Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014) | Page 627 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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    Votes: 154 88.0%
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    Votes: 21 12.0%
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I hadn't considered that. If this is correct, it means that those lamps are connected to a completely different source of power. Interesting.

Assuming its emergency lighting, they are probably on the same power source, but have a battery and kick on automatically when the power is cut.
So regarding the date of 2014 are we looking at DA opening in the first 6 months or the second 6 months of 2014? Or is it too early to get that kind of information
I know this is pretty random, but does anyone know if there is a "WWHP Phase 2: What We Know Thread"? I wanted to look at what we're getting in terms of attractions and stuff
What I'm curious about is what we don't know. I know there are some rumors, but it's very interesting to me to think about plans that we may not be aware of (or that can't be posted). I forget if we dismissed the rumor of interactive wands being a possibility again in this section...
What I'm curious about is what we don't know.

This is the best question out there, and the only thing that is holding my attention to the project. The boring things I do know is that the exterior Diagon will make the best of disney imagineering weep.

What we don't know is what exact tech they are using to convey super depth to the scenes on HE.

We don't know what amazing trickery might be used in the B&B attraction; or even if it will be amazing.

Gringott's has got to be the most boring of all as we have knowledge of almost everything it will contain. The only thing left, much like a big movie coming out, is whether or not it will be a mega success. Like a 300 million dollar movie, there are no guarantees.

The one boring thing I kinda wonder about is whether or not people in the HE queue will actually be able to see the train enter and leave the station. There are a ton of mental logistics that cause me to wonder this. Will we be traveling forwards inside the train, when we are actually traveling backwards? If slow enough, this could work. Anyone else thought about this?
Personally, I'm more excited for the HE based on things like what Teebin just asked. The way this attraction is going to work is very interesting, to say the least. It's also interesting to think about what the trains will require for the events that will take place on board. Will there be a form of 3D on this ride that doesn't require glasses? Will the depth be created using a similar concept to what they did with Spiderman?
I'm also really curious about how big Gringotts will actually be? Will it be along the lines of the Three Broomsticks, or will we get a larger, more immersive dining experience?
Why did there appear to be a covered area off to the side of the alley?
Personally, I'm more excited for the HE based on things like what Teebin just asked. The way this attraction is going to work is very interesting, to say the least. It's also interesting to think about what the trains will require for the events that will take place on board. Will there be a form of 3D on this ride that doesn't require glasses? Will the depth be created using a similar concept to what they did with Spiderman?
I'm also really curious about how big Gringotts will actually be? Will it be along the lines of the Three Broomsticks, or will we get a larger, more immersive dining experience?
Why did there appear to be a covered area off to the side of the alley?

HE isn't going to be 3D is it?
HE isn't going to be 3D is it?

No, but think about it - when you get on a train (or any vehicle for that matter), you see a backdrop with a lot of depth, whether that be various buildings or trees. You see layers of things. So HE will have to create something that looks relatively similar. My idea was that it might be some sort of glasses-free 3D effect.
According to HTF, the caverns will be made to look like they are miles deep. Maybe they'll use similar technology to create the scenery on the HE?
I hope everything's all right! For HE, another possibility could be screens similar to the ones used for Forbidden Journey? I forget where exactly (I think it was here a few hundred pages back) but I recall someone saying the HE cabins would have projections. The FJ projections do create some depth, so could it be possible they could reuse that technology for HE?
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