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What does Jurassic Park need?

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look my view looking at whats available in the other islands such as marvel, wizarding and even suess the varirty in JP is poor. i enjoy the RA is just feel the water aspect was a poor choice especially when you have plenty of water rides in toon lagoon

But how is the variety in the other islands any better? TL's only water rides, SL only kiddie rides, and LC now only a walkthrough and a stage show. Not that I'm saying that I don't like them, or think they have a bad variety of attractions, but they all have a worse variety of attractions than JP.
i enjoy the RA is just feel the water aspect was a poor choice especially when you have plenty of water rides in toon lagoon

Um, two? And last Friday, a hot day, all three rides had sky high wait times, double any other ride in the park. IoA certainly needs all three water rides to balance out all the "dry" rides.

And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have never seen the Imhotep AA go down.
yes this is the first time Tiffany has broke down and i still think it wont be the last time. you say she's an extremely advanced so is imhotep and look how often he's down. forgetting the rex theRA constantly has problems being reported. from broken doors to has you so put it statue dinosaurs.

Jurassic Park has been open since 1999. Since then, this is the only significant breakdown of Tiffany. That kind of reliability is amazing. Imhotep is way more advanced, so that comparison doesn't really work. Plus Imphotep has a history of problems, Tiffany does not. Yes, sometimes everything doesn't work, but that is the reality of a business that operates 365 days a year.
I personally haven't seen the Imhotep AA down since around January but it does happen every now and then.
did i personally offend you or something, i stated my opinion that i feel for what they can do the attractions available in the Jurassic park island is pretty lack lustre.

yes this is the first time Tiffany has broke down and i still think it wont be the last time. you say she's an extremely advanced so is imhotep and look how often he's down. forgetting the rex theRA constantly has problems being reported. from broken doors to has you so put it statue dinosaurs.

the discovery centre is nothing more than a restaurant, i'm not the only one to feel this way. yes what they have downstairs is alright but it could be so much more and videos on here have proved that. camp jurassic and the flyers like i said earlier i have never used as i was told neither were available to anyone unless they had children with them

Triceratops Discovery Trail/encounter, i will admit i did not know had reopened but again its a seasonal attraction, and it was closed for over 5 years.

look my view looking at whats available in the other islands such as marvel, wizarding and even suess the varirty in JP is poor. i enjoy the RA is just feel the water aspect was a poor choice especially when you have plenty of water rides in toon lagoon

if i've offended anyone else in this thread i apologise.

1.Dude the Dinosaurs barely break down and Imhotep is not advanceded at all and i didn't mean advanced i meant important factor. Also I've only seen the Ultrasaur go down from word of mouth i've never seen a broken dino.
2.Yep since no Raptors hatch and there are no skeletons our cool looking models of dinosaurs or a fun as hell game nope none of that.*sarcasm*
3.So what that ti was closed for five years its back now so it is a plus to JP.
4.Yep Seuss is much better than JP since JP sucks and is the worst island evah tey should makea ah veio gemu island.*sarcasm*
And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have never seen the Imhotep AA go down.

Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't have a history of it. When I lived in Orlando from late 2008 - early 2010, Imhotep was broken/down/turned off 75% of the time I rode it.

1.Dude the Dinosaurs barely break down and Imhotep is not advanceded at all and i didn't mean advanced i meant important factor. Also I've only seen the Ultrasaur go down from word of mouth i've never seen a broken dino.
2.Yep since no Raptors hatch and there are no skeletons our cool looking models of dinosaurs or a fun as hell game nope none of that.*sarcasm*
3.So what that ti was closed for five years its back now so it is a plus to JP.
4.Yep Seuss is much better than JP since JP sucks and is the worst island evah tey should makea ah veio gemu island.*sarcasm*

1. Many of the dinos have had issues, whether it be all together or individually. For a while, the raptor crate wouldn't drop, stego wouldn't move, Tiffany has had issues before, the brachiosaurus at the beginning. That's what happens when animatroincs/metal and water mix.
2. The Discovery Center, while it does have interesting and cool exhibits, it can be a little underwhelming for some. I don't see a problem with plusing it.
3. It's only open for the Summer.
4. For the love of school, please, at least, try to use proper grammer/spelling. You don't have to be perfect, but holy hell "worst island evah tey should makea ah veio gemu island" is some of the worst damage I've seen to the English Language.
Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't have a history of it. When I lived in Orlando from late 2008 - early 2010, Imhotep was broken/down/turned off 75% of the time I rode it.

1. Many of the dinos have had issues, whether it be all together or individually. For a while, the raptor crate wouldn't drop, stego wouldn't move, Tiffany has had issues before, the brachiosaurus at the beginning. That's what happens when animatroincs/metal and water mix.
2. The Discovery Center, while it does have interesting and cool exhibits, it can be a little underwhelming for some. I don't see a problem with plusing it.
3. It's only open for the Summer.
4. For the love of school, please, at least, try to use proper grammer/spelling. You don't have to be perfect, but holy hell "worst island evah tey should makea ah veio gemu island" is some of the worst damage I've seen to the English Language.

1.I've only heard of the Ultrasaur going down alot and this is Tiff's first time.
2.To us theme park junkies but not to most average people.
3.Nope Winter break,Spring break, and the summer.
4.That was a joke............
1.I've only heard of the Ultrasaur going down alot and this is Tiff's first time.
2.To us theme park junkies but not to most average people.
3.Nope Winter break,Spring break, and the summer.
4.That was a joke............

1. It is not Tiff's first time, and all the other dinos have had issues. Sorry, you're wrong on this one.
2. Not true. When I got to IoA, I usually go with "average people" and they find Discovery Center cool, but underwhelming. I hate that argument, by the way. "Oh, Theme Park Junkies notice it more than Average people". It's just an easy cop out for an debate/argument.
3. I know, I'm saying that it will not be permanently open. As in, it's only plans, as of now, is to be open during the Summer.
4. What was a joke? Your grammar? If so, no more jokes of that nature.
I thought you guys might like an idea of mine for the Raptor Encounter.

Title - Raptor: Breakout!!!

The Line

The line is mainly like the old Trike Encounter line but with alot more transport stuff like the Jurassic Park metal crates, stun and tranquilizer guns, and some heavy-duty vehicles like the one in the concept art a few pages back. The TV’s in the canopy are talking about the building we are about to go into; The Jurassic Park Enrichment Center (JPEC for short) is a facility for young dinos to grow-up into their fitting habitats once they are released from the Visitor Center’s Hatchery. We are told from the TV’s that we are taking a grand tour of the place and we will see this-and-that and so on….At the end of the line we come to a huge metal gate labeled “JPEC Main Entrance E051399” (If anyone knows what those numbers mean, :rep: will be awarded)

Pre-Show 1

The gate opens up and walk up and onto one of the Temporary Animal Pens and we re-live a moment in Jurassic Park (sorry for the poor-video quailty):

Pre-Show 2

Once we are done with the whole presentation, we walk off the Temporary Animal Pen and we go into the main lobby of JPEC. We notice all the monitors everywhere streaming live footage of dinos currently in the
closed habitats. Soon we are interrupted by our tour guide and he / she begins to welcome us and talk about the facility. The tour guide tells us it is a special day today because they are transporting out some raptors to be released into Jurassic Park and they want you guys to watch! Yay? Well the doors in front of us open up and we go down a hallway until we hit the doors to open up to “ Theater Viewing HR01”.

The Main Show

After being informed of how to enter, sit, and relax in the auditorium, the doors open up into a circle type seating with a fenced habitat in the middle of it. On one end is a track that leads up to a gate that goes into the fenced habitat. Once we sit down and the lap bar is in place: “The Show Begins!”

A JP metal crate, along with a transport team, comes down the track into locks into position on the gate. Trackers on the raptor indicate that she is very upset right now and she forces the crate away from the gate. The JP transport team quickly close the gate and the raptor stays inside the habitat. We see the raptor for a quick second as she bangs the fence and sparks go flying. But later, the power goes out and the raptor breaks loose. We hear sounds of a man being eaten, followed by some jump out AA’s at the audience, then a epic battle by the transport team and their stun guns flashing as they finally put the raptor in the crate. Then the lights come back on and we see a shaking crate with raptor sounds coming out of it and proud but tired transport team. The lap bar rises up and we leave the theater through the exit doors.

Well what do you guys think?
May 13, 1999, IoA started softs.
As far a your Raptor idea, on the whole I think it's good. I would enjoy the Alien Encounter-type experience (although there would be some scared kiddies). But the name could use work, it lets on too much right off the bat. And why would you replace Trike Encounter when there's plenty of room behind Thunder Falls? Just sayin. So if not the jeep tour, then I would love to see this go in that spot.
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May 13, 1999, IoA started softs.
As far a your Raptor idea, on the whole I think it's good. I would enjoy the Alien Encounter-type experience (although there would be some scared kiddies). But the name could use work, it lets on too much right off the bat. And why would you replace Trike Encounter when there's plenty of room behind Thunder Falls? Just sayin. So if not the jeep tour, then I would love to see this go in that spot.

I never thought of replacing Trike, but maybe they can add on to it. First they flip things around and add the Trike encounter first with a brand new queve just like the old one. After we see Sara, we then go threw the rest of the outside herbivore section of JPEC before enter the carnivore section (more particular the raptor section). Then we do the rest of the stuff inculding the Pre-Shows and the Main Show that I explained in the last post.

New Title: Dinosaur Encounters!

P.s... You got my Easter Egg! :thumbs:
I rode JPRA today , and it was great! All the effects were working, and the geysers and the Hadrasaur got me much more wet than usual.
I never thought of replacing Trike, but maybe they can add on to it. First they flip things around and add the Trike encounter first with a brand new queve just like the old one. After we see Sara, we then go threw the rest of the outside herbivore section of JPEC before enter the carnivore section (more particular the raptor section). Then we do the rest of the stuff inculding the Pre-Shows and the Main Show that I explained in the last post.

New Title: Dinosaur Encounters!

P.s... You got my Easter Egg! :thumbs:

Ah I got you now. Yeah that sounds like a good upgrade. I still want them to do something with the unused land though.
Even though Disney somehow beat Universal to the dinosaur encounter in a jeep ride concept...that's really the only attraction I can see being pulled off. I mean Jurassic Parks dinosaurs are iconic, they have very defined looks and even personalities. The Jeeps, the electric fences, architecture, it all is very iconic also.

A Jeep dark ride through the carnivore habitats like we're trying to make it to the dock before the boat leaves would be awesome. We could even pass by the jeep that Dennis(I think his name was) and the Dilophosaurus had their little fight in.