Everybody does understand this is the 25th year!!! and we have 9 houses!!!! and return of TRUE sacrezones!!! and JACK has a show.... with a good mix of IP houses and original classics with references to everything that was great in the 25 years of HHN!!! thats the point it is a celebration year of 25 awesome years!!!
there is nothing to complain about!!
They could have just said "welp were packing up our bags comcast needs the soundstages for new attractions been a great 24 years"
This year is going to be great!!! and cannot wait!!!

Now there's a dangerous thought.
Just because we got a few shiny things doesn't mean the thing isn't subject to criticism.
Every year we get the same round of "We love you A&D!" "This is going to be the best year yet!" "So pumped!"
It's totally warranted to be excited, we just got a look at some new toys, including some stuff coated with fan service. Hell, I'm excited for a lot of it! But this is by no means a true return to form, it's a few steps in the right direction. There's a difference.
For reference: In 2008, we had 8 houses, 6 scare zones, 3 hordes, and 3 shows, in addition to a multilayered website with impeccable presentation - plus Legendary Truth content.
In 2015, for the banner 25th anniversary year, we have 9 houses (1 encore/1 super), 5 scare zones, 2 hordes, and 2 shows. No real website beyond the bare bones. Maybe we'll get some LT content (or something similar) later on.
It isn't much better if we compare it to the LAST anniversary year: 8 houses, 6 scare zones, 1 horde, 2 shows, decent website with games, extensive LT content.
Not even getting into the IP thing, since that point's moot, IPs are here and they aren't leaving. But to say this is automatically a knock out of the park is silly.