Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021) | Page 18 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021)

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I have been thinking since house designs usually have terrible air flow due to them wanting to keep smells and fog in certain areas along with the fact that the house locations weren't designed with these specific layouts in mind, would the physical barriers actually have a negative impact? I believe the complaint about the barriers making it more dangerous are unfounded due to the naturally bad airflow of a house. If you think differently let me know why
It’s akin to looking out of a slightly frosted window during winter. From my standpoint at least. As a guest when going through it really depends on the scare. They added back our curtains which were absent in 2019. So for scares like mine where there’s a curtain and then plexi right on top of it, it limits visibility for the guests. The lights also reflect off of it. The concerns are being voiced but as I’ve said before we are being told that it is here to stay. People are already dropping like flies and accepting offers with HoS or other jobs. At the same time casting is still in full force. They are ramping up the number of reserves this year which will help when all of the hard cast people drop.
And now I'll post this in the correct forum... I very much hope they can offset some of the plastic with great lighting or something. I'm doing my best not to be all doom and gloom, but I'm going to save my thoughts and see how the first few weeks go before canceling. Let me join the "can't they just say wear a mask" chorus. My partner and I are thrice vaxxed and have plenty of N95s, but if people aren't having fun and scareactors are getting sick, that's a big no thank you for me. I need my vacation to be less stressful than my job and don't have the luxury of quarantining for fourteen days when I get home. But, if I were a local, I'd give it a night or two for sure.
Pretty much every house in 2018 had a massive turnover, it felt like. 2019 was definitely improved in that regard.
When did you go? I may be misremembering but Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, Klowns, heck almost all the houses last year felt pretty empty at the end. Depths especially decimated its cast right out the gate. I assume the super long run from the beginning of Sept to the end of October was rough on a lot of folk and contributed to a lot of it
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Hey newcomer here, I work on property but for a different organization and have had the opportunity to talk to quite a few scareactors. Haven’t met one that isn’t wearing a mask, although I’ve been told the theming of them make up for them being present. Also I met a treak or foon and they won’t be wearing moon shoes. Bummed me out big time.
When did you go? I may be misremembering but Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, Klowns, heck almost all the houses last year felt pretty empty at the end. Depths especially decimated its cast right out the gate. I assume the super long run from the beginning of Sept to the end of October was rough on a lot of folk and contributed to a lot of it

Ok so admittedly a lot of things probably skew my opinion of 2019 a bit more positively. For one I couldn't have cared much less about ST and GB being at the event. I also got most of my visits done very early and only visited twice after the first weekend in October--thus I got to see some really uncrowded nights. Even then, the cast of Nightingales, house I cared about most, was on fire after the first weekend (could've been my all time favorite if only they went with the old masks). 2019 also felt like a bonus because I had no expectations for the event because well it was the year before the one that really mattered :)(). Some other personal things.
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Well this sucks; but it’s not unexpected. So many people STILL don’t take this pandemic seriously. There is no helping them, and we all suffer because of it. Don’t blame UOR. Blame ignorance.

So true. If people had taken it seriously, if more people were vaccinated, we wouldn't even be having these conversations. It's not UO's fault people didn't get vaccinated (mandate or no mandate), but people are sure acting like they kidnapped their first born and made it into a cheap knock-off version of Jack.
So true. If people had taken it seriously, if more people were vaccinated, we wouldn't even be having these conversations. It's not UO's fault people didn't get vaccinated (mandate or no mandate), but people are sure acting like they kidnapped their first born and made it into a cheap knock-off version of Jack.

Words cannot describe my disdain for the anti-vax crowd. I'll leave it at that.
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It's not UO's fault people didn't get vaccinated (mandate or no mandate), but people are sure acting like they kidnapped their first born and made it into a cheap knock-off version of Jack.
It's not that complicated, y'all. Universal:

1) Didn't mandate the vaccine
2) Didn't mandate masks for guests
3) Instead chose the one option that science shows may make things worse

It's not their fault that COVID is still this bad, but they definitely are at fault for their choices on how to deal with it.
It's not that complicated, y'all. Universal:

1) Didn't mandate the vaccine
2) Didn't mandate masks for guests
3) Instead chose the one option that science shows may make things worse

It's not their fault that COVID is still this bad, but they definitely are at fault for their choices on how to deal with it.

(This gif comes in handy so often.)
It's not that complicated, y'all. Universal:

1) Didn't mandate the vaccine
2) Didn't mandate masks for guests
3) Instead chose the one option that science shows may make things worse

It's not their fault that COVID is still this bad, but they definitely are at fault for their choices on how to deal with it.

Many businesses, not just UO, have opted for recommending masks for non-vaccinated. Feasibly, if you're vaccinated, you wouldn't need to wear a mask because the breakthrough cases rate is so low. Unfortunately, those who have chosen to be unvaccinated are the ones that are causing the issues. I don't know about others, but I'm a bit tired of having to go about living life differently because people don't want to believe in science and get vaccinated.
Is it bad I wish they had canceled the event again just so there'd actually be something to complain about? I'd happily throw away the $1000 I just spent on booking this year's trip to see that dumpster fire.

It's college students in face paint and masks doing jumpscares to drunk people, everyone. You'd think it was the only way to see your family again. And this is coming from someone who loves the event and has gone every year since 2008. It's not the end of the world, as so many before me have said.

I wouldn't be surprised if they decided the options were plexiglass or no event again, regardless of the multitude of options the GP thinks they actually have, or do actually have.
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It's not that complicated, y'all. Universal:

1) Didn't mandate the vaccine
2) Didn't mandate masks for guests
3) Instead chose the one option that science shows may make things worse

It's not their fault that COVID is still this bad, but they definitely are at fault for their choices on how to deal with it.

It is really dispiriting and and concerning to see so many people - including some performers - champion the vinyl and denounce those that are criticizing/frustrated with it. If you're happy because it'll reduce guest-on-perfomer contact, that's one thing, but I'm seeing folks believe it will help protect them from COVID.

We have really failed to communicate how this thing works and spreads.

For what it's worth, obviously having face characters in masks is not going to be ideal. That, however, is the right call and I'm glad they're doing it. It's an acceptable compromise that will improve safety.