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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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Well obviously there was gonna be a throwback house, Jack is coming back. That's awesome they are getting stuff done this early in the game though. Crimson peak would probably have the best sets in horror nights history if it was turned into a haunted house, I can see it happening
A&D has a room full of unused houses and ideas. This is the 25th I am pretty sure we will see a year like 2009 some IP's with some good old fashion A&D concepts.
That Crimson Peak trailer had me going back to Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher". I then got to thinking what if they set up this kind of a house that revolved around a story being told and the deeper you get in to the house the more intense it gets. American Werewolf in London used this very effectively and if they ever did decide to do a house for Crimson/House of Usher it could very well be a hit.
Y'all better have another meet up

Brian and Drew will not be attending opening weekend as it stands right now, and it's also very possible they visit at separate times. Of course it's only February, Drew is spot on with his plans, where Brian is more spur of the moment lol. So while we may not do a group meet up I may do a little get together opening weekend.
Brian and Drew will not be attending opening weekend as it stands right now, and it's also very possible they visit at separate times. Of course it's only February, Drew is spot on with his plans, where Brian is more spur of the moment lol. So while we may not do a group meet up I may do a little get together opening weekend.

Count me in Buddy, I fly in the Wed before. Have 3 weeks in July to look forward to before then though :happy:
Brian and Drew will not be attending opening weekend as it stands right now, and it's also very possible they visit at separate times. Of course it's only February, Drew is spot on with his plans, where Brian is more spur of the moment lol. So while we may not do a group meet up I may do a little get together opening weekend.

Aww well I'd love to go to that anyways, thanks for the updates everybody and keep up updated of anything changes
Still dont get some of the IP hate. I know HHN now isnt like the golden years, but the IP houses have been at the top of the list the past few years (AWIL, Halloween, CitW, Evil Dead, last years WD). But to each his own.

to be honest, some IPs do not really deserve to get houses, Specially when Universal is pretty much using them as a giant Billboard to promote the IP. If they are going to use movies at least choose good ones, Movies that not only people want to see as houses but movies that are easy to translate into houses.
From Dusk Till Dawn (the show) and Dracula are two that come to mind. not only were they not the strongest houses, but you always end up thinking "What else could they have made instead of these?"
From Dusk didn't translate that well into a house at all. And Dracula was too messy. compare those to how organized and scary Halloween and Werewolf in London were.

and you could always say "But those were passion projects and they were working on those for longer" but that's the reason that some of us hate IPs, if Universal has to push these newer movies into being made in a short amount of time then maybe.... they shouldn't be made? specially if the only purpose for being made is to be "3D commercials" for those movies

Look at 2007 and 2009, two years that prove that IPs can be amazing when they are part of a story. when there is a story bigger than the IPs tying everything together. those 2 years worked so well. Specially 2009, the entire park became a giant movie theater. From the moment you walked in the gate and met the Usher, to the zones, to the giant screen they had where they played clips of movies in the drive in zone.... it was some of the best use of IPs I've seen. if you compare 2009 to 2012 and 2013, those two years are embarrassing in that sense. They seem so messy and unorganized. it just felt like Marketing throwing whatever they had to a drawing board and using whatever stuck (Specially 2012) ... just makes me mad thinking about it,

I hear some of you guys being disgusted at the 5 nights at freddy game, but I am much more disgusted with the fact that not only did they use walking dead for every single scarezone in the past, but that it is most likely going to come back this year. that is what makes me sick.

A question for the HHN veterans....Do guys actually get scared by these houses & street interactions? I thought it was all great entertainment, but I never experienced a moment of being scared during the three nights I was there. Though I know my GF was actually scared on a good number of occasions, it seemed like something that would scare some women but not most men. If that's the case, is the scare factor over rated, while the entertainment factor is what's really important. I'm really having trouble understanding why people give so much emphasis to the fear factor. I'm probably really off base with my viewpoint, but I'm curious about the fear cult.

most of the time it is hard for me to get scared if I am paying attention, (It is really hard to get scared when you are in a conga line as well... If I could do HHN alone I think I would always be scared no matter what) but If I am looking down on the floor, or the roof and not paying any attention to where the actors are going to come out, they usually get me really bad. being distracted helps a lot if I want to experience the scares.
yeah I know,
It feels like Universal has this problem now where they need to keep making IP houses to bring in the crowds (from Newer movies or shows) But good horror is not really being made right now, most recent horror movies have not been that great
So then it feels like Marketing is trying to grab whatever is the most popular regardless if it will be good for the event or not. The fact that they are making music houses and videogame houses makes me wonder about this.
It also makes me wonder when a Hunger Games house will show up because of the big fanbase. It might seem ridiculous to think of hunger games but if big crowds is what they want.....
or will we see a paranormal activity house? how would you even adapt that into a house?
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It's all in them finding a balance. Marketing has their job and creative is to create. Sure some things are a force because it's a large advertising platform. Can't blame them for that. As long as the event remains a little of both. I don't mind at all.

Wow a Hatetofly meet up! The cost is one drink or donut per member.
It's all in them finding a balance. Marketing has their job and creative is to create. Sure some things are a force because it's a large advertising platform. Can't blame them for that. As long as the event remains a little of both. I don't mind at all.

Wow a Hatetofly meet up! The cost is one drink or donut per member.

Blue Moons preferred :thumbs: