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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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Ghostbusters (if they go the interactive route), one of the most beloved franchises and recognizable brands, is more unrealistic then a less-than-1 year flash in the pan mobile game? OK.

It's more likely that a spoof Chuck E. Cheese with haunted AA's happens at HHN instead of them grabbing the IP rights of FFAF, but still unlikely..
GB is also as far away from horror as possible, ghostbusters would fit in more at not so scary than horror nights. It's one of the most popular games of these past couple years and with its devoted fanbase, third game coming out (this year) and possible movie later down the line, it's far from "a flash in the pan mobile game". It's pretty unlikely it'll happen, you could easily see it happening more than most IPs people are throwing out there
As fun as a shoot-em-up style interactive house would be, it doesn't scale well. Knott's Berry Farm did an experience like that this year and it didn't scale well. Only 10% of people were able to do it and they had to know to go to the attraction first thing or they wouldn't be able to get a return time to come back. It was just a logistical mess.

Also, I think AHS is dead in the water. As popular as it is, Ryan Murphy is not one that plays well with others.
I have to disagree with GB being the furthest thing from horror. Just because the movie was more of a comedy doesn't mean that there were some very disturbing parts and ghosts/monsters. Yes they could have some fun with it but there could also be some legit scary pieces. Just compare some of the non-IP houses (Giggles & Gore and Dollhouse notably) from last year with these couple of images. If they did a 3d house based on Ghostbusters I think it would rank pretty high up in that category.




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A question for the HHN veterans....Do guys actually get scared by these houses & street interactions? I thought it was all great entertainment, but I never experienced a moment of being scared during the three nights I was there. Though I know my GF was actually scared on a good number of occasions, it seemed like something that would scare some women but not most men. If that's the case, is the scare factor over rated, while the entertainment factor is what's really important. I'm really having trouble understanding why people give so much emphasis to the fear factor. I'm probably really off base with my viewpoint, but I'm curious about the fear cult.
I generally don't get scared and only occasionally get got but I do think there are a decent number of men that do get scared.

A couple of years ago I had a couple behind me and they both asked if they could hold onto me if they got scared. Seemed like an odd request since they could both squash me like bug but I said whatever. Halfway through the house I was off the ground moving full speed as the guy picked me up and ran for the exit. No idea what happened to his girlfriend though.
Before I became a scare actor. I was scared of the event. Though once I stepped to the other side. It gave me a appreciation for the event but left me never getting scared minus last year. Cause I know where the scare comes from. Now Halloween really got me. Each time I went through. As for people being terrified. I've seen all ages get scared and take off running.

The scare factor could always be more. Look at what a normal haunts do or event howl o scream. There's just a good amount of safe rules in place.
IPs honestly have their place and some are great. New Line deal in 2007 was awesome and they've been around since close to the beginning of the event. Just don't drive them in to the ground and think realistically about them.

I genuinely don't mind IPs if they're well executed within the larger mythology of the event -- Carnival of Carnage, Ripped from the Silver Screen. There's creative thought put into it. I wouldn't mind the continued/expanded execution of IPs if I felt like there was more of an effort to build the within HHN's unique brand - rather than just taking over the brand entirely.
Over that course of the month I'll get startled a handful of times. Most of them came from halloween. Being second through the house with a 10 foot game in front of and behind was the best thing ever. 90 percent of that house I was completely alone. Only caught up to the guy at the very end because he tried to walk though the door in the closet that Meyers comes out of. It took this guy like 10 seconds to realize where he was supposed to go because the Meyers wouldn't break character and point or speak. The guy literally tried to walk around the Meyers through the door and he just kept cutting him off and stabbing at him til he figured it out. Best part was that as that Meyers was retreating in plain sight of me he turns on a dime and lunges at me. I really love and appreciate when the actor van catch me off guard while being in plain sight to me. Twice over the event a Meyers did that to me. the second time being the Meyers in the kitchen. Gave a long pause with the head tilt with the knife in the dude. Turns around then spins back around, grabs the knife and lunges at me in one strobe light.

I really do wish it was scarier. I wish they were allowed to touch you. My favorite moments are when an actor accidently touch me or get closer than they probably are supposed to. One of the Meyers stabbed at me and the knife was about and inch or two from my eyes. Loved it.
IMO we will see the most recognizable of Horror Icons tied in with the event this year. HHN had its most attended and successful event ever last year and given its the 25th Anniversary what better way to really usher in a new reign of terror with the New Line Characters, 2 or 3 Movie IP tie ins, and classic icons from years past. I think it would really hit the general public the right way and increase growth with such popular characters. Yes they've done them before but unless you've been living under a rock the last few years its easy to see how much the event has grown and matured since the characters were last used. The general public sees what they can do with IP's such as Walking Dead and Halloween with incredible realism and accuracy. Take those expectations and then throw Jason, Freddy, and Leatherface into the bunch and people will be throwing money at the turnstiles to get in. Regardless though of what happens I cannot wait to see what unfolds this year at HHN25!
I am a totally b**ch when it comes to horror nights. Plug my ears and squint my eyes through every house and I still love it. Maybe that'll change if I become a scare actor later down the road but I'm totally not afraid to admit the event is scary as hell
I am a totally b**ch when it comes to horror nights. Plug my ears and squint my eyes through every house and I still love it. Maybe that'll change if I become a scare actor later down the road but I'm totally not afraid to admit the event is scary as hell

You probably would of **** your pants in Dracula Legacy in Blood, The Thing (tent), or some of the old icon houses like All Nite Die In and Screamhouse lol.
I never get scared, don't even get startled, lol ... and I actually love going through a house as a meditative experience :)
That being said, when you are lucky enough to do a house and there is no in front and no one behind, it becomes a whole another experience; personally, I also love interactions with the actors, simple stuff like giving them a stare and then they stare back ...
Well said Hate!

The more I thought about it. Freddy vs Jason and a Leatherface house makes sense. I don't think New Line Cinema wants there characters to be used along other non properties. At least in the advertising. Also weird to that Chucky is Universal & New Line. Was him being in the dollhouse just a Easter egg? Was all that merch being just merch. Or a test to see how well it might have sold.

I'm thinking scream will be more of a push for next year. Even if the TV series comes this summer. I'd hope for the V.I.P. Lounge to return....
I just have no interest in seeing the New Line characters being attempted again, especially since the event hasn't really "matured" since then - it's just been dumbed down. (I know that isn't A&D's fault. It's a whole host of factors, but it's a reality.)

That said, if they could actually do Freddy vs. Jason, that would be excellent.

Marketing and A&D just need to actually communicate and find a happy medium with the IPs (again, Carnival of Carnage & Ripped from the Silver Screen vs. whatever 2012-3 were). The hierarchy of power over there is ridiculous to me - A&D should be producing things and marketing should find a way to sell it, not the other way around.
You probably would of **** your pants in Dracula Legacy in Blood, The Thing (tent), or some of the old icon houses like All Nite Die In and Screamhouse lol.

The funny thing is Dracula and the the thing never got me, dead silence and Frankenstein from the same years however made me **** my pants. Those were brutal lol
Actually there were people wanting the IP itself, not something like that.

Secondly, the game is essentially just jump scares in a very small setting. Just don't see it translating.

No need to get snappy.

Throwing my two cents in here, the general gist of those games is "nighttime murderous family fun place created by an insane man", which frankly would be a great house. Game mechanics have nothing to do with it.