're clearly wanting everyone to know, for certain, William is in a different timeline.

We also know, for certain. Maeve's "awakening" is present, not Williams. She saw the blood/white person being injected vs the robots of Williams day (MIB commenting that they were made of a bunch of parts when he first went to the park).

Lastly- did you notice on the promo video Maeve watched the blonde in white who welcomed William to Westworld and tried to make a pass at him was the one introducing the video?
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not necessarily. We don't know how she "changed". It easily could have been a designed trigger based on the "violence" quote that Delores gave her. But even then I would assume it was a first gen.
We know she's been the madam a year. She was a basic whore before that (with the brunette girl the madam), and a mom with kid before then. So not sure how long all those timeframes happened.

Oh ya- anyone immediately notice the old Westworld logo when Bernard logged onto the old computer? They also made sure to show the new Westworld logo maybe 10 mins later on some glass. They're clearly wanting everyone to know, for certain, William is in a different timeline.

Lastly- did you notice on the promo video Maeve watched the blonde in white who welcomed William to Westworld and tried to make a pass at him was the one introducing the video?
Did you also notice that she is also in the flashback when they are teaching the original hosts to dance? I believe she walks across the frame and glances at the screen.

this is her right?
Did you also notice that she is also in the flashback when they are teaching the original hosts to dance? I believe she walks across the frame and glances at the screen.
I'll rewatch. I edited my last response to add something else about Maeve.