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What Games Are You Playing?

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Just picked up a PS3 Holiday Bundle... came with Uncharted 1 & 2 and InFamous 1 & 2. Also picked up Assassin's Creed 3 with it.

Needless to say, I'm gonna be busy. :lol:
Just picked up a PS3 Holiday Bundle... came with Uncharted 1 & 2 and InFamous 1 & 2. Also picked up Assassin's Creed 3 with it.

Needless to say, I'm gonna be busy. :lol:

All three Uncharted games and both inFamous games are the best games on the PS3. The stories in all four of the games you got are incredible.

I've been playing Playstation All Stars Battle Royale and I love it. I've been using Jak and Raiden the most. The game is different from different fighting games but that's what makes it special. Definitely check this game out if you like fighting games and you have a PS3.
Just picked up a PS3 Holiday Bundle... came with Uncharted 1 & 2 and InFamous 1 & 2. Also picked up Assassin's Creed 3 with it.

Needless to say, I'm gonna be busy. :lol:

Infamous is one of my favorites, awesome games!
Nope, until Nintendo can actually try and sell it to me based on its actual features I ain't going near it.

It's a £329.99 stink bomb waiting to go off.

Really? What makes you say that?

I feel like Nintendo has a much more fleshed-out console here than they did with the Wii. Nintendo TVii alone looks nifty, and after playing with the Gamepad at my local Gamestop, I'm pretty excited about the gameplay possibilities (and I must say that I was shocked by how comfortably the controller fit into my hands). I mean, being able to play your game on the Gamepad while others watch TV is almost enough to sell me on it!
Really? What makes you say that?

I feel like Nintendo has a much more fleshed-out console here than they did with the Wii. Nintendo TVii alone looks nifty, and after playing with the Gamepad at my local Gamestop, I'm pretty excited about the gameplay possibilities (and I must say that I was shocked by how comfortably the controller fit into my hands). I mean, being able to play your game on the Gamepad while others watch TV is almost enough to sell me on it!

Problems sound like the OS is poor and the game pad has a very short battery life, so TVii is kinda pointless then. Check out Polgon's review.

Right now I'm playing Pushmo & Crashmo on the 3DS, Fifa on the 360.
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Problems sound like the OS is poor and the game pad has a very short battery life, so TVii is kinda pointless then. Check out Polgon's review.

Valid points. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that the OS can be updated, so not all is lost if their are launch issues. Battery life is what it is, with the only possible fix coming in the form of a redesigned controller, which is inevitable down the road anyways. Either way, I think the concept of the system is really unique (Nintendo, duh), and while the execution at launch is far from perfect, Wii U is not the first system to have that problem, if I remember correctly.
Really? What makes you say that?

I feel like Nintendo has a much more fleshed-out console here than they did with the Wii. Nintendo TVii alone looks nifty, and after playing with the Gamepad at my local Gamestop, I'm pretty excited about the gameplay possibilities (and I must say that I was shocked by how comfortably the controller fit into my hands). I mean, being able to play your game on the Gamepad while others watch TV is almost enough to sell me on it!

I can't vouch for the US market but over in the good old U of K we have had virtually no information on the console. We didn't get told anything at E3 we didn't already know and at that Ninty conference a few months later the continued to just talk about the games.

The console on paper may have been a good idea but my problems with it are :

Price : Really? They want £200 and £300+ for a console that is literally only on a par with the current generation.
Online : Left to individual developers to "sort out". You still can't add people you meet without really knowing them in advance.
The Pad : It's been said before and I'll say it again there is no point shoe horning new control methods into a game if the old ones work fine. Take Batman AC, it is so much quick to just turn dectective mode on with a button and rotate a joystick then it is to mess around with a touch screen menu and then hold the pad up in front of your face and move it around the room.

Target Audience : Not sure who they are trying to get to buy this to be honest. The core gamer, the likes of me got dumped by Nintendo when it launched a Wii and casual gaming took hold. A gamer like me does miss Mario, Zelda and the like but I really don't want to come home from work and waggle a controller or mess around with a touch screen I just wanna pick up a pad and play, I certainly ain't going to spend £300 on a console that is worse then what I have now. The casual gamer i.e. people over 50 and women aged 25-40 don't care about graphic, online, fancy features etc they just wanna play bowling or Just Dance 46 so they ain't going to shell out £200 for even the basic one.

Then there is the lack of storage, issues with control accounts, the 2 hour firmware update, poor ports of existing titles, lack of support for previous store purchases, no media capabilities, etc....