What does Jurassic Park need? | Page 16 | Inside Universal Forums

What does Jurassic Park need?

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For some reason, I keep thinking something like X-Raptor (Gardaland) would be a nice fit for JP (behind Thunder Falls):


I also like the Raptor Encounter idea too (replace the old Trike Encounter with it) and that JP institute idea.

that coaster would be AMAZING! i love the wing rider... maybe... someday... ill ride one!

Gosh I thought of that too! Or maybe a flyer that replaces the silly PF. :bonk:
But you see JP isn't supposed to be a Theme Park guys. A rollar coaster would ruin the excellent theming it has going i mean yu can't hear all the wonderful soundtrack with people screaming overhead can you?
But you see JP isn't supposed to be a Theme Park guys. A rollar coaster would ruin the excellent theming it has going i mean yu can't hear all the wonderful soundtrack with people screaming overhead can you?

I agree, if JP adds a new ride, it should focus on the animals more than the tangible thrills.
Saying an area in a theme park isn't supposed to be a theme park is ludicrous.:lol:

What i mean is it shoudln't be something like a rollar coaste rit would just ruin the theming in an excellently themed section. If anything i would want JP to stay the same maybe just make trikes year round.
There's plenty of room behind Thunder Falls. And who says the jeep tour has to be just like JPRA? I would love a peaceful tour amidst the herbivores.
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Yes, bring the Trikes back, but one new indoor ride would be absolutely great, e.g. the raptor encounter attraction that I think BriMan first suggested. Also, I think that if the Trike tour was altered to keep one Trike and use the basic mechanics (or simply just some of the pieces) to make it into a three-stop tour with a relatively larger viewing area (capacity, capacity...), it could be received quite well.
Yep wouldn't fit plus its kind of pointless at the moment it would just be RA on land.

It needed some updating/tweaking to differentiate it, but I think it could definitely be a great addition. Add some dinos not seen on the river (trike, pachy, etc) and then only have the raptors be the attacking animals, or maybe the Spionsaur.

--- Update ---

Yes, bring the Trikes back, but one new indoor ride would be absolutely great, e.g. the raptor encounter attraction that I think BriMan first suggested. Also, I think that if the Trike tour was altered to keep one Trike and use the basic mechanics (or simply just some of the pieces) to make it into a three-stop tour with a relatively larger viewing area (capacity, capacity...), it could be received quite well.

That would be cool. Have a trike, a pachy, and a raptor maybe? That would be sweet.
Trikes are back also that would be cool but somethig about it doesn't make sense to me the Raptors wern't allowed to be kept out of thee cage in the movie and we have conformation from RA that there cage existed.
Stories can be changed. It's a theme park.

Yes but the ride shows the raptor cage but i like the idea of differnet herbivores like you said Triceratops,Pachycehplasaurus, and a baby Mamenchisaur would be awesome and thy could be tere for different vetinary reasons.
But you see JP isn't supposed to be a Theme Park guys. A rollar coaster would ruin the excellent theming it has going i mean yu can't hear all the wonderful soundtrack with people screaming overhead can you?
Just to name a few...
Executed correctly, a roller coaster can, in fact, enhance the theming of an area rather than take away from it. And undoubtedly Universal has the ability to create such coasters. And I think for the area behind Thunder Falls should be home to a heavily themed, ground hugging, coasters with segments both inside and out.
But also, a change to Trike encounter would be great. I would say Parasaurolophus, Gallimimus, Iguanodon, a really young Sauropod, or any other relatively recognizable herbivore.
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So I was in line for JPRA on Saturday and decided to look at the diorama of the island at the entrance to the queue and it is a perfect representation of everything that was planned for JPRA. It has the Jeep tours and the Helicopter simulator on it.
So I was in line for JPRA on Saturday and decided to look at the diorama of the island at the entrance to the queue and it is a perfect representation of everything that was planned for JPRA. It has the Jeep tours and the Helicopter simulator on it.

Are there any pics of the model online?