I have a couple stories, not all breakdowns, but some of effects malfunctioning, also some where i got to ride with lights on.
On the people mover last year, we got to see Space Mountain with the lights on as we were passing through it and the ride had all it's lights on.
On Jurassic Park River Adventure, the ride stopped, and then all the cars behind lined up behind ours. We were the second car in the jam. Anyhow, when it began again, a lot of the effects were out of sync pre-lift. Also our boat got far wetter than the front boat. And the boat behind us even got more soaked than us. Idk how that happened.
On Dudley Do Rights, for some reason the lift hill waterfall didn't lift up, and instead rained ontop of our boat, and all the boats behind us too.
On Popeye's and Bluto's, I've been stuck on the lift hill, but I've been lucky enough not to be stuck under the water effects. All of the cars ahead of us were getting rained on by the effects for about 20 minutes. It was fairly funny.
One time on Spiderman, the ride broke down, and we were traveling through scenes that were either playing out of sync, or just simply weren't on. It was cool though, especially during the elevation bit. It was very unusual.
I've been stuck on Men in Black, and it's really cool because your laser gun still works. I got the highest score ever during that breakdown. It was really cool.
I think that's all the breakdown stories i have.