My guilty pleasure is paying 6 dollars for a beer at Universal. I have to drink it fast, well you get the idea.
I was literally going to say "My HHN Bar Tabs". Beat me to a joke.
Seriously though.
Twister: It's fun. I don't watch it every time, but I do enjoy it occasionally. It has some pretty good A/C too.
Jurassic Park Discovery Center: The whole thing in general, but I especially love 'You Bet Jurassic'.
One Fish Two Fish
Journey To Atlantis: It definitely is a thrilling ride, and it definitely has a pull, but that story is terrible, but I kind of enjoy it having a bad story.
Wild Arctic: The ride is god-awfully miserable, but I love the exhibit at the end.
Philhar: I honestly don't feel guilty, I think this is a great show, but some people don't like it. Shame on them.
Lights Motors Action: This is a terrible show. It really is, and I know it is. But I love it. Something in me loves this show.
And I have some serious ones for Epcot. Don't judge.
Turtle Talk
Gran Fiesta Tour
Impressions de France