People who have never been to anything but HHN sadly have no real ideas anyway of what is out there . Sadly to think that another park did something and HHN won't do it is INSANE. Let's think about a Vampire Club,,hmmm I think a park down the road did a club theme first and the HHN put a vampire twist on it. Clowns Knotts and most everyone has done clowns and that them for years(yes before JACK) Scary Tales had been done at other events and houses also. What about an Insane Asylum oh What Busch did Escape from Insanity(Still the greatest them park haunt EVER) before psychoscarepy was even done. Funeral Home style haunt done for years(Scream house anyone).
Universal does try for some unusual ideas and sometimes they work and some times they fail. But look at most of the houses that have been done numerous times there. Most have there roots in the normal haunted house formula that works. HHN uses Cary, Ohio as different scenarious because to find the best haunts and haunt lore you have to go to the middle of America.
Also if you have never been to anything but HHN do yourself a favor and try another sample on the horror buffet.