Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021) | Page 17 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021)

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Is vinyl the same as plexiglass?

As @Clive mentioned in the bold below, I've been told it's a different material than last year's.
To my understanding, they tried a different type of material that was intended to be less obvious/visible and more durable. Ironically, it seems to have created severe ventilation issues (who... would have guessed) that are contributing to serious visibility issues of the actual scares, even with the bright trigger lighting.
“The vinyl will be installed “in key locations” of the houses to allow for safe interactions between scare actors and guests, said Alyson Solo, senior director of public relations.”
Also that scare actors have to wear masks inside and it is not clear if they pulse people

I do wish journalists in a position to do so would ask follow up questions about this type of statement. If safety is the paramount concern, why are guests not being required to wear masks inside mazes? Why were vaccine mandates not put in place? How do vinyl walls not create the irregular ventilation patterns warned about by numerous studies?

(These are rhetorical questions, but they should be asked to the appropriate parties.)
I do wish journalists in a position to do so would ask follow up questions about this type of statement. If safety is the paramount concern, why are guests not being required to wear masks inside mazes? Why were vaccine mandates not put in place? How do vinyl walls not create the irregular ventilation patterns warned about by numerous studies?

(These are rhetorical questions, but they should be asked to the appropriate parties.)
Because this is Universal's biggest money maker, they're not going to alienate anyone by requiring masks or putting any kind of restrictions. They don't care about the health, they care about the money.
Because this is Universal's biggest money maker, they're not going to alienate anyone by requiring masks or putting any kind of restrictions. They don't care about the health, they care about the money.

As I said, they’re rhetorical questions. I know the answers. But the questions should be posed, and let’s call it what it is. It’s concerning to see so many people commenting on social posts about this remarking about how it’s good for Covid safety, when it patently isn’t. It creates a false sense of security when better measures could have been implemented to protect everyone.
Then put your money where your "legitimate safety concerns" are and don't go. That'll sure show em!
Legitimate question. Why is the answer when someone does not support something it is "If something doesn't appeal to you, don't support it." and when someone does just that its "Put your money where your mouth is. That'll show em!" This just seems like taking a shot at someone just to take a shot at someone.

Don't hate on people for doing exactly what they should do to enact change or do what makes them comfortable. FYI I decided we were going to do a RIP Tour instead of FFP+ express because I feel there isn't enough safety measurements in place with the current state of things in Florida. Further the steps they are taking may either be security theater or CYA at best..

It sucks and it may not "show em!" but I feel like I am making the correct decision for my family and myself and will also be saving a considerable amount of money.
As I said, they’re rhetorical questions. I know the answers. But the questions should be posed, and let’s call it what it is. It’s concerning to see so many people commenting on social posts about this remarking about how it’s good for Covid safety, when it patently isn’t. It creates a false sense of security when better measures could have been implemented to protect everyone.
Absolutely. We just had the biggest one-day increase of cases on record in Florida today with 27,584 and are the first US state where the daily deaths in the current wave have exceeded previous waves. As excited as I am for the event, it's hard to just be happy the event is happening when there's such a looming threat of this leading to an even bigger spike in cases in our city. It's a genuinely reckless move.
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Absolutely. We just had the biggest one-day increase of cases on record in Florida today with 27,584 and are the first US state where the daily deaths in the current wave have exceeded previous waves. As excited as I am for the event, it's hard to just be happy the event is happening when there's such a looming threat of this leading to an even bigger spike in cases in our city. It's a genuinely reckless move.
I know I'll be wearing a backpack just to add a little more separation between me and the person in back of me.
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Well, at least it looks like scare zones will pretty much be normal. And we have the return of a Legendary Truth/lore-hunting game, which makes me very excited (and I know there's a 99% chance it isn't happening but a very tiny part of me hopes this means a secret house ala 2014/2015).
Legitimate question. Why is the answer when someone does not support something it is "If something doesn't appeal to you, don't support it." and when someone does just that its "Put your money where your mouth is. That'll show em!" This just seems like taking a shot at someone just to take a shot at someone.

Don't hate on people for doing exactly what they should do to enact change or do what makes them comfortable. FYI I decided we were going to do a RIP Tour instead of FFP+ express because I feel there isn't enough safety measurements in place with the current state of things in Florida. Further the steps they are taking may either be security theater or CYA at best..

It sucks and it may not "show em!" but I feel like I am making the correct decision for my family and myself and will also be saving a considerable amount of money.
My rule of thumb is that if someone starts with "legitimate question," it isn't. With that said, if you HAVE canceled, I respect that, as I've said repeatedly in this forum. It's all the people in here whining and crying and whining and crying, and I'm gonna see them in the fog anyway. We've been expecting plexi/vinyl for months now - anyone expecting otherwise was fooling themselves - and continuing to complain does less than nothing. (delete if you want, mods, but if I'm asked a question, I'm going to answer it.)
I just now looked at the picture of the boo hole with the vinyl barrier. They look like a giant version of the flimsy plastic inserts for toys? Has anyone heard from any actors if they have any more substance than that?

My rule of thumb is that if someone starts with "legitimate question," it isn't.
Thank you for your stinging commentary and astute rebuttal. Real arrow to the knee stuff here.
I just now looked at the picture of the boo hole with the vinyl barrier. They look like a giant version of the flimsy plastic inserts for toys? Has anyone heard from any actors if they have any more substance than that?

Thank you for your stinging commentary and astute rebuttal. Real arrow to the knee stuff here.
If you’re referring to the photo of Tooth Fairy that’s going around, I believe that was taken last year as a promo photo. I think I recall previously seeing it.
I just now looked at the picture of the boo hole with the vinyl barrier. They look like a giant version of the flimsy plastic inserts for toys? Has anyone heard from any actors if they have any more substance than that?

Thank you for your stinging commentary and astute rebuttal. Real arrow to the knee stuff here.

It’s a different material this year. It dogs up and gets dirty faster than normal plexi. It’s maybe 1/4” thick. It also covera more of the boo hole than some did last year. For example, I am 6’1” and it comes down to just below my knees. I’m not able to reach around or under it like some could last year. So I’m just living my Evan Hansen “Waving Through a Window” life as people walk right by.
It’s a different material this year. It dogs up and gets dirty faster than normal plexi. It’s maybe 1/4” thick. It also covera more of the boo hole than some did last year. For example, I am 6’1” and it comes down to just below my knees. I’m not able to reach around or under it like some could last year. So I’m just living my Evan Hansen “Waving Through a Window” life as people walk right by.

I'm sorry to hear you're frustrated. I hope you make your concerns known to management and are able to make the best of it. Stay safe.
It’s a different material this year. It dogs up and gets dirty faster than normal plexi. It’s maybe 1/4” thick. It also covera more of the boo hole than some did last year. For example, I am 6’1” and it comes down to just below my knees. I’m not able to reach around or under it like some could last year. So I’m just living my Evan Hansen “Waving Through a Window” life as people walk right by.

I assume vision works both ways (to an extent), can you still see out? Will guests still see in or do you think there will be issues?