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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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A HHN ticket survey was recently sent out. One of the questions asked was about FFP and which ticket would be the best option.

What's interesting is that it now has Friday, Sept 18th as the first night instead of the announced Sept 25th date. It could be just a survey thing... or it may not be.

It better be, I already booked my flight and hotel for opening weekend :fist:
Hey guys, long time lurking in the shadows...

I just hope that for HHN25 they'd take advantage of things that they already have...

For example, it would be nice to see a nice Simpsons Tree House of Horrors kinda theme in the Springfield area probably with a scare zone... Also, I hope that they incorporate Diagon Alley and turn it into a scare zone with dementors running around and stuff... I think it'll highly improve people's perception of the event.

It looks like people are disliking HHN more and more every year. And I think that the problem is that they can't go really hardcore because of the whole "family park" thing going on...

I wish they would make a house or two just for adults with some seriously scary stuff, although that would limit their audience. I think haunted house fans would love it and would pay just to experience that house(s)
Hey guys, long time lurking in the shadows...

It looks like people are disliking HHN more and more every year. And I think that the problem is that they can't go really hardcore because of the whole "family park" thing going on...

I wish they would make a house or two just for adults with some seriously scary stuff, although that would limit their audience.

First off, welcome from out the shadows.
From what I believe most guest love HHN. Their dislike comes from the park being busy. Thus making wait lines extra long.

How hardcore are we talking? Like grabbing the guest. Roanoke was a extremely gory house. With each survey their always asking "how important is it for the event to be scary?" That comes down to the individual. Last year no lie. I saw a woman leave out of Halloween right after the kid-clown. I'll agree with you. On the houses could use a bump up. I think more in the effects than just the scare.

As for what BriMan was talking about with WD. The only two ways I could see it being bigger. A gun(laser) house. So you feel the true terror of being in the world of WD. Or a duel pathway house or two different houses together.
So House 1. The escape from Terminus.
House 2. The escape from the hospital.
For WD they can easily do a main house for the main show and a tent house for the new WD show
I know everyone will say hats way too much and it I overkill, but then again so was making all he zones into walkers before. I honestly can totally see them doing two houses next, why not, specially if one of them Is a tent.change he sets and people will buy into it

As for the new line big 3, that has always been a big dream of mine to bring them back. Give them new sets and change the houses a little but yeah I would love for them to come back. 2007, those were some of the best memories of hhn for me. I would much rather be those 3 again than more WD.

Not just be cause I'm fans of the movies only but they were really really grew houses. Specially the Jason and leatherface.... Those two houses were pretty amazing. Everything was so great. From the facade to the music to the actors. I would give anything to get to experience that again

I was always jealous that the new line big 3 were repeated in California but not here
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Screamscape said today that Annabelle, Insidious, the New Line Trio, and a Purge house have been talked about:


I tend to think Screamscape pulls ideas out of a hat. Annabelle nah...a Conjuring house with different case files to focus on. Insidous I'd believe is a go. Funny that the big 3 keep coming up. It's fits more for 26 to me. Purge was pushed back to 2016. So unless they use it as a buffer. I'd think that's next year.
I tend to think Screamscape pulls ideas out of a hat. Annabelle nah...a Conjuring house with different case files to focus on. Insidous I'd believe is a go. Funny that the big 3 keep coming up. It's fits more for 26 to me. Purge was pushed back to 2016. So unless they use it as a buffer. I'd think that's next year.

I think of the Big 3 questions as pertaining more to the idea of famous slasher movies than the possibility of them coming back. If anything, I believe those are the smokescreen/test run questions for the Scream house.
No way to Annabelle. Not enough scare actor character potentials or environments, goes against two of Murdy's tenets for what IPs they use (I know that's Hollywood, but we all know there's considerable overlap). Conjuring is slightly more likely but has similar problems.

Purge I think is a long shot with no film until next year.

Big 3? Maybe. They could market it as a return of the Carnival of Carnage, which satisfies the major IP checkbox while also including original content and characters like Jack.

Insidious would make a lot of sense. Enough time has passed since Dead End, and the third installment drops this year.
If Insidous is on the table. I really do hope they only follow the first film. With the Big 3 could be a twist of it being Scream and who else? Maybe Hellrasier/Pinhead. Is Poltergeist still on the table as well?
I'm still not too sure about Insidious, nothing about my personal feelings on the movie. Yes it does fit & yes it was in Hollywood but like people told me, Dead End was basically their answer to Insidious so I don't think its necessarily coming. I've been calling Scream since November & it is my personal favorite horror film & want to see it brought to life before my eyes so I 100% support it coming this year. With the Friday reboot moved to next year, the only way I think we see Jason is in a Freddy VS. Jason house. A lot of clues NOES is coming back this year though, the surveys & the hints the past few years allow me to believe it is coming. I don't see TCM back unless the Evil Dead finale & the FDTD finale along with the easter egg in Halloween were clues to it, that & the big one of Roanoke being a Cannibal house.

American Horror Story is the wild card here, as is will The Walking Dead return. It's anyone's guess at this point on which will see the light of day this year. If TWD can go even bigger than the last two years( a duel run, laser tag, Extreme House) then I support its return & that's coming from someone who's never seen the show before. If Fox gets its ducks in a row, I can see AHS ushering in a new more extreme style house if not the Extreme house concept previously mentioned. Can both co-exist? I think they could but i'm not sure if they would want to. I guess we'll have to see.

I support The Purge coming back but with the move to next year, i'm thinking its more of 26 concept than a 25 one. Same with The Conjuring, unless we get it as a high spot in another All Nite Die-In or Silver Screams house.

Rumors persist about Dark Christmas being turned into a house on both coasts & if that does end up happening, I can easily see Krampus as a part of that house. Poltergeist is a very good possibility with the new movie whether its based on the original or the remake, either would make a fun paranormal house to scare & entertain at the same time.

BriMan would love Hellraiser & it could be possible, it's anyone's guess if they'll go that route or not. Same with Chucky, all that merch makes me think Child's Play might be coming either this year or in the next few. Bayou of Blood would make a great house & with Mamba being so popular with the fan base last year, I could see them giving her a wicked back story & we have our first Original Voodoo House.

I can see former houses as scare zones this year, vice versa with houses into zones(Roanoke just screams out scare zone to me) & i'm still not sure how many Icons come back with Jack. It is interesting that the surveys left out The Usher, Lady Luck & Fear when others like The Director, The Caretaker & The Storyteller were mentioned. I know Bloody Mary wasn't in there either but she's being leased out to a haunt near Cleveland this year.

I'd like another set of lagoon shows this year, would be a nice fit in between houses, zones, B&T & the other shows I believe may happen. I think Jack will get a show, zone & house when its all said & done.

And finally Alfred Hitchcock, i've wanted to see this house for a long time. My first year being officially 2012, I wasn't able to see Psycho in any form at the event. I think if you do it right you could have quite a hit on your hands. An H.R. Bloodengutz style with televisions showing Hitchcock's actual words describing what we're about to see before we transition into the next room, A Hitchcock scare actor introducing the house in the first room after possibly walking through his iconic silhouette, maybe a movie set & do his scenes in black & white. Hitting the high spots of his filmography & finally finishing with one final scare from the master himself at the end leading to the theme song ushering us out of the house.

Ghostbusters, upcharge attraction. Sign me up & do so now. I'd love anything involving Ghostbusters at the event & I think the time is now, anniversary wise it would've made more sense last year but if we got it this year, I wouldn't complain. Obviously I want Penn & Teller back to the event but that's a personal want more than anything.

Give me B&T merch, original content merch(i'd rock a Giggles & Gore, Inc shirt last year if there was one) & new vinyls plus give me a non TWD hoodie. I wanted one last year but hated the design. Either way I think we're gonna have a fun year this year, let the rumors, speculation & news continue.
If Insidous is on the table. I really do hope they only follow the first film. With the Big 3 could be a twist of it being Scream and who else? Maybe Hellrasier/Pinhead. Is Poltergeist still on the table as well?

about the big 3, I remember in the park surveys last year they kept asking what kind of horror you wanted to see at HHN. they gave like 7 choices. It makes me wonder if most people answered slasher horror for that question and that's why they are asking about them now.
Even if they don't come back it makes me wonder if most answers were asking for Slashers to be at the event instead of the other ones (like sci fi horror, I dont remember the rest)
There's so much that leaves me so concerned about the state of Horror Nights this year, but if people who are more in the know than I am seem satisfied than maybe I have less to worry about that I suspected.