Well, the rest of my statement was fact, they were there, then they weren't, then they were. The rest was my conjecture. Barring any other explanation, I feel that mine was plausible. Save the best for the mega fans and push the rest on average visitors.
The black helicopter talk had me doing this face: :look:
It's all good, I just like to take the opposite side of a debate from time to time, it tends to help me learn a bit more and thanks for mentioning some of your statement was conjecture!
I don't really have an interest is knowing what happened. The whole reason I have any knowledge is because my wife had wanted a few of the items and they were not there the 2nd week of the event.
She asked a lot of folks and got all sorts of different reasons, one person offered an explanation that made walking around sense to, they also mentioned the merch would be back at some point.
I feel there is no need to share what I believe to be true for it it could very easily have been just a good story that made more sense to me then all the other stories I heard and the popularity of the items could very well be the reason behind it all.
Think of it like this: You have some branded merchandise following a theme (in this case HHN Alumni). You have 5,000 of them and they are selling fast. Some carts sell out of the items early in the night. You have 20,000 of the rest of your branded merchandise (the 25th Jack merch). The Alumni merch proved to be a solid seller, while the 25th Jack merch sells much less.
So what do you do? You pull the proven sell because if people want a shirt or a cup, they're going to buy one anyway. Sell the large quantities, then when they even out, put the other merch back out.
Still seems odd to me and may very well be the truth.
Here is how my mind thinks though.
What is it about guest during weeks two and three that they would be more apt to just buy anything verse guest later in the event? I mean, if the items sell out early in the event, folks later have less to chose from, by pulling stuf early, you just shifted the lesser choice to the guest that visit earlier in the event.
You have a limited window to sell all the merchandise, why not raise the price on what is selling too fast? You would make more per unit off the better design while still moving sales to the lesser design to folks that see the cheaper price as a better value.
I guess my biggest issue is that UNI really seems to care about their AP holders and then are pushing that concept this year. They only offer up one AP holder shirt and they inform the pass holders about it. To me, it seems like a risky move to not have the AP shirt after only two nights of the event, to not offer it on nights when you are having a pass holder event just to have it around a few weeks later...so that is why I will stick to my conspiracy concept that they had no choice in the matter, they got the issue taken care of, and they started selling the items again.
Thank for playing all!