Have you ever talked to an employee about what they have to put up with. Maybe up north it's better but in south Florida they abuse the hell out of their employees. My problem with it is that the company makes themselves seem all perfect and what not but they have baggers doing everything for the same pay as a bagger that only bags. They wanna save bags, so they use the excuse of saving the environment when in fact it's them being stingy. So I've seen the managers make them bag as much into a bag as possible crushing everything. Being a customer there may be great but talk to the employees and see what they say.
Wow, must be different here in Orlando. I complain they don't put enough in a bag. I hate when I forget my reusable bags and then they put one item in a plastic bag (as I do care about the environment). I also have talked to many employees as I have known many and none of them have complained. Everyone seems to like them very much. They are a company owned by the employees, so for the most part employees seem to really like them. I know at our local Publix I have seen the same older employees there for a long time now. They seem to retain the non-high school employees quite well, which is impressive for a retail business. Not to mention their customer service is top notch. When they stopped carrying a product we used, they were willing to purchase a case of it for me to buy one. Yes, they would sell the rest to other customers, but that is a lot of effort for one customer. They are always so friendly, the one guy sees my daughter coming and will start to walk over to the cookie case because he knows she will want her free cookie. He always has a smile on his face while doing this and while giving her a cookie even though this interrupts what he is trying to get done to go home (we many times shop at 9:30 at night).
We all know businesses that sell reusable bags are doing it to save money, I don't think any of us buy the saving the environment kool-aid, BUT it does help the environment and I am really glad more places have started to do this. It really is a waste to put a plastic bag around your gallon of milk.
I freaking LOVE Publix and will gladly pay 10-15% more to shop in there store vs going to a Winn Dixie or god forbid Wal Mart. I would also highly recommend working for them over every other big box retailer outside of Cosco.
Agreed. I won't go anywhere else other than Publix and Costco for groceries. I don't want to deal with the hassle of going elsewhere and getting crappy customer service and wait in long lines. Plus in reality if you catch the right sales you are not paying that much more over the other retailers.
Any of you ever visit or live near the West Palm area have to stop by Joseph's Classic Market, such amazing food.
I just was down there and normally visit at least two times a year. Gonna have to go there and check this place out.
BTW, Publix also has some of the best meat and produce around here. Yes, it's pricier, but much better quality.
Couldn't agree more. Love their Greenwise line. There Chicken Hot Italian Sausage is amazing!!!!
On the rare chance that I step foot into a Winn-Dixie, I immediately start to feel dirty and sticky. I have a Winn-Dixie within walking distance and would rather head a bit further out to Publix any day.
Talking about sandwiches and gas stations... My friend is completely obsessed with Wawa, and she's pulling me in, too...

More than once we've stopped at Wawa after visiting SeaWorld and before heading over to Universal.
Is she from the Northeast? My husband is from Philly and he was so excited when wawa came here. I sware he went twice a day when our local one opened up for the first 2 weeks!!! I will say I like that they have Herr's chips. I really hate lays and forgot how much when I got my Herr's back

They are going to start building one less than a mile from my house...not gonna be good for our diets!!