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CityWalk Expansion

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Which new venue are you looking forward to?

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That is prime real estate for a Starbucks those early mornings. It has to do at least twice the business that it did upstairs.
I'm surprised at how many differences there are between the actual Starbucks and the concept art. I know it's not done yet but I liked the industrial feel of the concept art more. Also, what's with that weird little wall around the seating are? Did they decide that the wanted to put in a railing or something?
Not to mention this update...

I really hope the italian place opens! They need another good italian joint. The last time I went to the one in portifino, it was kinda week. :/
As of today there is ice cream already in the cases in Cold Stone and employees were being trained last night. It's looking good to possible open for tomorrow. Starbucks on the other hand is not ready.
Starbucks will get a lot more trade downstairs, I always fancied one coming out the parks but never went upstairs so forgot.

So many new choices to eat going to be hard choosing as won't be eating in City Walk often on our trip. Bubba Gumps was one of best meals we had on our 2012 trip so that's got to be an option also.

Need to move to Florida, let's check out universals job site ha!
The only thing I don't like about the Cold Stone building is the automatic sliding door. i guess maybe it's convenient as they figure you'll have ice cream in your hand, but it would've looked classier with real doors, imo. Sliding doors like that just reminds me of a grocery store.
But the automatic door is great for those with strollers or wheelchairs. Also, I hate it when a line is out the door and you have to stand there holding the door open while you are in the line. When I was there Saturday Cold Stone was very busy with a line out of the door. Starbucks and Cold Stone should do great in those prime locations.