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What does Jurassic Park need?

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Just to name a few...
Executed correctly, a roller coaster can, in fact, enhance the theming of an area rather than take away from it. And undoubtedly Universal has the ability to create such coasters. And I think for the area behind Thunder Falls should be home to a heavily themed, ground hugging, coasters with segments both inside and out.
But also, a change to Trike encounter would be great. I would say Parasaurolophus, Gallimimus, Iguanodon, a really young Sauropod, or any other relatively recognizable herbivore.

That sums up my thoughts perfectly! :rep:
So I was in line for JPRA on Saturday and decided to look at the diorama of the island at the entrance to the queue and it is a perfect representation of everything that was planned for JPRA. It has the Jeep tours and the Helicopter simulator on it.

That's really amazing. I've never noticed this detail before.
A runaway mine car through an amber mine would fit perfectly in Jurassic Park. As would a flying coaster in the birdcage like structure where you simulate the pterodactyl attack from Jurassic Park 3.
1.Atleast you showed me something worst than a coaster.
2.Same not wanting a coaster anywhere near JP.

Ok guys the best idea i've seen is to add more species to TE the rest is crap guys Ciasters would not fit in Jurassic Park it ruins the theming since JP is not supposed to be place with coasters its supposed to be somewhat educational and not for fast thrills.
1.Atleast you showed me something worst than a coaster.
2.Same not wanting a coaster anywhere near JP.

Ok guys the best idea i've seen is to add more species to TE the rest is crap guys Ciasters would not fit in Jurassic Park it ruins the theming since JP is not supposed to be place with coasters its supposed to be somewhat educational and not for fast thrills.

Well I'm glad you are here to be the judge and jury of all ideas Jurassic Park.
Just to name a few...
Executed correctly, a roller coaster can, in fact, enhance the theming of an area rather than take away from it. And undoubtedly Universal has the ability to create such coasters. And I think for the area behind Thunder Falls should be home to a heavily themed, ground hugging, coasters with segments both inside and out.
But also, a change to Trike encounter would be great. I would say Parasaurolophus, Gallimimus, Iguanodon, a really young Sauropod, or any other relatively recognizable herbivore.

It's different with Jurassic Park, though. JP is suppused to be a natural setting save the electric fences and thatch-roofed buildings. I believe Mike is right in saying that a tall coaster would really stick out in a bad way. Now they could build a low, hidden coaster, but I fail to see how they can incorporate the dinos into it, which is what JP is all about. I think the best choices are raptor encounter or jeep tour, whether it be track or screen based, or both...
It's different with Jurassic Park, though. JP is suppused to be a natural setting save the electric fences and thatch-roofed buildings. I believe Mike is right in saying that a tall coaster would really stick out in a bad way. Now they could build a low, hidden coaster, but I fail to see how they can incorporate the dinos into it, which is what JP is all about. I think the best choices are raptor encounter or jeep tour, whether it be track or screen based, or both...

I'd say I agree. But I think a Manta type flyer could work. It wouldn't be as great as the raptor encounter or jeep tour, but I still think it could be really good.
I think if a coaster were to go in at all, a flyer would be the best option. They're so smooth and graceful, they almost seem like a natural creature in the way they swoop through their surroundings anyway. Add in some nice near miss moments like flying over some water, under a rock arch perhaps, and I think it'd be a winner. And the possibilities are endless when it comes to the station and themeing - it might look really cool as an industrial-looking watch tower or something.
I suggested the flying coaster the way I did because it could be hidden by a structure and not take away from the theme of the overall area. Plus, you could incorporate a lot of natural elements into it. I agree a coaster with zero theme to it would stick out and detract from the overall look of that area of the park. But this is Universal we're talking about here, if they commit the funds to do it right they can give the best of both worlds. You'd see this giant bird cage looking structure, and not see a coaster at all.
Considering the island is the largest land mass wise in the entire park, and only boasting one attraction(E-Ticket)...I'd say anything would be welcome to make some of that space useful.
they could update the discovery center to something more like this and I'd be happy

holy crap, that looks amazing, sorry but it just shows the orlando JP is extremely poor. the DC is basic and nothing but a restaurant and shop, the main ride is a random(still never understood the water choice it could still work easily as a jeep) and very rarely works and the rest of the rides can not be used by all park users
holy crap, that looks amazing, sorry but it just shows the orlando JP is extremely poor. the DC is basic and nothing but a restaurant and shop, the main ride is a random(still never understood the water choice it could still work easily as a jeep) and very rarely works and the rest of the rides can not be used by all park users

I think JPRA is quite reliable imo, it has down time but doesn't every ride it doesn't stick out as always down. Why can't it be used, apart from medical conditions (if its because it isn't a kids ride then man up :lol:). The river adventure is in the original book and is actually mentioned in the first film by John Hammond (he says something about opening a river adventure or something similar once the park has approval).