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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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It always seems every year. The plan is to do things bigger but a cut here and a few marketing pushes. I wonder how much their hands are tied.

Does anyone have a link to that survey?

That tends to be my argument point to the really jaded fans. It comes to a point where you have to realize that hands are in fact tied.

As far as FNAF how is this even a conversation? An internet game, with limited market penetration is the future of haunted houses?
Five nights would be absolutely incredible if you got to walk around that dark pizza place room to room, hear that legitametely terrifying scream and use puppets to pull off the animatronics. If you think ghostbusters is a great idea for horror nights while 5 nights isn't, you need help. The suggestions may make you sick but then again we are all looking at things logically here. Looking at the new horror movies here. Do any of us really wanna see an Annabelle house? Not really but it could happen due to the popularity of the movie. This is the standard HHN is now going for, blame them for looking into new IPs, not us for expecting them
IP's are fine to expect, but realistically expect the IP's.

And no, I'm not sold on a Ghostbusters house either.

IPs honestly have their place and some are great. New Line deal in 2007 was awesome and they've been around since close to the beginning of the event. Just don't drive them in to the ground and think realistically about them.
I'd love if Universal makes Grimm (the series) into a house.

The only potential problem is that Grimm is about folklore stories, and IDK if that would present a problem at the time to incorporate it into a theme park.
I'd love if Universal makes Grimm (the series) into a house.

The only potential problem is that Grimm is about folklore stories, and IDK if that would present a problem at the time to incorporate it into a theme park.

They already have something similar to that with their "Urban Legend" storyline set up. La Llorona was supposed to be the first of a set of houses.
This reminds me of The slenderman. It keeps being brought up. Yet behind it being a myth/game. Theirs not much of a substance there. I'm with you BriMan a ghostbusters house nah. Unless it's an extra cost experience.

I'd love for that "series" to come back. Starting with the one that hat got scraped for Transformers.
Well at least with Slenderman, there is room to expand the mythology. The character's creation and backstory is what created countless stories online.
I think instead of just IP based houses and scares, make interactive puzzle houses. Zombies, Monsters, etc are attacking you yet you go towards the door but the door wont open and you have to find the key, you and your "team" the people sent in the house with you "shoot" zombies solve puzzles and then escape
I think instead of just IP based houses and scares, make interactive puzzle houses. Zombies, Monsters, etc are attacking you yet you go towards the door but the door wont open and you have to find the key, you and your "team" the people sent in the house with you "shoot" zombies solve puzzles and then escape

If the attendance was lower, there were no alcohol served, and people stopped stealing stuff off of the sets I could see this happening. So, basically, never. I do love the idea, though.
I think instead of just IP based houses and scares, make interactive puzzle houses. Zombies, Monsters, etc are attacking you yet you go towards the door but the door wont open and you have to find the key, you and your "team" the people sent in the house with you "shoot" zombies solve puzzles and then escape

Very fun idea, but a logistical nightmare. They already try and herd you along through the mazes as quickly as possible and this would only make people want to stay in longer.

Still dont get some of the IP hate. I know HHN now isnt like the golden years, but the IP houses have been at the top of the list the past few years (AWIL, Halloween, CitW, Evil Dead, last years WD). But to each his own.
could a ghostbuster SHOW seem more possible?

More so than a house but I still wouldn't see it. More along a lagoon show would fit but ghostbusters doesn't speak horror nights more a fun kids Halloween event.

Spot on Kingcooger! Add that with a Stephen King house, The Exorcist and a Voodoo house(maybe in far future)
If only Orlando could something as amazing as Universal Japan getting with an IP other than Resident Evil, actually i don't even mind Resident Evil beacuase this just looks so much fun and its a Haunted house not even during Halloween. Minus the groups of 4, and the 90 minutes unless i'm getting scared outta my pants most of the time. But then again its four floors.

Guests are brought into a theater to watch a presentation from the Umbrella Corp about a new invention, divided in groups of four and given a small briefcase and a tablet. As you can expect, it isn't long before the hordes of undead arrive to get involved and your group's tables gets an email with a puzzle to solve in order to excape from the four-floor building you are trapped in. They say the total experience to solve the puzzles and escape takes around 90 minutes on average.
Quinnmac000 that would be very awesome! Have you looked at the Legendary Truth experience they had last year. That's about as close as we might get. That's a big wish of mine. That they bring that back. Also the way the game interact with scare-zones & actors as well.
Actually there were people wanting the IP itself, not something like that.

Secondly, the game is essentially just jump scares in a very small setting. Just don't see it translating.

No need to get snappy.

Weeell I wan't meaning to be snappy...rather sarcastic...but I was envisioning a Nightshade-esque house at HHN was my main point..
IP's are fine to expect, but realistically expect the IP's.

And no, I'm not sold on a Ghostbusters house either.
I say it's a safe IP to go to, it was one of the most popular games these past couple years with a giant following AND I'm sure it would cost less to get than the rights to silent hill and resident evil. I'm not saying it's a sure fire must go to like AHS but it's not unrealistic like ghostbusters
Ghostbusters (if they go the interactive route), one of the most beloved franchises and recognizable brands, is more unrealistic then a less-than-1 year flash in the pan mobile game? OK.

It's more likely that a spoof Chuck E. Cheese with haunted AA's happens at HHN instead of them grabbing the IP rights of FFAF, but still unlikely..
I think instead of just IP based houses and scares, make interactive puzzle houses. Zombies, Monsters, etc are attacking you yet you go towards the door but the door wont open and you have to find the key, you and your "team" the people sent in the house with you "shoot" zombies solve puzzles and then escape

In other words ... a haunted escape room. Great idea, I'm sure one of the half-dozen around Orlando will steal it, but not really "HHN."

(On that subject, I'm surprised CityWalk hasn't tried to get in on the escape room craze. Build enough rooms in NBA City, could probably handle capacity.)

- - - Updated - - -

Still dont get some of the IP hate. I know HHN now isnt like the golden years, but the IP houses have been at the top of the list the past few years (AWIL, Halloween, CitW, Evil Dead, last years WD). But to each his own.

HHN always had IPs. Only now they are all official, rather than just some, and actually help with marketing. But ultimately an IP can be Halloween or it can be Fear Factor--it generally has zero effect on my enjoyment of a house.
I've only been to one HHN season (three times during our fall 2013 vacation) and I was a week too early in 2014. I'm a bit older than most of you, but I did enjoy the experience. It was quite unique & very entertaining. As a tourist who's not at a HHN very often, I was most attracted by the IP's I recognized. I won't be there this year (It'll be Disney for a change) but I will be back for fall 2016. Sorry to hear Ghostbusters is probably for this year because if it was in 2016, I would be certain to make an appearance just to see that. Main reason that I'm posting is to show that coming from the perspective of an out of state tourist, a recognizable IP is more apt to get me to schedule my vacation for HHN than an unknown. I realize that goes against the grain of what most locals seem to be saying, but I just wanted to show the flip side of thought.