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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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If this was all they were doing in NY, then yeah, I could see the complaint - it's the same argument that tries to justify the Chester & Hester monstrosity at Animal Kingdom. But they've built a burning gazebo and a stage for the costume contest, and they've yet to add any of the bloody or gory set pieces. It'll look appropriate in due time.
Guess what isn't going to be there? Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem
They've finally realized how out of place this ride is in HHN.

The rides that will be open are: Simpsons (which also doesn't really fit), Rockit (again...), MIB (fits better than most), The Mummy (same as last one), and Transformers (obviously only because its there big non-potter one atm).
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I'm sure this'll get bashed as "nitpicking," but it's textbook declining by degrees. Is it absolutely necessary for the event to run? Nah. Was it a nice thing that added a little layer to the event? Absolutely.
I'm not sure I would count not having art work for scare zones as declining. I think maybe it's the other way around. I think if your creating an event like this in the early years you have a few houses a few zones and a couple shows. Of course you want to make it look as big as possible so creating art work for every single element helps make the event as a whole look big and full of lot's of things to do. For example they typically reuse the same exact Bill & Ted art every year and give it it's own page, this year it's a paragraph and a logo. I think the fact that they only focused on the big things is more a result of all the additions and how much the event has grown. In other words I think it's a sign of inclining by degrees. It's just marketing after all, now if they cut things that actually affect the quality of the event in the park that's a different story.
I'm not sure I would count not having art work for scare zones as declining. I think maybe it's the other way around. I think if your creating an event like this in the early years you have a few houses a few zones and a couple shows. Of course you want to make it look as big as possible so creating art work for every single element helps make the event as a whole look big and full of lot's of things to do. For example they typically reuse the same exact Bill & Ted art every year and give it it's own page, this year it's a paragraph and a logo. I think the fact that they only focused on the big things is more a result of all the additions and how much the event has grown. In other words I think it's a sign of inclining by degrees. It's just marketing after all, now if they cut things that actually affect the quality of the event in the park that's a different story.

I'm afraid I either don't understand or just completely disagree with your argument. You're removing a pretty objectively good thing that was once there to help build anticipation and flesh out and differentiate each zone. It's easy to say it's "just marketing," but marketing is supposed to drive interest in the event... cool art has a much higher chance of doing that than no art at all. The event also... hasn't grown. We have 9 houses, sure, but we're down to five zones and two shows when at the peak we had six zones and three shows. (Four for Carnival of Carnage, but zones were a misfire that year.)

I think putting everything into listicle form on the same page is bad form, too. McHorror Nights, as Legacy says.
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Guess what isn't going to be there? Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem
They've finally realized how out of place this ride is in HHN.
HHN is ironically usually the only time I ever rife it. It has a very short wait so I usually ride it my one time for the year during the event.

I've always thought the horror makeup show would be a good addition to HHN.
I'm afraid I either don't understand or just completely disagree with your argument. You're removing a pretty objectively good thing that was once there to help build anticipation and flesh out and differentiate each zone. It's easy to say it's "just marketing," but marketing is supposed to drive interest in the event... cool art has a much higher chance of doing that than no art at all. The event also... hasn't grown. We have 9 houses, sure, but we're down to five zones and two shows when at the peak we had six zones and three shows. (Four for Carnival of Carnage, but zones were a misfire that year.)

I think putting everything into listicle form on the same page is bad form, too. McHorror Nights, as Legacy says.
Marketing has one single purpose, to get people in the gate. I think we can all agree whatever they're doing is working. Scare zones are cheaper and easier so yeah they used to have more to make up for less houses. They have 9 houses now, on top of that one of them will be the biggest one yet, it's essentially 2. They've also put a lot more recently into facades and overall build quality. I think on the whole they are spending more money and they don't have to create extra graphics to make the event look bigger.

Now I agree it would be smart to still create those graphics. It's one of those things that will pay for itself. I guess maybe they've just stretched their resources a little more and had to prioritize.
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Now I agree it would be smart to still create those graphics. It's one of those things that will pay for itself. I guess maybe they've just stretched their resources a little more and had to prioritize.

I think it's a moot point to debate until they're on the map or not.

The idea that people who read the HHN website IN AUGUST are basing their decision to attend this year on whether or not scare-zones have individual logos is laughable to me. Would help to have them on the actual maps, but that's a ways off.
Everybody does understand this is the 25th year!!! and we have 9 houses!!!! and return of TRUE sacrezones!!! and JACK has a show.... with a good mix of IP houses and original classics with references to everything that was great in the 25 years of HHN!!! thats the point it is a celebration year of 25 awesome years!!! there is nothing to complain about!!

They could have just said "welp were packing up our bags comcast needs the soundstages for new attractions been a great 24 years"

This year is going to be great!!! and cannot wait!!!:peace:
Everybody does understand this is the 25th year!!! and we have 9 houses!!!! and return of TRUE sacrezones!!! and JACK has a show.... with a good mix of IP houses and original classics with references to everything that was great in the 25 years of HHN!!! thats the point it is a celebration year of 25 awesome years!!! there is nothing to complain about!!

They could have just said "welp were packing up our bags comcast needs the soundstages for new attractions been a great 24 years"

This year is going to be great!!! and cannot wait!!!:peace:

Now there's a dangerous thought.

Just because we got a few shiny things doesn't mean the thing isn't subject to criticism.

Every year we get the same round of "We love you A&D!" "This is going to be the best year yet!" "So pumped!"

It's totally warranted to be excited, we just got a look at some new toys, including some stuff coated with fan service. Hell, I'm excited for a lot of it! But this is by no means a true return to form, it's a few steps in the right direction. There's a difference.

For reference: In 2008, we had 8 houses, 6 scare zones, 3 hordes, and 3 shows, in addition to a multilayered website with impeccable presentation - plus Legendary Truth content.

In 2015, for the banner 25th anniversary year, we have 9 houses (1 encore/1 super), 5 scare zones, 2 hordes, and 2 shows. No real website beyond the bare bones. Maybe we'll get some LT content (or something similar) later on.

It isn't much better if we compare it to the LAST anniversary year: 8 houses, 6 scare zones, 1 horde, 2 shows, decent website with games, extensive LT content.

Not even getting into the IP thing, since that point's moot, IPs are here and they aren't leaving. But to say this is automatically a knock out of the park is silly.
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Why is Fear considered one of the worst icons? I didn't go that year but I liked the idea behind him. Was it executed badly?

A&D had to create him last minute, his lore significantly diminished the other icons, he had a grand total of one appearance in the entire park (his perch in his zone where he was too large and central to scare anyone), marketing botched his rollout/reveal... the list goes on. Bottom line, when you promise a super-icon, people expect something better than Jack. This was slightly better than Storyteller. I too liked him in concept and wish they had continued to try to make him work.
For reference: In 2008, we had 8 houses, 6 scare zones, 3 hordes, and 3 shows, in addition to a multilayered website with impeccable presentation - plus Legendary Truth content.
I didn't go in 2008 and obviously 2015 hasn't started. I went back and looked at the 2008 website. Judging both based on just that I would choose 2015 over 2008 without any second thoughts at all. Some of it looks good but it's impressive to look back on that and realize how far the event has come in such a short time span. That magic show looks incredibly cheap, maybe it was good I don't know but not something that would get me excited to go.

I respect people's criticism because I know those who truly love this event are the ones who criticize it because they want it to be the best it can. However time goes by and things change and at least from my perspective it seems like HHN is the best it's ever been right now.
So the event with more houses than ever, double the scare actors in the streets, and a new show year over year is now being called out for cuts and declining by degrees because they didn't release scare zone logos.

Ok then.

it is all about presentation. This year has probably the strongest line up (as far as both houses and streets combined ) of the last 4 years in My opinion
But not doing art for some of this stuff does kind of suck. I know the general public doesn't care for games on the website or care for a backstory to tie everything together,
but a logo? not even a logo for the streets? not even some artwork? They have always done at least a little bit of artwork. even just a picture describing the look of the scarezones. right now we didn't even get that.

Now, I am really really excited for this year. I am very happy with everything announced, but Fallow is right.

you can bake a delicious cake, the tastiest cake in the world, but how are you going to sell it if you don't care about what box it will go in? Even toy merchandising or even Walking Dead merchandising get a cool looking box to go in.

presentation matters and I do feel a little bit annoyed that they couldn't bother having something done for the zones on the website. Some people even make Wallpapers with the art they make. Some of the nicest wallpapers I've had in the past were from scarezone artwork. is the artwork Important (or a logo) well, for me it kind of is because I liked using it for wallpapers,

Im just saying I understand what Fallow was talking about. they have such a strong set, it makes me sad actually. I would have loved something for the zones.
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I didn't go in 2008 and obviously 2015 hasn't started. I went back and looked at the 2008 website. Judging both based on just that I would choose 2015 over 2008 without any second thoughts at all. Some of it looks good but it's impressive to look back on that and realize how far the event has come in such a short time span. That magic show looks incredibly cheap, maybe it was good I don't know but not something that would get me excited to go.

I respect people's criticism because I know those who truly love this event are the ones who criticize it because they want it to be the best it can. However time goes by and things change and at least from my perspective it seems like HHN is the best it's ever been right now.

A few things: how exactly do you think the event has improved since then? The magic shows have continued, the last one being in 2013 if I'm not mistaken with the 20 Penny Circus (which was actually a lot of fun). Brian Brushwood had a good act that year. But really, what you gravitate toward is the show?

I appreciate that you recognize I'm doing this out of love for the event, and I do my best to keep my criticism grounded in reality. But saying "HHN is the best it's ever been right now" just rings patently false, even if it's true to you - if the phrasing was more, "this'll be the best HHN I've been to, and I've been attending for the last 3 or 4 years," then, yeah, could easily be the best since 2011. But overall? I dunno, the numbers don't lie.

It might serve you better to check out the 2007 website - a lot of parallels to this year, so maybe a better comparison. Heavy use of IPs, Jack as the icon, similar carnival theme.
A few things: how exactly do you think the event has improved since then? The magic shows have continued, the last one being in 2013 if I'm not mistaken with the 20 Penny Circus (which was actually a lot of fun). Brian Brushwood had a good act that year. But really, what you gravitate toward is the show?

I appreciate that you recognize I'm doing this out of love for the event, and I do my best to keep my criticism grounded in reality. But saying "HHN is the best it's ever been right now" just rings patently false, even if it's true to you - if the phrasing was more, "this'll be the best HHN I've been to, and I've been attending for the last 3 or 4 years," then, yeah, could easily be the best since 2011. But overall? I dunno, the numbers don't lie.

It might serve you better to check out the 2007 website - a lot of parallels to this year, so maybe a better comparison. Heavy use of IPs, Jack as the icon, similar carnival theme.
I was only comparing them based on the website alone and my perception of what those houses and scares zones were or will be. I get that they used to try to build a little more interactivity on the website and build a little more story to get people excited. Looking at todays website in contrast to that one it's just a list of what will be at the event. Ultimately though HHN is an event not a website and promo art so I don't really care too much about the events representation. It's interesting to me that they hold scare zones up to the same level as houses as you click through it goes through them and scare zones are mixed with houses. If I were just a casual observer I might think that the scare zones were houses. To me scare zones and magic shows are filler, it's important to have that kind of filler for a well rounded event but we all know the reason people go is for the houses. In that regard I think HHN25 is giving us more than they have before.
It was great to see all the excitement flying by today! A poll at the top listing the houses and which ones everyone is most excited about would be cool. Then we can compare a new poll of the best houses after attending. It will be interesting to see what turns out to be a surprise hit.
It was great to see all the excitement flying by today! A poll at the top listing the houses and which ones everyone is most excited about would be cool. Then we can compare a new poll of the best houses after attending. It will be interesting to see what turns out to be a surprise hit.

I'm pretty sure there is a poll up on the "Most Anticipated House" thread :)
I'd be ok with 5 zones if NY felt full, instead of using only half the streets.
The way it's cast is nearly identical to Purge. Still not sure what that means, but there's that.

My big question is why people are so excited about THE RETURN OF REAL SCAREZONES!!!! We had zones last year. And really you had zones in 2013, too. They just all had zombies. It's not like zones have been missing for years.
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I was only comparing them based on the website alone and my perception of what those houses and scares zones were or will be. I get that they used to try to build a little more interactivity on the website and build a little more story to get people excited. Looking at todays website in contrast to that one it's just a list of what will be at the event. Ultimately though HHN is an event not a website and promo art so I don't really care too much about the events representation. It's interesting to me that they hold scare zones up to the same level as houses as you click through it goes through them and scare zones are mixed with houses. If I were just a casual observer I might think that the scare zones were houses. To me scare zones and magic shows are filler, it's important to have that kind of filler for a well rounded event but we all know the reason people go is for the houses. In that regard I think HHN25 is giving us more than they have before.

that right there is absolutely false for thousands of people, tens of thousands.
it might totally be true to you but i think the majority of people like and enjoy the zones. What do you see people taking pics of, who do you see people posing with? when the houses are 1 hour wait where do you see people hanging around?
There is a reason the Purge was extremely crowded every night.

I think it is even a little bit insulting for the actors working the streets to refer to them as "Filler" Some of my best memories are from the streets.
(obviously the houses are the reason people buy a ticket in the first place, and the reason people go, but calling them filler is bs, sorry to put it that way, it's just not fair.
Not all zones are great either, some zones were bad (Face Off was pretty terrible) But if there is one thing you can count on is the actors doing the best.
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