Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021) | Page 19 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021)

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It is really dispiriting and and concerning to see so many people - including some performers - champion the vinyl and denounce those that are criticizing/frustrated with it. If you're happy because it'll reduce guest-on-perfomer contact, that's one thing, but I'm seeing folks believe it will help protect them from COVID.

We have really failed to communicate how this thing works and spreads.

For what it's worth, obviously having face characters in masks is not going to be ideal. That, however, is the right call and I'm glad they're doing it. It's an acceptable compromise that will improve safety.
I see both sides of it. On one hand, being grateful that we're getting an HHN at all when cases are even worse than they were at the same time last year and the event was canceled (IMO, holding an event like this with pre-pandemic crowds and no masks required is asking for disaster). And being positive about the vinyl.

On the other hand, speaking honestly about the vinyl: it sucks and will likely make airflow even worse, and will probably reduce the effectiveness of many scares. There has to be a give and take, weigh each side of things and put them into perspective.
As I’ve seen repeated in this thread often, these “safety measures” are just for pleasing the gp and for optics. I see people driving in their cars with masks on, so I can understand how some would be greatly concerned while attending the event. I agree it’s silly, but Universal isn’t going to be the one to say farfanoogin it, let’s go back to normal, while the world is still freaking out.
Ok so admittedly a lot of things probably skew my opinion of 2019 a bit more positively. For one I couldn't have cared much less about ST and GB being at the event. I also got most of my visits done very early and only visited twice after the first weekend in October--thus I got to see some really uncrowded nights. Even then, the cast of Nightingales, house I cared about most, was on fire after the first weekend (could've been my all time favorite if only they went with the old masks). 2019 also felt like a bonus because I had no expectations for the event because well it was the year before the one that really mattered :)(). Some other personal things.
Oh its totally fine and I'm sorry if I came off as offensive. There were certainly a lot of amazing nights during 2019 and no lie, some of the houses are up in my top 20 list, plus 2 of my all time favorite horror movies were there. I mean for me GB and Klowns are two of my top movies, I was lucky enough to have some great runs in Us and the movie resonated with me (one of the creepiest houses I've been in first time coming out I was not ok lol). Monsters, Graveyard Games and 1000 Corpses whut!?!? Even Depths was good for a few runs there.

Then probably the second week of October, it honestly felt like we were convincing ourselves that we had to go and it felt like going through the motions. GB was missing half the house. Klowns didn't have many klowns. Us was kind of like some of us. Depths was just sad. Stranger Things we walked through at least 4 times and it felt like it was just us and the mannequins

Even in a good year where everything perfect, people get sick, hurt, tired, bored, or whatever. I've said it a few times that the attrition has been really rough the past maybe 4 years or so especially when houses are based on face actors, but even when it isn't. The end of 28 with Carnival Graveyard and Trick R Treat fell off hard.

I have nothing but appreciation and gratitude for all the people that put it all on the line to work the event and put on a great show and this year they should absolutely be applauded.
All I really want to say is control what you can control, and play with the hand you’re dealt.

As an individual, I can’t protect everyone. What I can do however, is get my vaccine, wear my mask inside the houses, and if I find myself taking the house too seriously, I’ll grab a blinky cup drink (or two) to loosen up and enjoy the event for what it is.

There’s a lot of HHN fans who would love to be in our shoes right now preparing to go to the event, especially those overseas. HHN is a highlight of the year for many of us, but sometimes that becomes a double edged sword where we get too close and invested to what we love.

Be smart, stay safe, and I’ll see you all in the fog.

Makes you wonder what the cause of the increased attrition is? In the future how could they alleviate some of that?
Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a great answer to alleviate some of the issues at play.

Its a physically demanding role, hot, sweaty, and repetitive. Scareactors have to grind really late hour shifts, interact with plenty of unruly drunk (or just plain a-hole) guests, all for the same pay they could get most anywhere else. I respect the heck out of what they do, but don’t envy them one bit. It’s not a role for the weak.

I think the biggest difference this year (and this is purely speculation) is that jobs around the country are bumping pay a bit and offering sign ons. Maybe that’s enticing enough for scareactors to jump out now instead of waiting a few weeks like in years past.
It's not that complicated, y'all. Universal:

1) Didn't mandate the vaccine
2) Didn't mandate masks for guests
3) Instead chose the one option that science shows may make things worse

It's not their fault that COVID is still this bad, but they definitely are at fault for their choices on how to deal with it.
This is all correct. In addition, Uni doesn’t seem likely to pulse the lines and almost certainly won’t limit attendance - two other things that would help. Essentially, Uni admitted there was a crisis with the plexiglass but refuses to do anything that might cost money or cause friction with powerful - or insane - people.
You know, that’s the thing. I’m confused why any performer would be looking for supportive comments, even if it’s not something they personally mind. The decision isn’t a reflection of the actors’ abilities or our willingness to enjoy the mazes. It’s not a decision they even made or had any input in. People are frustrated because 1) it’s a useless-to-dangerous strategy that was 2) implemented to avoid more obvious and effective safety protocols and 3) on top of that makes the scares measurably worse (and possibly unsafe) in many spots.
Will scare zones be "normal" or close to it? Like will scare actors be in the crowds or will they be on stages?
You know, that’s the thing. I’m confused why any performer would be looking for supportive comments, even if it’s not something they personally mind. The decision isn’t a reflection of the actors’ abilities or our willingness to enjoy the mazes. It’s not a decision they even made or had any input in. People are frustrated because 1) it’s a useless-to-dangerous strategy that was 2) implemented to avoid more obvious and effective safety protocols and 3) on top of that makes the scares measurably worse (and possibly unsafe) in many spots.
IDK Twitter's a weird place

I was more focusing on the second half of the comment which states that the vinyl is "totally different" from the plexiglass used last year

I assumed that to mean "more effective at being hidden"

The purpose in sharing that was not really to discus safety protocols
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Although I agree with this, if they are truly causing as much safety and visibility issues as people are saying then I hope they take them down. This is what the concern was from the get go. Considering they checked all actors vaccination status they could, hypothetically, be more strategic with the placement of it, if they refuse to take it down. It sounds like most actors hate it anyway, which is I’m sure is an indication of how the guests will feel.

Health experts have said plexi does nothing and could even be counterproductive. So the "health" argument just needs to stop being brought up. This is a mistake. But ima be there regardless!

I think the use of plexi is more controversial than everyone wearing masks… It’s also hypocritical how maskless guests can mingle tight to each other; Bizarre decision.
But I’m coming from another country for this event so I’ll be enjoying the hell out of it.
I have been thinking since house designs usually have terrible air flow due to them wanting to keep smells and fog in certain areas along with the fact that the house locations weren't designed with these specific layouts in mind, would the physical barriers actually have a negative impact? I believe the complaint about the barriers making it more dangerous are unfounded due to the naturally bad airflow of a house. If you think differently let me know why
Why wouldn't plexiglass work? Just curious

when they did tests with plastic sheets at bars, restaurants etc, sometimes infections increased. the lack of airflow made coughing and sneezing stay longer. there have been real news articles on this. it's been studied. it did the opposite.
Why wouldn't plexiglass work? Just curious
Plexiglass/Vinyl will block droplets (fairly large particles; think accidentally spitting when you’re talking) but create airflow dead-zones. These zones allow aerosols (very small particles; think fog) to accumulate.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads through both, so in a vacuum plexiglass would work (and does work against less contagious viruses like most flus), but it does very little to help against aerosols and likely makes spread substantially worse as you’re now hotboxing the virus.

If they really wanted to protect scareactors they’d put minimum HEPA filters in/next to each plexiglass box.
Plexiglass/Vinyl will block droplets (fairly large particles; think accidentally spitting when you’re talking) but create airflow dead-zones. These zones allow aerosols (very small particles; think fog) to accumulate.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads through both, so in a vacuum plexiglass would work (and does work against less contagious viruses like most flus), but it does very little to help against aerosols and likely makes spread substantially worse as you’re now hotboxing the virus.

If they really wanted to protect scareactors they’d put minimum HEPA filters in/next to each plexiglass box.

if guests start getting sick right after visiting hhn. I wonder what would universal do.
if guests start getting sick right after visiting hhn. I wonder what would universal do.
Or if scareactors do. As someone said before, the vinyl only goes down to the scareactor’s knees and stops not very far above their head (on average). They won’t be having huge droplets in their face, but they will still be around severely condensed pockets of aerosols for hours a night, and I highly doubt they will be wearing N95 masks.
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Makes you wonder what the cause of the increased attrition is? How does that compare to other haunts? And in the future how could they alleviate some of that?

I don't think we can ignore that within a decade the event went from beginning the fourth weekend of September to the third to the second to, this year, the first. As has been mentioned, it's a demanding job, I'm sure every week just adds to the attrition. 4 or 5 weeks can be a lark, by 8 over it.
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if guests start getting sick right after visiting hhn. I wonder what would universal do.

Not much. I’ve seen a few local stories about people getting sick after visiting the parks too so :shrug:

Or if scareactors do. As someone said before, the vinyl only goes down to someone’s knees and stops not very far above their head (on average). They won’t be having huge droplets in their face, but they will still be around highly condensed pockets of aerosols for hours a night, and I highly doubt they will be wearing N95 masks.
If you assume that the overall Florida population covid rate positivity is represenative of the HHN attendee positive rate you’re approaching a level that doctors would be wearing a half mask respirator with p100 filters for.
6 days remain. Some of us won't make it and will succumb to the long week ahead, but for those of us that do... See you in the fog.
UO is requiring TMs to disclose their vaccination status. What if that’s to ensure vaccinated individuals are placed in houses and unvaccinated are in scarezones? In that situation, wouldn’t re-circulating airflow be a non-issue within each vaccinated scareactor’s plexiglass box?
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