Okay, I rode the ride on the very front seat, for me personally the front seat is the best seat of the entire bus. That's where i enjoyed it the most.
I Guess i will review the front seat aspect of the ride,
I was lucky enough to sit on the right side of the ride and watching the front screen, so I got to see everything.
I was shocked and bewildered that so much was going on in the front of the bus, in the front screen , I knew they was stuff going on from riding in the back, (I could see the front screen had stuff going on, But i could never guess just How much stuff was going on in the front,
the front screen has all these things going on that most people will miss, if you are not near the front you will miss it all.
I actually loved what was going on in the front screen, the cars were going by really fast and they were cutting in front of the bus.