I've been evac'd off of TSMM...nothing too exciting, the screens and music just shut off and CM's came to each car and let everyone out and walked us to the exit. We went out a backdoor but other than that we didn't see anything special.
Once on Indy at DL the ride vehicle had no music...you have no idea how much music adds to rides.
On Spider-Man, all the screens shut off and we went through the ride with no music or video.
Also on Spider-Man, the screen shut off temporarily but then came back on, and we were out of synch with them. The ride vehicle was stuck in one position moving along the track and because we were out of synch/not tilting we could see how much the screen images actually shift and distort to accommodate the 3-D effect while normally moving.
Once a bolt fell from Mickey's Fun Wheel in CA Adventure--needless to say we didn't ride it that day.
I got stuck on RSR right when Doc is supposed to be briefing you, and we were stuck in that room for half an hour with him just staring at us which started to mess with your head after a while.
Once on ToT, after the last drop, the vehicle didn't move backwards like it's supposed to and all the lights came on. A CM had to come manually guide the cart to the exit doors.
On BTMRR one night, my lap bar was broken and it wouldn't ratchet into place (when I pulled it down it just kept bouncing back up). I tried to get a CM's attention but they didn't care and I went through the ride with no lap bar and my feet wedged in the corner of the car to keep myself stable...that was a fun ride.
Also, I swear every time I go on Expedition Everest the Yeti is stuck