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And did they say the prostitute was infected with MRSA? How could a bio host be infected with such a human disease?

I think its just to tie in a concept from another Critchton novel, Prey where nanobots infected people, were producing E Coli and killing people.

Also would sugggest that the skin is grafted from genetic engineering as well. That its real living tissue
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It's definitely living tissue. The dead people hanging/rotting in episode 3 stunk to both the guests and hosts- and flies were on them.
Oh... watching again... and Hopkins tells Teddy that Delores is just there for guests to have their way with her. This whole thing is so dark and disgusting and sexy at the same time. Until we learn the repercussions this series is soooooo alluring.

Ask yourself, how would you behave in Westworld? What would be your focus for fun?
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I'll say this- this is the same Nolan that wrote Inception and Memento. If it doesn't involve different timelines, I'll be shocked.

Jonathan Nolan (of Westworld) wrote the original story for memento, but I don't think he wrote the screenplay, that was Christopher. And I don't think Jonathan had anything to do with inception, I believe that was all Chris.
Correct me if im wrong, please. But I believe that is who was where.

I've been kind of wondering if this corporation just purchased a huge chunk of Monument Valley or whatever and cordoned it off for their park. The control center was depicted as on top of a mesa in the first episode, with many sublevels underneath it (probably where the guest reception facility is, too) that connect to vast tunnels (utilidors!) built across the whole park.

There might not be any guarantee that you can't get hurt at all, I think they've only emphasized that the hosts can't hurt you. You probably have to sign a waiver or something beforehand.

Has anyone else noticed the escalators freaking everywhere? I've been wondering what the significance of that is.

Also, with WW possibly being underground......I want to see where the stupid train comes out! In episode 2 when the newer guest walks down the hall, opens the door and bam was on the train. Then a few seconds later, insta-in WW. Where does the train go to get the guests?
Jonathan Nolan (of Westworld) wrote the original story for memento, but I don't think he wrote the screenplay, that was Christopher. And I don't think Jonathan had anything to do with inception, I believe that was all Chris.
Correct me if im wrong, please. But I believe that is who was where.

You're right. :/
I really hope there aren't multiple timelines without being told things are flashbacks/flashforwards.


I prefer it this way. Surprises just to be surprises aren't necessarily good- but by them allowing William and Logan's story to fully flesh out- it allows us to draw closer to the characters. Most flashback "scenes" where they are "told"- are typically 1 episode max- so the characters don't appeal to the audience as much. You know the present day character, and it's more of an inquisition of how their "past" was. But to do it throughout a season simultaneously, you get to see the development of the character and a much larger arc. And that will lead to some "ah ha- thats why he xyzs", etc.
That's just my opinion though. I'm actually curious why you hope there aren't.
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I found this layout for the company's facilities, laid out pretty much just exactly how I thought it'd be, comes from the video here: Westworld: A Delos Destination

I prefer it this way. Surprises just to be surprises aren't necessarily good- but by them allowing William and Logan's story to fully flesh out- it allows us to draw closer to the characters. Most flashback "scenes" where they are "told"- are typically 1 episode max- so the characters don't appeal to the audience as much. You know the present day character, and it's more of an inquisition of how their "past" was. But to do it throughout a season simultaneously, you get to see the development of the character and a much larger arc. And that will lead to some "ah ha- thats why he xyzs", etc.
That's just my opinion though. I'm actually curious why you hope there aren't.
Fair enough.

I just don't like multiple timeline stories - especially when they are 'hidden' from us. I don't like the "You should have seen this coming, but you could have only seen this coming if you had knowledge that we didn't give you" things.

If this thing tries to add twist after twist without answering anything (which is how I felt Lost was), I won't be long for this show. Right now, I am loving it, though.
Another thing you have to remember is that this TV show is tied into the original movie, I had the thought that where they store all the old/broken hosts etc is where the old Westworld facilities were and they have built over the top of it after the original "accident". The producers have hinted that we are only seeing Westworld and in later seasons Roman and Medieval Worlds would appear.

At a guess Delos was perhaps bought out by Ford and Andrews (the company and land would have been dirt cheap after such a catastrophic failure in it's tech) and with a much better tech for hosts and perhaps using the weapons tech from Delos they could build a safer version of the parks, this is obv just pure speculation on my part.

Is the church that we see when Ford is in the desert part of the original Westworld town that he is resurrecting for his own purposes ?

As they have said various times in the 3 episodes all the hosts have had multiple roles except Dolores who being the oldest host in the park (some 30 years since it's opening) has only ever played the one role, perhaps she is central to all the glitches that seem to be appearing in the other hosts either by design by perhaps Andrews or someone else ?
More and more, it seems like there might be multiple timelines. How do I add a spoiler tag? Do we need to add spoiler tags for episodes that have already aired?

If you haven't already, check out the discoverwestworld.com site and ask the chatbot questions. Lots of fun Easter eggs.

Violent delights, Arnold, maze, Wyatt, man in black... All kinds of fun things to ask about.
^ I don't know how to explain it without screwing up the site software but I will try. You type a left bracket and the word spoiler and finish it with a right bracket. No spaces. Then you type your post. At the end you type exactly the same thing with the addition of a forward slash before the word spoiler.
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Ah, got it. Like html tags, but using brackets

when William arrived, an old Westworld logo was in the background. The same logo was seen on the tech jackets in the flashback with the young Anthony Hopkins.

In the preview that showed William's arrival, they edited out the old logo and replaced it with the new one. So, it seems like they think it was important enough to hide until the episode showed.

If they do tie back to the movie, there was one survivor. That could be the man in black. It could also be William... And they could also be the same person.

The only piece that doesn't make sense is that the hosts that interact with William act like the present day hosts. Smooth movements etc. if the William scenes ever are an old timeline, wouldn't the hosts be less smooth?
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Cool sport! ;)

Yeah, it is all very queer. The producers are prancing around hiding the secrets of the series. I will leave it to you sharp dudes to decipher it as I cannot.